Does gimp not have a circle?
Comment on Help 3 days ago 3 days ago 3 days ago
I dunno, but it does have the worst UI this side of the 60s.
(the new version is supposed to finally fix this but… [x] doubt) 3 days ago
New version? I’m pretty I’ve heard that statement before… 3 days ago…/gimp-3-0-RC1-released/
Rather than trying to be different for the sake of being different, they’ve realized that photoshop and similar UIs actually make for pretty great UX so they’ve adopt it.
This was gimp 2.0 when it came out
This is GIMP 3.0 RC 2 days ago
why does everyone hate the UI? I love gimp, but it keeps freezing and crashing -that I don’t like.Love the UI though. 2 days ago
takes one application and makes it into 16 separate windows
Gimp devs: “MORE” 3 days ago
Whenever I use gimp, and have to draw square, circle, text or a similar shape I swear I need to search the net for the answer.
You can do everything, but it is very counter intuitive to a noob. I don’t need to use gimp/Photoshop so I regularly forget it and need to look it up every time. I’m sure that for somebody who uses it regularly it is intuitive. 2 days ago
My Gimp workflow heavily involves Inkscape for that reason. If you need shapes, curves, text, moving stuff around, even scaling and rotating, Inkscape is much better. It’s only when I actually have to edit something in an existing image that I open Gimp. And sometimes when I need a complicated guideline, I’ll create it in Inkscape, export to png, import in Gimp, just so I don’t have to use the shape tool. 2 days ago
I absolutely LOVE Inkscape! It even helped me to avoid having to purchase expensive embroidery software!
Plus, when I deliver artwork / graphics to web builders, they’re ecstatic that I send SVG files instead of shitty jpegs.
1000% support Inkscape. ❤️ 3 days ago
The last time I used gimp…it does but in like a really weird way. It’s not intuitive.
Iirc you take the circle selection tool and then make a path. Which you then assign a brush width and then a color. 3 days ago
yeah, I remember it like that too
It’s as intuitive as moving the paper under the pen to draw something 22 hours ago
Ya just gotta stroke the path 3 days ago
This image is 100 times funnier now compared to 1000 years ago when I first saw it