- Comment on [deleted] 1 day ago:
If you have a question, ask it. Don’t fish for people’s personal info.
- Comment on I’m probably no longer center-left. If you could decide from my thinking, what political affiliation should I research to see if it fits me? 5 days ago:
I would put that as apolitical center-left. I would say though, don’t get too hung up on labels in general, they aren’t very important.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 days ago:
I remember getting really annoyed at the LoL community as anytime you were in that balanced section they just wanted to surrender and get to the ‘your team stomps theirs’ sooner. Certainly not missing that game, every time one of my friends play it, the annoyance in his voice skyrockets.
- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 1 week ago:
Well, they certainly didn’t help by running a candidate that got destroyed in the only primary she ran in. I’m hoping they will step up and run some solid candidates next round. It’s fucking embarrassing they lost to Trump…twice.
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 1 week ago:
The US also has the best natural barriers to invasion in the world. The only access points are through the Arctic (good luck with that), or by traveling over a damn ocean to assault beaches on North American soil. When not only America has the largest navy in the world, but several of the runner ups are close allies, how do you plan on even getting to the US with your forces? You don’t.
As you say, the US is well positioned in this changing world. It’s one of the few countries almost guaranteed to continue to do well.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
We got all this dooming 8 years ago as well. We were fine then, we will be fine now.
- Comment on How likely do you think there will be a run on the banks? 2 weeks ago:
About zero chance. But certainly doesn’t hurt to have some cash.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
i sometimes need to watch youtube videos. these can be black and white only.
I think you want a normal laptop with a software that makes the screen black and white.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
Why would one person, one SSN ever have two different birth dates? That sounds like an issue all into itself.
- Comment on When would it make sense for someone to get a domain name? 4 weeks ago:
If you self host
It’s always fun to host a private game with your friends and tell them to just go to myname.whatever rather than listing out a full IP.
- Comment on Is it weird that I have to resort the idea of "Determinism" to be able to move on? 5 weeks ago:
Yeah, expanding on this and to use one of OP’s examples: Sure, your brain isn’t an all remembering book, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take active measures to improve on deficiencies. If you are forgetful, take better notes and refer to them when appropriate.
- Comment on Clarifying questions about the Musk salute 5 weeks ago:
It’s because it doesn’t matter; the circus will move on in a few days. Talking about it only continues the show.
- Comment on How can I determine how much to contribute to charity to reduce US federal taxes? 5 weeks ago:
If you itemize deductions, whatever you donate will reduce your taxable income by the same amount. So, if you have $50,000 in taxable income and donate $1,000, that will now be $49,000 in taxable income.
The 2024 tax rates for a single (not married filing jointly) individual are as follows:
In this case, that would come completely out of the 22% bracket, ie, your $1,000 in donations will reduce your tax burden by $220.
Keep in mind the standard deduction for a single individual is $14,600. You can take this instead of itemizing deductions as described above, and it works the same as if you had itemized deductions up to that value. If you have deductions less than that value, take the standard deduction; if they are greater, itemize deductions.
- Comment on Is there anything my girlfriend and I have to consider when traveling to America based on our skin differences? 1 month ago:
I’ve lived all over the US. You won’t have any such issues. Enjoy your trip and take some nice photos!
- Comment on Is there anything my girlfriend and I have to consider when traveling to America based on our skin differences? 1 month ago:
I’ve lived all over the place, it’s not going to be an issue anywhere. Some people may have opinions, but they will keep to themselves.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch 2 finally officially revealed 1 month ago:
The Pokemon games all being the same caused me to get bored of them years ago. And now with them suing Palworld for ‘capturing monsters with an object and summoning them in 3d space’, a patent made after Palworld released their trailer, I find the Nintendo brand actively harmful to the state of gaming.
- Comment on Why is Tesla market cap so high ? 1 month ago:
If they want to control the company, without outright buying it, yes. It’s the classic way to acomplish a hostile takeover. Thing is, buying half the shares on the market is often more expensive than the current market cap, as mass buying shares sends the price up quickly.
When buying a company outright (ie, your company actually owns the purchased company and both sides agreed to the transfer), then it is common to buy out all the shares at (around) current market value.
