Make a new account is going to be the easy solution. Even easier, just don’t bother having an account.
Has anyone here ever been permanently banned from reddit? If so, is there any way to get unbanned?
Submitted 7 months ago by to [deleted]
Comments 7 months ago 6 months ago
The IP is both Mac address based and IP address based. Good luck! 6 months ago
Using a new account doesn’t always work as they have multiple ways of identifying you like your device ID, IP address, subs you subscribe to, etc 6 months ago
Me. Also no. I made r/Artisanvideos, turned it into a thriving community, and got sacked for a tongue in cheek comment. I get the impression that Reddit’s admins specifically pound the pavement to remove people from their successful work and take it for themselves.
Tbh, it’s really nice to not have to obsess over that anymore. 6 months ago
Sorry to hear, must have felt bad after growing that community.
If you ever want to grow communities again, feel free to have a look at ! 6 months ago
It was kind of spur of the moment to make it. I saw a need and made it happen! I don’t generally try to do that, but after it started actually growing I got obsessed and defensive about it. I can’t tell you how crazy agitated I got about spammers, advertisers, pluggers, and bots. I regularly told people off. It was always “quit your bullshit, don’t even try to act like you’re not here for the giant audience visibility on our relatively low post count” and people would call me a tyrant because I shut the door on them trying to abuse it. I’m literally the reason r/subredditdrama was born. I don’t want any of that anymore and I lucked out having found a good guy to leave in charge a good few months before I was banned. It’s so hard to find the right guy who’s not just clamoring for power. 7 months ago
Yes, I was shadow banned. Zero communication from the standard ways of reporting it. Good riddance. The place is a cesspool. 6 months ago
I was on reddit since 2014. Got perma banned a few months ago. Essentially I argued with the nazi mods and they booted me. Whitepeople Twitter is a cesspool of an echo chamber. I took the perma ban happily and permanently switched to lemmy, much happier here. Fuck reddit and the nazi mods just leave and don’t look back 6 months ago
Yes, 3-4 times temporary or permanent bans. Posted an opinion, some mod did not like it, and that was that…
Solved it by creating new accounts. I am quite used to pseudonyms. I never show real names etc. On reddit I did not use the website, only third party apps. And when switching accounts I also switched to another app. After the first ban, I prepared my next accounts long before I needed them. 6 months ago
Only way I’ve found is to make a new email account and use a VPN every time. I miss r/politics and a few other subs sometimes but I don’t find it worth the effort. Lemmy has less traffic than Reddit but it also has less bots and dickhead mods. There’s been a huge influx of Russian trolls and MAGA tools who like to get people banned. 6 months ago
Yes, twice. Both for inane shite. Once for quoting a line from a movie in a post about that movie (Glengarry Glenross) which contained a slur, and on my new account for making a joke about a guy who happened to be Indian and was in no way racist. My pleas fell on deaf ears. I can’t say this strongly enough - fuck Reddit, it’s a shit hole, full of bots and power-hungry mods. Stay away. Here is better. 7 months ago
My ip is banned for some reason, so I just use my vpn whenever I wanna read something there 6 months ago
Can you ask questions normally even using a VPN? Could you tell me which VPN you use? 6 months ago
I’ve used Torguard for almost a decade with great results. 6 months ago
Not if you use any af the same email accounts or accounts linked to accounts. I don’t suggest evading an overzealous temp bad by creating the user all_aita_mods_are_incels they took it hard. 7 months ago
Q1: Yes.
Q2: It’s possible but doubtful that you’ll get an account unbanned. No idea how they do it (haven’t bothered to look) but bans seem to track across IP and device. Making a new account on the same device after moving across states, my new accounts would still be banned for evasion within a few days. 6 months ago
I got banned for saying I’d be fine with it if Joe Biden executed Nazis. IDK about getting unbanned, I realized I don’t want to help far-right psychopaths collect AI training corpus material and ad revenue. 6 months ago
Never banned, never going back. Stay with us, it's better anyway 7 months ago
Yep, saw it was permanent, never requested unban. 6 months ago
I got permabanned for some eat the rich comment. I made a new account with my same google account and they didn’t care. But who cares, walled gardens suck. 6 months ago
Got perma banned with IP ban for using reddit mod app 6 months ago
I was banned after RvW for saying that riot police should quit their jobs en masse. There’s no easy way to get unbanned, but consider it for the better because it’s the easiest way to disconnect from that cess pit. 6 months ago
Yup, told a zionist to DIAF.
Best post I ever made on that hell hole 6 months ago 6 months ago
Yes and not any way I’ve seen. 6 months ago
I keep seeing here people say “Its better here, because reddit has power hungry mods”.
But…what checks are in place here besides “create a new instance, and run your own duplicate community”?
To me, thats like the nuclear option. It’s something that ultimately hurts the fediverse. 1 community with 50 users is a lot stronger than 5 communities that all post essentially the same content with 10 users each.
And ok, maybe the time comes where you DO need to create the alternative duplicate community. Maybe the Lemmy mod has gotten power hungry. So a second community is created. Whats to say the second community won’t have power hungry mods as THAT community grows? Now you need a third community…and, you see where this is going.
I haven’t seen any power hungry mods on here YET, but everytime I ask the question how would it be handled, the answer is always “you could always create another instance/community.”
But in my opinion, that hurts Lemmy. So the thing you’re solving better be 10x more harmful than the harm you’re creating by fractioning the userbase. 6 months ago
I got permabanned. They IP ban you so there isn’t really a way to get back. One way was if you got banned on your computer, you could make a new account on your phone and be fine. A vpn is also possible but the free vpns suck and paying to get back to Reddit is dumb. 7 months ago
Yes, thanks to moderators who abuse the system, and lazy admins who don’t hold them to account.
Reddit uses fingerprinting techniques to track you across accounts. You need to look into defeating these tactics in order to successfully register (and keep) a new account.
Change browser, block html canvas, change IP address, etc. Also time plays a factor. Leave it a couple of weeks.
Or, recognise that Reddit has become completely overrun with shitposting bots and has little in the way of interesting content to offer these days, and move on. 6 months ago
If this is true, they’re doing a terrible job at it. For my sins, I help moderate a small sub for the city I live in. I’m 99% sure there are one or two right wing assholes with multiple accounts but I can’t prove it. 6 months ago
Oh yeah, it’s easy enough to beat one you know how. 7 months ago
Fingerprinting? 6 months ago
Everytime you connect to a web page and make an HTML/CSS request your browser sends information about your computer as a way to optimize the webpage (screen size, resolution, operating system, IP and many more attributes). This information put together essentially forms a fingerprint that is unique to you. It can be saved and used to track you across multiple web pages without having to use cookies or other more invasive tracking methods. 6 months ago
I’ve already been on Lemmy and learning its ins and outs since the reddit API debacle. Lemmy is not yet populated enough with good groups that cover all the topics I want, but everyone who wants to regain what Reddit used to be should join Lemmy because Reddit has burned themselves for good. It’s never gonna be anything but shit again.