just me
- Comment on FOREX is not for the faint hearted 1 day ago:
it does yes, but currency exchange places near airports/train stations are notorious for pretty much stealing from you. Seriously, never buy a different currency near any place considered vaguely international, it can get as bad as getting half of what you’d get in a reasonable place, nowhere near as bad as withdrawing from an ATM in a foreign country
- Comment on Please dont feed the creatures 🪱 1 day ago:
i’m happy to see more people having a proper think about this, and getting rid of the learnt reaction to just say “kill all pedos”. Years ago i came to the same conclusion - that ostricising and shaming people who struggle with pedophilic desires is simply not a good idea, it pushes those individuals into isolation, and could result in them bottling up their urges so desperately that one day they become too strong.
there’s nuance in everything, and compassion is important. i’d rather have a friend who felt safe telling me about his pedophilic desires, so i could support them in therapy. than a friend too afraid to tell anyone, and fighting the unwanted desires alone
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 2 days ago:
i also enjoy being able to do some shading if i wanted to draw something
- Comment on Why am I like this? 5 days ago:
i swear white clothing is a magnet for tomato foods
- Comment on Why am I like this? 5 days ago:
honestly by now my brain filters it out. i had to go back to the original post to play spot the difference for a second
- Comment on Idioms 5 days ago:
huh! słyszałem tylko drugie
- Comment on Idioms 5 days ago:
huh? what are the original idioms? i only ever heard the boar one (but the wolf version)
- Comment on They know I'm not cool, I know I'm not cool. Cool. 5 days ago:
logically you shouldn’t obviously
but there’s something in a lot of our brains that wants to be the cool adult, chill with the kids and all that. often i half knowingly make sure my hair is looking good when there’s some teenagers in a bus. it’s not logical but idk, teens are brutally honest so if they approve of your vibe (by not making fun of you) - that means you’re cool, i think?? no idea
- Comment on Mythbusters 5 days ago:
goodness i remember being a little nerd and getting so excited when a new episode of How it’s Made dropped. i still love it of course, but the child me adored it
- Comment on "Americans can't coo-" 6 days ago:
i don’t like mushrooms
- Comment on "Americans can't coo-" 6 days ago:
how to substitute the cum glazing in the recepie? i don’t have any
- Comment on You're* 1 week ago:
kinky play & aftercare. both amazing
- Comment on Anon uses Discord 1 week ago:
how is it my problem if an emote server i joined years ago and never even opened since turns bad?
how is it my problem that a hidden channel i never saw broke TOS?
people get banned for both
get off people’s asses for not being discord batmans hunting down TOS violations across every channel, every day in every server they join. we’re not paid discord admins and we’re not doing their goddamn work for them, besides even those reporting can get banned.
content like this should be removed yes but proximity to it shouldn’t get you banned. Do you think it would be a good idea to arrest an entire block of flats because one resident turned out to be a criminal? Do you think it would be bright to expect every single resident to have figured out a crime was about to happen and leave for the duration of it?
- Comment on And I even lost the one that I had 2 weeks ago:
as a professional photographer i’ve come to value lived experiences so much more since starting doing photography. on vacations i’ll take a couple of photos of a pretty place or a person (with their consent of course) and then turn off my camera and let myself be in the moment
it saddens me to see people with their phones taking photos of every nook and crany that they’ll probably look at once or twice after, and leave without even having seen the beauty around them with their own eyes
- Comment on Anon fixes their games 2 weeks ago:
it works great for games that have little to no combat, or combat that’s mostly melee and up to like 3v1. or if it’s a very slight DOF that just gently blurs things far away
idk what deranged individual plays FPS games with heavy DOF though
- Comment on Anon needs help to solve the mystery 2 weeks ago:
falling asleep is the easy part, the hard part is waking up with a sore asshole knowing you need to make it worse to make it better
- Comment on I am at a loss on words 3 weeks ago:
ur whalecum <3
- Comment on I am at a loss on words 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on I am at a loss on words 3 weeks ago:
look again loss but it’s an optical illusion
- Comment on Risky 3 weeks ago:
bro dividing by 0 in the “comes to life” notebook and breaking spacetime
- Comment on sneaky sneaky 3 weeks ago:
oop sorry, upon googling the details i got the micro animal wrong, i could’ve sworn i’ve seen a picture of a tardigrade described as a dust mite at some point, but TIL it’s a different creature entirely. my bad, it’s dust mite’s poop i’m allergic to (and so is every person with a dust allergy)
- Comment on Is this green or blue? 3 weeks ago:
it’s teal, it’s both
- Comment on sneaky sneaky 3 weeks ago:
nah i know when they’re around (i’m allergic to their poop)
- Comment on Anon is a gamer 3 weeks ago:
i have 1200h in skyrim, 1000 of which i clocked in because as pre-teen who was yet to learn that being trans is a thing i unknowingly used it to escape dysphoria. can’t feel bad if i’m spending most of my days as male cat, the chosen one at that!
- Comment on 🪨 Rock on 🪨 3 weeks ago:
all philosophy will sound bad if you imagine the worst possible case scenario it could apply to
- Comment on Reserve your Cybersub now! 4 weeks ago:
well they couldn’t have named it subnatica 2: below zero. 2 is bigger than 0 smh my head
- Comment on Goblin care 4 weeks ago:
most goblins can be found in their nests where they sit wishing that a perfect partner (handler) will spontaneously appear in front of them
occasionally they can be seen outside trying to abide by human norms but failing in various ways
- Comment on I just gotta find out what Edward Bernays was up to okay!??!? 4 weeks ago:
to be fair, watching someone passionate enough about the topic to make a 4h video is the best way to learn about new things
- Comment on [TerakJK] Avowed vs The Outer Worlds - Obsidian's previous game - Attention to detail. 4 weeks ago:
yeah that’s the problem, when people (myself included) see a game label itself as “RPG” we kind of expect the world to be living, a world that feels like you could go anywhere and find amazing treasures, friends, enemies, anything and everything on your journey! A world where talking to any character could send you on a quest you’ll never forget
in avowed NPCs are static, there’s like 2 non-hostile animals, if something doesn’t have a healthbar your attacks phase through them, every chest has the same 4 ingredients in it, you can’t interact with the enviornment unless it’s a box, an urn, or specific vines, you can’t tell your companions to fuck off ever, if an NPC has a quest for you they’ll have an exclamation mark above their heads - which completely takes away the reason to talk with anyone else but them and vendors, and just sigh it doesn’t feel like an RPG at all to me
after i got a plot breaking bug (plot dialogue wouldn’t progress) i uninstalled it and downloaded skyrim again, which though flawed, at least it’s an RPG
- Comment on Sorry babe, the US never invested into public transit at the level we were supposed 4 weeks ago:
on one hand, bicycles are indeed very epic. on the other - if you plan on going somewhere that’s >30min away by bike (and not up a hill) and don’t want to arrive sweaty, then maybe the bus is better