- Comment on Why is Tesla market cap so high ? 1 month ago:
Unless someone purchases the company. Then it is common to buy out all the shares at (around) the current market price.
- Comment on Notch says he will work on a spiritual successor to Minecraft 1 month ago:
The site can be fun sometimes. ;p
- Comment on Notch says he will work on a spiritual successor to Minecraft 1 month ago:
Hopefully it will be a banger like the first!
- Comment on Video Games Can’t Afford to Look This Good 2 months ago:
Does Microsoft make Halo? Halo’s developer is owned by Microsoft, just as Xenoblade’s developer is owned by Nintendo.
- Comment on Video Games Can’t Afford to Look This Good 2 months ago:
The Xenoblade series is made by a developer that is owned by Nintendo. If Nintendo doesn’t want people to rag on their products, they should make them better.
- Submitted 2 months ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on Why is daisychaining multiple extension cords considered unsafe, even if only done to the length of a standard cable? 2 months ago:
The longer the cord is the more resistance there is; ie the more electrical load on the circuit. As long as you are pulling less than what the circuit and cord is rated for, there isn’t an issue, you will just be wasting a little extra power from the extra resistance. The plugs can also have a bit of extra resistance.
Two pieces of advice that will make the biggest difference:
Keep the total length of all extension cables used as short as is reasonable. Don’t use a 20m cable when a 4m cable will do.
Buy extension cords with higher wire gauges (higher wire thicknesses). A 12 gauge cable (4mm^2^) will provide notably less resistance than a 14 (2.5mm^2^) or 16 gauge cable (1.5mm^2^). The packaging will say what gauge it is. Note, I’m talking about the thickness of the metal itself, not the thickness of the extension cord. I have seen some very, very thick extension cords with absolute trash wires inside.
- Comment on If investing in the S&P 500 is such a surefire way to make money, then why isn't everyone doing it? 2 months ago:
If you got that 30% haircut just before you needed to sell
Yep. They key part is to invest for 20, 30, 40 years, where those consistent 10-20% gains compound and vastly outweigh the occasional 30% losses. Even if you had invested at the worst time in 2007, you are currently up 285%.
- Comment on If investing in the S&P 500 is such a surefire way to make money, then why isn't everyone doing it? 2 months ago:
The basic investing advice is put money into index funds every paycheck and don’t sell them for 30 years. Every dollar put in doubles every 8-10 years. Compounding returns are damn strong.
Investing money generates more production and profits, it is very much so not a zero-sum game. There is good reason the average standard of living has increased dramatically over history, and it has increased faster in modern economies with strong monetary availability and movement, something investing directly contributes to.
- Comment on It's 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 Celsius), raining moderately hard, the rain is cold, and there's a guy blowing around wet leaves with a leaf blower. What the hell is the obsession with leaf blowers? 2 months ago:
who the heck even buys gas leaf blowers anymore
Gas blowers are about half the purchase price. And in this ‘first thing I looked up’ match up, are even slightly better speced.
- Comment on How do you voice chat without bothering roommates? 2 months ago:
Since y’all aren’t sharing a room, closing your door and speaking softly is usually sufficient. Make sure you have a mic that rests in front of your mouth, and isn’t setting far away on your desk. That way it can pick you up easily.
- Comment on Is it time to start a campaign against kernel-level anticheat? 2 months ago:
Exactly, every time I say ‘I’m thinking of putting up a Factorio server, you want in?’, they are significantly less likely to be playing (or paying for) the newest game that has kernel-level access. Why, because we are playing Factorio for the next few weeks together and Factorio is fun.
Factorio isn’t the only game we play, but the point is to reinforce yours. If you are playing fun game x, your friends are more likely to play x instead of something else. Even if they have no care about Kernel-Level access, the fact you do affects their buying (and playing) patterns.
- Comment on Is it time to start a campaign against kernel-level anticheat? 2 months ago:
First of all, plenty of people would be happy to self-host a game for their friends, if they were still allowed the option.
Exactly! Me and my friends often play on modded Factorio servers that one of us hosts. This is only possible because the developer doesn’t lock things down to only the first-party (official) servers.