My mortgage, which I had to pretty much sacrifice 5 years of my social life to even secure, given how crazy house prices are in this country, has went up £400 per month because of her. I’m on the minimum wage of £22,300 per year for a full-time job.
A lot of the problems in my life right now are directly because of Truss.
Boo fucking hoo if she doesn’t like being reminded of how much of a failure she was, is, and will forever continue to be. It’s a small price to pay compared to what plenty of others are facing. 7 months ago
She’s right, that’s not funny. I’m still paying a stupidly high mortgage rate because of her.
But pranking her like this and watching the reaction, is indeed really funny. 7 months ago
What did she do to make people’s mortgages go up? 7 months ago
Here’s a short video summary if you’re interested in some hilariously fucked up UK politics. 7 months ago
Tried to force through a budget that brought the UK within hours of a greek style total economic collapse until the bank of England stepped in to unfuck things because it was just going to be that bad if they didn’t.