- Comment on Google's AI is using past tense to describe a sporting event that takes place in 3 days. And it knows who won too. 1 month ago:
Nonsense. Rust is clearly the superior blood type.
- Comment on Thank you for your service 2 months ago:
In my experience, this shows up if I mention an attached file somewhere in the email.
- Comment on Buddy baka 2 months ago:
“wasted” is completely relative. I would pay 30-50 euros for a cool design of a GPU.
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on Fuck geometry 3 months ago:
You can’t have a distance in a “different direction”. That’s what the |x| is for, which is the modulus. If you rotate a triangle, the length of the sides don’t change.
- Comment on Fuck geometry 3 months ago:
It’s not fine to assume a 90° angle. The distance between B and C is 0. Therefore the angle formed by AB and AC is 0°.
If the angle is 90°, then BC should be sqrt(2), not 0. Since the length of both sides is 1. sqrt(|i|^2+|1|^2) = sqrt(2).
- Comment on Fuck geometry 3 months ago:
This triangle is impossible.
If the distance between B and C is 0, B and C are the same points. If that is the case, the distances between A and B and A and C must be the same.
However, i ≠ 1.
If you want it to be real (hehe) the triangle should be like this:
C | \ |i| | \ 0 | \ A---B |1|
Drawing that on mobile was a pain.
As the other guy said, you cannot have imaginary distances.
Also, you can only use Pythagoras with triangles that have a 90° angle. Nothing in the meme says that there’s a 90° angle. As I see it, there are only 0° and 180° angles.
Goodbye, I have to attend other memes to ruin.
- Comment on Scalper economy 3 months ago:
I’d bet if you were a lego fan you’d say the same about legos.
Housing and concerts are orders of magnitude apart in “importantness”. All of the items above are not needed to live. A home is needed.
- Comment on Did the concept of 9-5 included a 30 minute lunch and two 15 minute breaks? 5 months ago:
They should be paid though
- Comment on Did the concept of 9-5 included a 30 minute lunch and two 15 minute breaks? 5 months ago:
Spaniard here. Not only does my company not pay me for lunch time. It also demands it to be at least 30 minutes long. How is it even legal to force my unpaid time to be a minimum amount?
- Comment on Anon shares his dating preferences 5 months ago:
Presumably, if you’re looking for a partner, if the potential partner is looking for a partner it’s better.
- Comment on Anon shares his dating preferences 5 months ago:
The tinder one is though. Someone being on tinder doesn’t tell you anything about that person. Only that they’re looking for either a partner or casual sex.
- Comment on Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread 6 months ago:
In Spain we used to have the same system. However it’s been a while since I’ve seen it, most carts still have the euro slot, but they are not chained, so you don’t need to insert a coin.
- Comment on "Concord servers are now offline. Thank you to all the freegunners who have joined us in the Concord galaxy" 6 months ago:
I believe the game was 10 days old when they shut it down. There are no concord fans. You can’t have fans in 10 days.
- Comment on "Concord servers are now offline. Thank you to all the freegunners who have joined us in the Concord galaxy" 6 months ago:
My guess is that they knew it was going to be a shit game, but realized too deep in the development phase. So they just released it as soon as possible and didn’t waste more money on it (marketing). My guess is that the released it instead of cancel just in case they were wrong and people actually liked it.
- Comment on What Ticketmaster Doesn't Want You To Know: Concerts Were Cheap For Decades 6 months ago:
It is a supply and demand curve.
The supply is incredibly small for a world-famous artist compared to their demand. If the reason some people can’t buy a ticket because there are no tickets left, there’s room to increase the price of the ticket and sell the exact same amount of tickets. If resellers can just buy all your tickets and sell them for 10x the price, then you can 10x the price of tickets and sell the same amount.
The problem is that you can’t just use the profits from selling Taylor swift tickets to make another Taylor swift so you can increase the supply of Taylor swift.
There are only 3 ways they can increase their Taylor swift profits: 1. Make concerts in bigger venues so they can sell more tickets. 2. Increase the ticket prices. 3. Increase the amount of Taylor swift concerts.
- And 3. Have upper bound limits. Specially 3. Because what incentive do multi-millionaire artists to work more? If I were so wealthy, I’d strive to work less, not more.
The easiest option is 2. why wouldn’t they do it?
Sure, if I was a music fan it’d suck, but the truth is that they are corporations, and they are legally required to increase the shareholders’ value.
- Comment on Anon gets diagnosed 6 months ago:
Oh that’s what it is. I read that as “hit” and kept looking for the closing ‘*’. That is so fucking annoying.
