- Comment on Skill issue 1 day ago:
More likely higher ranked players finally figured out that keeping harmony within your team does wonders for your chance at winning. The amount of infighting I’ve had to stop just to save my elo is insane, why would i start something just because of someone’s gender.
- Comment on Anon builds a new PC 1 week ago:
It can be more than 100% in 1% and .1% lows, which is more important than the 20% avg fps. And 20% is basically a cpu upgrade
- Comment on Anon builds a new PC 1 week ago:
Yes but only 1 stick runs significantly slower and with more stutters than 2 sticks. Same way 2 sticks with DR will run slower than 2 stick of SR
To allow the memory capacitors to recharge between actions there are delays or “timings” set for each type of action, row and bank. Having more available banks will make sure the controller only has to use the short delays set instead of the repeat action long delays.
There is a big difference between being able to start a game and not kneecapping your CPU.
- Comment on Anon builds a new PC 1 week ago:
Oh brother 8gb of singe rank memory is killing whatever CPU you got. The amount of stutters it must produce is killing me from around the world
- Comment on I don't envy the humans pre-dentistry 1 week ago:
We don’t do general anesthesia for most things dental related here in NL. But after hearing the sound bounce around I’m my head I wish we did.
- Comment on I don't envy the humans pre-dentistry 1 week ago:
Oh this was a fast one, was back in the waiting room within 15m, 10 of which was waiting for the localised pain killer to kick in before starting.
- Comment on Anon uses Discord 1 week ago:
Idk might just be talking about his online friend’s. But knowing 4chan maybe not
- Comment on I don't envy the humans pre-dentistry 1 week ago:
Can still hear the sound of them breaking it to get it out
- Comment on Valve "followed" 1.7 million Steam users for over a year, and now reports those gamers spent $20 million on microtransactions and another $73 million on games and DLC 2 weeks ago:
I realise i must be an edge case but i think my steam account of 10+ years is positive money wise. Got thousands of hours in the same few games and sold my old €100 CS inventory for about €500 PayPal when the market boomed.
The amount of money I’ve spent on my system to play those few games at more fps tho, lets not calculate.
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
My knees defo feel old already, so i cant fault you
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
I’m only 22 yet I still made a call on a rotary phone last week and used a CRT to watch some TV. My grandma’s guest room tech has not been replaced since my mom moved out lol.
- Comment on Inching closer to the grave every day 2 weeks ago:
Bro im not that old and i remember this, all the good English shows used to air new episodes at night.
- Comment on Anon is a gamer 3 weeks ago:
I’m not that big into single player games but for multiplayer I usually stick to 1 at a time. Think my steam shows a total of 10k hours over the past 12 years, with 95% of my games played there.
With less hours played each year as higher education cost me more hours of studying.
- Comment on Just shoot me and save me the trouble 3 weeks ago:
Mummy sleeping bag in a tent feels great as well after a long day. Bit of a chilly face makes the rest feel that much more comfy
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 4 weeks ago:
That’s only for open world maps, many games where the placement of rocks and trees is something that’s subject to miniscule changes for balance reasons.
- Comment on Murica 4 weeks ago:
Honestly have never done preventative maintenance on my bikes, only necessary repairs. Still thinking about repairing the shifter since I’ve been missing 1st gear for about 7-8? years now.
- Comment on Are there any better mechanical keyboards that don't break the bank? 1 month ago:
If it involves any vehicles being able to emulate a controller and actually being able to control your turning speed or engine power by how deep your pressing the keys is a godsend. Not having to rapidly tap A/D to do a shallow turn makes driving actually fun on MnK.
Also being able to set certain keys u might fatfinger to a lower action point is really nice. Or desyncing activation and deactivation distance so you don’t accidentally release keys you need to hold for actions is great.
It’s really how a keyboard for gaming should have always been imo in terms of options and tuning, especially with a fast you can change the settings through the website or app.
- Comment on Are there any better mechanical keyboards that don't break the bank? 1 month ago:
If you’re gonna use it for games I can’t recommend a Wooting 60HE or another hall effect switch keyboard enough. Having full control over the actuation and reset point makes it feel more responsive than any mechanical keyboard I had before.
Not having a set point makes it so much more intuitive, moving downwards activates a key and moving upwards deactivates it. Instead of having to go past the hardware defined trigger point.
- Comment on Anon introduces himself 1 month ago:
Ah here zooted would be similar to baked/stoned.
- Comment on Anon introduces himself 1 month ago:
Would zooted even work in that case? Don’t usually see it used for uppers
- Comment on Gotta be quick 1 month ago:
The glass will break after a while from the heat if you just let it stand there.
- Comment on If I'm not ready, I won't be ready! 2 months ago:
I can’t my brain will make me forget to stop me from stressing.
- Comment on Steam has the best UI 2 months ago:
Nah, they’re medically necessary.
- Comment on Checking in 2 months ago:
- Comment on Rainbolt never misses 2 months ago:
Only some we dont shorten
- Comment on Not enough people buying Premium, eh? 2 months ago:
Sponsor block is great for that.
- Comment on its not just me 3 months ago:
Not since Ryzen came out, bulldozer could heat an entire city block tho
- Comment on Why does the Music Industry allow Spotify/Apple to profit off of them? 3 months ago:
Spotify is the only reason I don’t pirate 99% of my music (the other 1% is still played through it). Would go back to creating my own library
- Comment on Memories of a bygone era 3 months ago:
It feels more like moving at a snails pace for me, any faster made them lose track
- Comment on Memories of a bygone era 3 months ago:
Not sure I’ve experienced that, early led mouse always seemed to fail to track at the speeds I like to swipe.