Similar story here. Asperger’s runs on both of my parents’ sides of the family. In addition Dad has ADHD and mom has BPD. I ended up with both with a nice sprinkling of CPTSD on top. I don’t even know where the neurological problems stop and the psychological problems begin.
Have not talked to either in well over a decade. 5 months ago
You can say shit on the internet. If you’re gonna self censor just don’t use the word at all ffs 5 months ago
Say the word or pick a different word. 5 months ago
no. 5 months ago
You keep doing you, bud. 5 months ago
Oh that’s what it is. I read that as “hit” and kept looking for the closing ‘*’. That is so fucking annoying. 5 months ago
I mean, I understand what you’re saying and it is true here on lemmy, but it is absolutely not the case that you don’t have to self-censor on the internet. I mean, you can choose to not to, but some systems will just never show your contribution to the conversation to anyone (ex. tiktok, Facebook, YouTube, etc). So people practice self-censorship to engage with those platforms and then it becomes a part of their online vocabulary.
So, you don’t need to self-censor here on lemmy, but you also shouldn’t give anyone flak for doing so.
Umm, ffs, if I used that right. 5 months ago
No I think their point stands. There are plenty of words to choose from, you simply don’t need to say shit. Like it is quite literally that simple, use the word or don’t. 5 months ago
Yeah, but the person is speaking to you using their vocabulary that they use day-to-day. Sure, they could pick whatever other words they want to, but doing so would fall outside of their usual vocabulary and, therefore, takes more effort than just “replace the part of this word I normally use that’s blocked by censor”. You can tie yourself into knots trying to avoid censored words and also this new requirement of only using a word by using that word.
The point, as I see it, of “don’t use the word if you’re not going to use the word” is “don’t inconvenience me with your language, inconvenience yourself in order to not inconvenience me.” Sounds like a path to everyone second guessing everything they say in order to accommodate whatever desire other people wish to interject on your choice of words. Which, doesn’t sound very live más to me. Very un-taco bell of you (I have no idea what happened in that last part of my statement) 5 months ago
Exactly. I choose to not swear, so I use different vocabulary. If I do choose to swear, I’ll swear. 5 months ago
i am free to express my self like i want to. i will type *hit all I want. 5 months ago