It probably depends on your personality, mainly agreeableness.
Comment on Anon sees happy people 2 months ago
I’ll never understand that reaction. I completely understand seeing that and wanting to kill yourself, but I never thought the happy couple should die.
I see those kinds of couples and my only thoughts are usually some form of “lucky lucky. I’m such a worthless piece of shit.” Lol 2 months ago 2 months ago
That makes a lot of sense and I do tend to score high in agreeableness when I’ve taken those silly personality tests 2 months ago
I’ll never understand that reaction.
The experience was ptobably painful (literally) for Anon so his lizard brain immediately wanted to strike back at what’s causing the pain. Doesn’t make much sense of course so he didn’t actually do it, probably felt bad about it too. 2 months ago
Now imagine you had more than a good shot, and you where the one who rejected her. How would you feel, looking back and seeing you where an idiot? 2 months ago
Fucking hell, you have to forgive your past self for being a dumbass. Everyone’s past self was an idiot literally because they didn’t know what present self knows.
Forgive your past and focus on working your present for what you want for your future self.
It’s not hippy-dippy bullshit, it’s literally the foundational principle for doing anything in life like getting fitter, starting a business, learning a new skill / subject, improving your dating prospects, etc.
If you only wallow in your past mistakes and not doing the teeny-tiniest improvements of literally 1% or 0.1%, then you’re not living, you’re just dying slowly. Living is much more fun. 2 months ago
You live and you learn, hopefully. But if you can do it once, you can do it again! 2 months ago
Armchair psychology by your local dipshit:
Depression tends to be irrational, and thus thought processes around it tend to be irrational. 2 months ago
“if i can’t have it, nobody should have it”
also applies to everyone who opposes progress because they had it hard in life 2 months ago
That’s a lot of people. They’re a fucking problem. 2 months ago
Well I’ve had to deal with them my whole life, so you should too. 2 months ago
I kinda get that. Its like trying to be happy for a billionaire who lives in a castle whilst you can barely afford rent. 2 months ago
Except people having it easier due to progress comes at the cost of nobody, while billionaires having it good comes at great cost to everybody but them. 2 months ago
this doesn’t really apply to billionaires, the same people who oppose things like student debt forgiveness will also lick billionaires’ boots and present them as the role models of the “american dream”
it’s the bitter people who had it hard in life, and think new generations having it easier is something bad, it’s unfair, even though as a civilisation we should all strive to make life easier for those who come after us. but no “if i had it bad in life, you have to go through the same, or you’re not really [insert whatever group you feel like, man/woman/american/minority]”, as if struggle and suffering was a right of passage