- Comment on MSc Mansplaining 6 months ago:
Oh yes. Only men mansplain. It’s in the genetics.
Do trans men also mansplain? They’re biologically female, so they might be incapable.
- Comment on The opposite of shopaholic: shopcell 7 months ago:
Why would anyone care about putting a 0 before the 6 in 6:30. It solves nothing
- Comment on The opposite of shopaholic: shopcell 7 months ago:
Yes. You need to guess if it’s AM or PM. That’s what the comment is about.
If whoever says the time uses 24h or explicitly says AM/PM there’s no guessing involved.
- Comment on The opposite of shopaholic: shopcell 7 months ago:
Code doesn’t expire. But the programmers do (they die/retire).
If you want someone to maintain that code, old code only gets more expensive. Sure, if it ain’t broke you don’t need to maintain it to fix it, but you need to maintain it to upgrade it. When you eventually need to make an upgrade, it’s going to be expensive. I don’t know if it’s more expensive than making the code not-old though.
- Comment on The opposite of shopaholic: shopcell 7 months ago:
Guessing each time if 12 needs to be added (with usually important consequences if you guess wrong) is.
- Comment on The opposite of shopaholic: shopcell 7 months ago:
The meaning is clear in this context, but not all of them. Especially when instead of a range of hours it is a single one.
Although it is possible to determine they “probably meant this one”, why would you waste your time guessing based on context and risk being wrong when you can just use 24h and be precise.
- Comment on Who Wants To Be A Lemming 7 months ago:
The point of WNBA is not to look pretty. They are there because they are good.
If straight men want to look at women there’s plenty of environments where the point is that the women are pretty.
- Comment on Do we really want a leader who celebrates firing people? 7 months ago:
Don’t cut yourself on that edge.
- Comment on Do we really want a leader who celebrates firing people? 7 months ago:
Do you want the current president’s duties to be carried out at the snail pace of Congress?
- Comment on Anon checks out mobile gaming 7 months ago:
Mobile games don’t need to be technically impressive though. It’s not like in PC/consoles where people want the most expensive high res 3D graphics.
I don’t know if this is true for most, but for me, I just want a game that is simple visually but entertaining. The last thing I want is for a game to drain my phone’s battery.
- Comment on The food delivery bubble is bursting — and maybe that's not a bad thing 7 months ago:
The government is not a business, but it has limited resources as everyone else.
If those resources are spent on delivery drivers, they’re not spent in anything else. I’m not American, but if I were I would much rather those resources be spent on affordable healthcare for everyone than on food delivery for everyone.
- Comment on The food delivery bubble is bursting — and maybe that's not a bad thing 7 months ago:
Food delivery apps are not just apps though. In fact, the ones I’ve used are absolutely crap. Most of the value of these companies are in the service, which would change if there is a shared pool of government workers.
If the complaint are the apps themselves, the government could enforce an API that allows anyone to interact with any app with any service. So if you prefer Uber eat’s service but glovoo’s app, you could order from Uber eats using the glovoo app. Just like the EU wants to enforce multi-app support for messaging systems.
The claim that a shared pool of workers would be more efficient I’m not so sure. It depends on who runs that pool. Which history has shown that monopolies (government-run or otherwise) tend to get less efficient because of the lack of competition.
If drivers can choose what order to take at any moment from any service that would basically mean a shared pool. But I believe (I never worked on delivery) that that’s what already happens.
- Comment on The food delivery bubble is bursting — and maybe that's not a bad thing 7 months ago:
The purpose of an economy is to decide what to output, given the unlimited human desires but limited resources.
If there was a law which gave 100€ to every millionaire, we would be supporting millionaires? Isn’t that good? No it isn’t, just “supporting someone” isn’t good economic policy, it must support outputs that will most benefit the population.
That’s why for it to be remotely viable it has to be self-sustained. Which means that they would not be able to operate further if there’s not enough demand or the competition from the private sector is more efficient.
If you want to support delivery drivers you make laws regulating their job. If you want to support restaurants you give them subsidies or change the laws surrounding them.
Capitalism is good at making efficient use of resources. However it has many failures. The purpose of governments is to fix those failures (for example the exploitation of workers, and monopolies).
If you just make a government-backed company (that doesn’t need a profit to keep going) compete with private companies that need a profit, it must be because the service benefits the whole population. Examples: healthcare, education, communication, water.
Not that not all necessary services need to be provided by profitless government corporations. For example, food and electricity is also needed by 100% of the population but they are also resource-intensive. Therefore they’re usually ran by private companies with heavy regulations/subsidies.