Yeah, but the person is speaking to you using their vocabulary that they use day-to-day. Sure, they could pick whatever other words they want to, but doing so would fall outside of their usual vocabulary and, therefore, takes more effort than just “replace the part of this word I normally use that’s blocked by censor”. You can tie yourself into knots trying to avoid censored words and also this new requirement of only using a word by using that word.
The point, as I see it, of “don’t use the word if you’re not going to use the word” is “don’t inconvenience me with your language, inconvenience yourself in order to not inconvenience me.” Sounds like a path to everyone second guessing everything they say in order to accommodate whatever desire other people wish to interject on your choice of words. Which, doesn’t sound very live más to me. Very un-taco bell of you (I have no idea what happened in that last part of my statement) 5 months ago
You clearly knowing what they meant means the entire point of the censorship is lost. So at that point it’s completely unnecessary. If I can tell what you meant the censorship is just pandering to pedantic people who think swear words are uncouth.
Just use the damn word or choose a different one. If you’re that worried about censorship you’ve solved both problems by never even letting them arise in the first place. 5 months ago
no, i won’t do what you tell me. for you, it’s censorshi*p. for me, it’s me. and i am all i got. so i am keeping that. 5 months ago
And we’re free to call you out on it being stupid lol 5 months ago
I will die to defend your right to call me out as stupid.