- Comment on Anon tries to download videos from youtube 2 days ago:
The average person learns how to drive a car, which is akin to operating it. The average person does not know how to muck about in the engine of their car, and should not, because if they do the wrong thing they could break it. For that matter, I wouldn’t even recommend someone OPERATES the car without training.
The terminal is considered for advanced users for the same reason. Learning to copy/paste into the terminal without understanding how to use it could mean I say "oh yeah the fix for that issue is doing
rm -rf / --no-preserve-root
. - Comment on Anon watches her boyfriend play videogames 2 weeks ago:
But here’s the thing - I didn’t enjoy dark souls when I tried, but I do enjoy other games that are very difficult for me and where I need to be determined to win
- Comment on Anon gives a piracy history lesson 2 months ago:
Yeah, but what’s the relative quality of responses? I feel like the bar for “tech savvy” or “competent at programming” has dropped precipitously. And unfortunately, the number of people confidently asserting a wrong answer online is high in my experience, including on programming forums.
- Comment on Anon double-checks something important 2 months ago:
Actually, when I was in Paris in high school, I had the opposite experience - I kept trying to speak French (which I could speak conventionally after 6 years of study), and many people would refuse to answer me in French, instead answering me in English.
- Comment on Anon gets home from a long day at work 2 months ago:
Original post with high res image, for those curious:…/lined_up_all_my_hot_sauce_collec…
- Comment on Anon plays Splatoon 4 months ago:
Game mechanics can’t be patented, only game assets (character models, etc)
- Comment on Anon listens to dad-rock 5 months ago:
Satisfies both the unstoppable, never ending march of time AND dad rock: Time by Pink Floyd
- Comment on Anon finds a flashdrive 5 months ago:
I did one similar! Used autohotkey to hide the task bar at random intervals and pop up a warning that said “system out of memory”. Only way to get it back was autohotkey or a reboot. It would restart daily and on login so it would keep happening. And I hid it as “Nvidia game scanner service.exe” in the Nvidia bloatware folder so it looked innocent. Had a good laugh about that one
- Comment on Anon helps with his gf's vaping addiction 9 months ago:
Yeah exactly, but to get to that point we needed to message it to consumers as such for ~20 years. Similarly, in OPs example, the 20mg feels similarly to a 40mg, but with half the nicotine - clearly the measurement on the box is being used as a proxy for “how does this feel” (no clue if that has a measurement/is measureable) but could definitely message it similarly
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Yeah, exactly
- Comment on Anon helps with his gf's vaping addiction 9 months ago:
That’s when you take a page out of the book of lightbulb manufacturers. On the box, CFLs and LEDs don’t show their actual wattage on the front, they write “100w equivalent” because that’s how people are used to measuring luminosity.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
That’s what NEET technically means, but it’s taken on a greater meaning (especially on 4chan) of “person who lives in their parents basement well past the age it’s socially acceptable, has no social skills/is actively antisocial, has poor personal hygiene, and rarely (if ever) leaves the house”.
- Comment on Eric “ConcernedApe” Barone Can’t Let Go Of Stardew Valley 9 months ago:
That’s how I feel about RuneScape! I don’t find it a particularly fun game, but the music is so great and iconic and fits the game so well, I hear it and want to play.
- Comment on Japan anon complains about Google 9 months ago:
That was great, thank you for linking! I expected to just skim it and ended up reading the whole article and the follow-up
- Comment on Anon revisits early youtube 9 months ago:
- Comment on Anon learns about cars 10 months ago:
Note that OP made a distinction between “need” and “ought to” and I agree. You don’t “need” to know any of these, but you “ought to” because knowing them TO SOME DEGREE helps you use the machine more effectively and safely. Networking course is definitely going overboard, but I still think they’re important to know. I’m pretty sure doctors already do understand the basics of how MRI machines work.
Learning the basics of how WiFi works avoids people getting confused when WiFi doesn’t “just exist” everywhere, or why it drops out suddenly when a lot of people are using it even if you have full bars. Learning about HTTPS and SSL lets you understand what it keeps secure and how that can keep you secure when you’re e.g. banking.
That being said computers and software now are specifically designed to hide their inner workings as much as possible to simplify things for their users so it’s a bit of a special case.
- Comment on Do you play games over the holidays with your family? 1 year ago:
Do you mount the lightboxes when you bring it with you? Mine has been languishing in a corner for a year because I have high ceilings in my current apartment and don’t feel like going through the trouble to mount them