You can add it as a right-click option to Firefox:
- Install:…/…
- In the Extension options, add an application
- Name it something like “Open in YT-DLP: mp4”
- Set the exe name to the path of a local copy of yt-dlp
- Set the arguments to be -S res,ext:mp4:m4a --recode mp4 [HREF]
- Under the Placement options -> Context Menu -> select “All Contexts”
You should now be able to right click on a YouTube page and choose “External Application launcher -> Open in YT-DLP: mp4”
If you want audio only, add another application in the extension settings and use the arguments -f ba[ext=m4a] [HREF] for m4a files. 2 days ago
I was surprised at how well it works but anything command line is not for normies 2 days ago
Anyone who’s done “/gamemode creative” is smart enough to figure out “yt-dlp <url>”. Seriously people need to stop acting like typing the most basic commands that you can find tutorials about is some kinda level 9 magic 1 day ago
It’s not that peoplecan’t figure it out, it’s that they won’t. As soon as you mention the terminal they stop listening or thinking
/gamemode creative
doesn’t have that problem because it’s not a terminal, it’s a chat 5 hours ago
I think saying “anything command line isn’t for normies” would only worsen the problem 2 days ago
I think you’ve defined the problem rather well there…
It’s not that Normies couldn’t use it, it’s that Normies won’t use it. 1 day ago
Which generally helps it fly under the radar so us nerds can have nice things for longer.
I’m not for gate keeping, but I kinda like having tricky things if it means they don’t get ruined/stopped as fast. 2 days ago
Thats why I run it in docker with a web ui
Shut up, im not a nerd 2 days ago
Metube? 2 days ago
Exactly 2 days ago
Nah I’m sorry. There is a point where it’s unreasonable to expect someone to learn something, but that isn’t it.
Using yt-dlp is extremely straightforward. 2 days ago
simply downloading a video? sure, but literally anything else is insanely complicated for an average person.
If they want the music from a video they would have to look through all of and probably still wouldn’t find what they’re looking for 2 days ago
I agree with the sentiment but you are going way too hard on it. Chill. 2 days ago
The average person learns how to drive a car, which is akin to operating it. The average person does not know how to muck about in the engine of their car, and should not, because if they do the wrong thing they could break it. For that matter, I wouldn’t even recommend someone OPERATES the car without training.
The terminal is considered for advanced users for the same reason. Learning to copy/paste into the terminal without understanding how to use it could mean I say "oh yeah the fix for that issue is doing
rm -rf / --no-preserve-root 2 days ago
If you are on an android phone you should check the F-Droid pages for Seal. No commandline, a nice GUI, works great. 2 days ago
+1 for Seal, Newpipe and Tubular both work fine too 2 days ago
You can use the OpenWith extensions to add it as a right click option.
I have this setup for my non-technical family members, so they just right click on the page choose open with -> ytdlp and it saves it to their downloads folder.
You can set up different options for example video or audio only. 2 days ago
Normies don’t deserve joy. 2 days ago
There’s GUIs for it though. Obviously not for everyone, but I made my own.
That it can download virtually from any site is pretty useful, assuming you know what to give it.