- Comment on Anon shares his taste in music 3 weeks ago:
There’s a reason it’s won game of the year so many years in a row.
- Comment on Anon goes to therapy 2 months ago:
I’m not sure either. Everyone is always saying to try therapy but when I finally caved it just… didn’t do anything for me. I went through seven different therapists over the course of about five years and all of them felt like a complete waste of time and money.
Some were easier to talk to than others but ultimately it didn’t really matter. Nothing changed at all. My conclusion is that therapists are only for people with superficial problems not actual issues that require tangible solutions.
- Comment on Anon gets diagnosed 5 months ago:
Similar story here. Asperger’s runs on both of my parents’ sides of the family. In addition Dad has ADHD and mom has BPD. I ended up with both with a nice sprinkling of CPTSD on top. I don’t even know where the neurological problems stop and the psychological problems begin.
Have not talked to either in well over a decade.
- Comment on Anon hates their family 7 months ago:
Usually being “lazy” is also the result of some kind of untreated medical issue or disorder like ADHD, autism, sleep apnea, etc. or any combination of those. Almost no healthy person would make the choice to sit around doing nothing for years at a time.
- Comment on Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.12 8 months ago:
No it works perfectly fine with a mod for uncapped FPS
- Comment on For free for 11.99$ 8 months ago:
You are looking for S0und
- Comment on The wild successes of Helldivers 2 and Baldur's Gate 3 send a clear message: Let devs cook 10 months ago:
BG3 was/is also filled to the brim with bugs. Look at the dozens of patches that have come out. It released blatantly unfinished.
- Comment on Anon catches feelings 10 months ago:
I’m in the same boat. People who had loving parents will never understand this. While I’m sure some exist, the vast majority of people are not going to put in the twice as much effort to date someone who’s been deprived of affection their entire life. There is zero reason to go for that over a normal, healthy, emotionally secure person.
- Comment on temperature 11 months ago:
I mean I never said it wasn’t stupid, just that it’s intuitive for Americans. 5/10 should be average.
But I’m not even sure that’s purely an American thing. Go to a rating website like IMDB or MyAnimeList, 7/10 is considered average. I’m genuinely surprised that you’re surprised by this.
- Comment on temperature 11 months ago:
How? The average American already has 70 as a reference point for average. What part do you disagree with?
- Comment on temperature 11 months ago:
The freezing point of water is also a great place to zero the scale
I disagree. Realistically the scale shouldn’t be able to be negative at all. It doesn’t really make any sense for something have a negative temperature.
Imagine if other scales worked that way. An object can’t be negative centimeters long. Light can’t be negative lumens. You can’t score negative % on a test. If you are measuring something you can’t have less than nothing.
- Comment on temperature 11 months ago:
75% is a C which is average for school grades, and a 7/10 is widely considered an average score for things like movies. 70-75F being the average room temp is pretty intuitive when used alongside other common scales.
- Comment on I'm using gpt4 on bing.com they call it copilot, i can only get it to generate images in 1024x1024 is there a way to get a higher resolution? 1 year ago:
Try to generate any higher and you’ll get very weird and ugly results.
Stable Diffusion in particular has this issue with limbs. People have 2 arms at 512x512? Surely they must have 4 arms at 1024x1024! That’s just math.
- Comment on I'm so glad I waited nearly 3 years to play Cyberpunk 2077, but I dread the fact that this is our new normal 1 year ago:
I maybe be wrong but I think they just fixed the NPCs running away in the latest patch. I haven’t actually tried it yet but one of the patch notes is, “NPCs will no longer run away from anything but the Dark Urge Slayer form to improve interactivity and flow.” I’m not sure if that is referring to Dark Urge only or if that means they exclusively run away from that one form now.
There is actually a quest where you need to escort an NPC and when we got to the boss the NPC cowers in fear and tries to run away. But because I had an elemental summoned he would run towards the boss and instantly die. At first I just thought that was how it was supposed to be but after defeating the boss 3 times I thought it was way too hard to keep the NPC alive and it didn’t really make any sense for him to run straight in after dialogue saying he doesn’t want to go in there. I moved the elemental in front of the door and sure enough he ran the opposite direction and stood in the corner he was supposed to.
- Comment on I'm so glad I waited nearly 3 years to play Cyberpunk 2077, but I dread the fact that this is our new normal 1 year ago:
Part of it is the game just being so huge. Most people aren’t even going to hit Act 3 until 50-60 hours in which is already much longer than most other games. So you’ve already formed your opinion of the game by the time you hit the less polished part.
And to be fair, those first 50-60 hours are pretty great. (Minus some gripes with things like pathing and inventory management) If the game just straight up ended with Act 2 I would be completely satisfied. I didn’t even mention this because I wanted to focus on the bugs but even narrative, pacing, and quest design in Act 3 is just so rough compared to the other two. It almost feels like a different game or a different developer. The quality drop is that drastic IMO.
I am worried that other studios might look at this and realize they can just front-load the best content and all the polish in the first section and neglect the rest to fix later. It sets a bad precedent.
- Comment on I'm so glad I waited nearly 3 years to play Cyberpunk 2077, but I dread the fact that this is our new normal 1 year ago:
I am talking strictly on the basis of bugs/incompleteness not the overall quality/scope of the games. But also “it barely ran on PCs” neither did Act 3. I have a 7950X and I still drop down to 40fps in some places even after the patches. People with say a 3600X were barely scraping 30. If we’re talking about the trend of games being unfinished or buggy on launch then BG3 deserves to be called out for the same.
- Comment on I'm so glad I waited nearly 3 years to play Cyberpunk 2077, but I dread the fact that this is our new normal 1 year ago:
It’s funny that you mention Baldur’s Gate 3 because the game is blatantly unfinished. Act 1&2 are pretty much 9-10/10 but Act 3 is like a 6/10 at best. I’m surprised it gets a pass where Cyberpunk didn’t because in my experience they are equally as buggy.
Quests breaking, characters not showing up where they should, continuity issues, etc. I just gave up halfway through Act 3 and started a new playthrough instead because I adore the first half of the game and it makes the latter half that much more disappointing by contrast.
- Comment on RPG experts on why we love Baldur's Gate 3, and the future of the genre 1 year ago:
I haven’t played it myself (yet) but apparently Divinity Original Sin 2 was similar and the “Definitive Edition” that came about a year later fixed Act 3. So I hope the same thing happens for BG3.
- Comment on Would the internet be significantly faster if there wasn't so much farming of metadata / cookies? 1 year ago:
Reminds me of one of my favorite websites: motherfuckingwebsite.com
- Comment on Starfield Launch Details, PC Specs & More 1 year ago:
GPUs are at pretty reasonable prices if you buy used. The 3060 Ti is $237 and it beats the 4060.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 is the horniest RPG I've ever played and honestly it's a bit much 1 year ago:
That exists on every character.
- Comment on PAYDAY 3 will use Denuvo anti-piracy technology in its PC version 1 year ago:
You’re right. And even disregarding always online and/or GaaS elements if it’s anything like the other two PAYDAY games there is pretty much no reason to play it offline. It is a co-op game through and through.