depending how she’s feeling, zany, zen or zealous?
Or zonked, if she smoked a fat dart beforehand
Comment on Anon introduces himself 5 weeks ago
I wonder what Zelda came up with for that introduction
depending how she’s feeling, zany, zen or zealous?
Or zonked, if she smoked a fat dart beforehand
Zooted Zelda (she on coke)
Would zooted even work in that case? Don’t usually see it used for uppers
Oh absolutely! At least in my area, “zooted” describes being predominantly on cocaine, but also amphetamines as well.
Yep, same here. Also acceptable to be zooted on shrooms, even though those are wildly different things.
Ah here zooted would be similar to baked/stoned.
Zesty ofc
Zazzy 5 weeks ago
“Xylophone Zelda”. Really fucked over Xenias introduction 5 weeks ago
Uh, xylophone doesn’t start with Z, back to kindergarten until you learn your letters. 5 weeks ago
He can blame english phonetics. Also X being kind of a joker letter. “Why does eks make the sound zee?” 5 weeks ago
The teacher clearly said “letter” though, so phonetics shouldn’t come into it. If they were named “Pete,” “Psycho Pete” would be reasonable and probably accurate.
Also, xylophone is a noun anyway, so after they redo kindergarten, they’ll need to go back to second grade (or maybe first?) and relearn basic grammar.
Finally, English phoenetics is an oxymoron, but I don’t think kids get into that concept until later on in school, so I’ll give you a pass for now. But everyone knows English pronunciation and spelling aren’t related and you just end up memorizing everything anyway. 5 weeks ago
But X starts with Z, so q.e.d. 5 weeks ago
Can’t fault that logic. 5 weeks ago
Gotta be xenophobic Xenia now, sorry, I don’t make the rules 5 weeks ago
I don’t know what’s worse, naming your kid after a fox that uses Linux or a suburb of Dayton. 5 weeks ago
“Zyougottabekiddingme Zelda”