Yeah but even if there’s some initial confusion, most normal people will get to a clear negative answer pretty quickly.
Comment on It's a good group! 5 weeks agoIf you ask someone who isn’t a Nazi if they’re a Nazi out of nowhere then confusion seems pretty valid. If there’s a premise to it that they understand (by being Nazis or acting like ones) you’d get less genuine confusion. 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
That’s true. But I’d definitely also want to know what prompted the question 5 weeks ago
it’s a warhammer 40k group.
There’s a 50/50 chance they’re neonazis. (ask if they every play as Imperium… that’s a solid way to find out.) 5 weeks ago
Same with Fallout fans who are oddly obsessed with The Brotherhood of Steel. 5 weeks ago
We were talking generally 5 weeks ago
If you know anything about 40K, the prompt should be self-evident 5 weeks ago
Meh depends on the setting. My partner and I are organizing smaller concerts from time to time. If we are about to book an unknown band sooner or later you have to ask the Nazi question.
The setting here feels similar. 5 weeks ago
Of course setting, their actions and whatnot matter. It isn’t out of nowhere if there’s some context for it that the recipient also understands. 5 weeks ago
In 40k where the Imperium are outright fascists, the context is already there 5 weeks ago
Isn’t that just roleplay, though? Don’t know much about 40k, but I imagine someone’s got to be the bad guys, right? 5 weeks ago
Yes 5 weeks ago
what do you look for in their responses?
surely they dont go „oh yeah we are nazis, you got us“ 5 weeks ago
It’s not about “getting someone”. The concerts are in clubs that have a zero tolerance. If there’s a Nazi band on the stage shit will hit the fan. This may range from other bands refusing to play in the same stage to people attacking each other.
You get usually two kind of responses: People are pretty clear in their response: “Of course not” or “Fuck Nazis” are the usual replies here.
Then there are others who get offended or try to discuss what Nazi means. That’s a “yes” in disguise and enough to not book them. 5 weeks ago
If the context is 40k, definitely not an unexpected question. 5 weeks ago
Is there something about the tabletop portion of the community I don’t get? I just like the lore of the universe and if someone asked me if I was a nazi based on that I would be very confused. 5 weeks ago
Think about it this way, if you joined WWII reenactment, you’ll mostly come across guys that have a general interest in WWII and will play the role of most factions (including Germany if needed). But you will also run into guys who are enthusiastically on the German side 90% and less happy playing anything else. That second guy is most likely a Nazi but tries to maintain plausible deniability 5 weeks ago
“I only play black templars and krieg. No, what shovel meme?”
hmmmmmm 5 weeks ago
I always kind of feel like a bad leftist because I really like playing germany in Hearts of Iron. I can’t help it that germany has a monster industrial base and democratic countries are mechanically limited. I just like my jank tank battalions and some nice relaxing map painting but no other country has the industrial base for that without also being limited by the democratic ideology mechanics or having to go through the whole process to switch ideology. 5 weeks ago
I too am confused about the correlation since I’ve never run into nazis playing 40k. Though to be fair I run slaaneshi chaos so I don’t think I’m in their demo of black templars. 5 weeks ago
Warhammer 40k lore is on the level of racism and genetic determinism that resonates with nazibrain.
Every faction is a caricature and parody of some ideological concept where every member is obligated to live and die exactly as they’re supposed to. 5 weeks ago
The Imperium fanboys that only play with regular Space Marines, Custodes, and the like seem to be the demographic. If they complain about playing any xeno races, that can be a tip. Then again, some of them are just really autistic. It’s not an absolute guarantee, but yeah, the Imperium, understandably, attracts fascists. 5 weeks ago
The Imperium of Man is overtly fascistic. Some really like this bit for all the wrong reasons 5 weeks ago
Hellsing Abridged on the topic. 5 weeks ago
Why did the guy feel the need to announce that they are, in fact, Nazis? The giant swastika is a bit of a giveaway 5 weeks ago
One would think there are “dead giveaways”.
But apparently pulling a Nazi salute on stage at a presidential inauguration doesn’t seem to be one. Can anyone explain why? 5 weeks ago
No, that’s just an unfortunate faux-pas 5 weeks ago
The abridged series tend to go with the theme of the episode but change the dialogue significantly. SAOAbridged is great for this 5 weeks ago
Right, in that context it wouldn’t be.