- Comment on Anon is a gamer 3 weeks ago:
I wouldn’t be surprised if basically every person with over 1k hours in a game isn’t seeking some sort of escapism, not counting the anomalies like people leaving servers running etc.
I suppose every minute in a game is escapism of some sort, but escapism from dysphoria or something else significant, I think would be common.
- Comment on Anon encounters magic 4 weeks ago:
Or anyone can tell anon is alone in one glance.
- Comment on The question no one dares ask: what if Britain has to defend itself from the US? | George Monbiot 4 weeks ago:
This is what the US have encouraged Taiwan to do. Taiwan wanted to purchase a few incredibly expensive fighters and ship from the USA, but basically all war simulations just had China target these and secure a fast win. The USA instead encourage Taiwan to take the “porcupine” technique, spreading many small weapons, particularly handheld anti-aircraft type weaponry across the country. The plan is to make invasion too inconvenient. The flip side is that without a reliable way to show a display of strength, anywhere the larger aggressor does pick on (USA to UK China to Taiwan) can focus on one part of the country and reliably cause massive damage there.
- Comment on The question no one dares ask: what if Britain has to defend itself from the US? | George Monbiot 4 weeks ago:
The chances of a future where the UK and USA go to war where those military bases aren’t long since gone is nearly impossible.
- Comment on It was Steve 1 month ago:
There are actually 0 OSHA incidents every year, but Workplace Incident Georg has 10,000 workplace incidents each day and is an outlier and shouldn’t be counted.
- Comment on crazy to think about 2 months ago:
I’m so lucky to be born in '98 and just dodged the great aging.
- Comment on UK ‘one of world’s least work-oriented countries’ claims BrewDog founder - as he slams obsession with 'work-life balance' 2 months ago:
I’ve been told by literal Brewdog barstaff that if they know he’s coming, they need to encourage their female staff to either dress moderately or not come in, to minimise his sexual harassment.
I don’t know how true that is, but the city I’m based in, which is pretty happy to boycott assholes is filled with people who boycott Brewdog.
- Comment on Anon's PC works 2 months ago:
I built an overkill PC in February 2016, it was rocking a GTX 980ti a little before the 1080 came out, and it was probably the best GPU out there, factory overclocked and water cooled by EVGA. My CPU was an i5-4690k, which was solidly mid range then, but I overclocked it myself from 3.5GHz to 5.3Ghz with no issue, and only stopped there because I was so suspicious of how well it was handling that massive increase. I had 2TB of SSD spaceand like 8TB of regular hard drives and 16GB of ram.
Because I have never needed to think about space, and so many of my parts were really overpowered for their generation, I have always been hesitant to upgrade. I don’t play the newest games either, I still get max settings on Doom Eternal and Read Dead 2 which I forget are half a decade old. The only game where it’s struggled in low settings is Baldurs Gate 3 unfortunately, which is made me realise it’s ready to upgrade.
- Comment on The world is ending but here's a side quest - will RPGs ever solve their urgency problem? 4 months ago:
Funnily enough The Witcher 3 is one of the games I always think of for the trope of not following the plot. Often I think of the ludonarrative dissonance specifically between Gestalt’s paternal drive to find and protect Ciri Vs Gwent.
For large scale, AAA open world games, I mostly think of Breath of the Wild, which transparently sets itself up as being about taking as long as you need to get strong enough to save the world and Red Dead Redemption 2, which doesn’t care about the stakes of the world.
I sometimes can’t wrap my head around the fact that Witcher 3, BotW and RDR2 were each two years apart. I don’t feel any open world game has occupied the cultural space those games did since.
- Comment on A Disco Elysium successor studio has been announced for the second time today, meaning there are now 4 companies battling for the title of ZA/UM's true inheritor 5 months ago:
Long before ZA/UM closed, I was certain that we’d never see a new game of that quality again from the same studio.
I’m not confident any of these new teams will pull it off, but I’d rather have four attempts than one.
- Comment on How did gravity worked on the Death Star? 8 months ago:
Yeah the fact it’s called a small moon is slightly deceptive to us because our moon is absolutely huge as far as moons go. The natives of the SW universe would be used to much much smaller moons.
For reference, our moon is 3475km across and the death star is 150km across, so it’s diameter is 23 smaller. It’s also weighed at about 900million tonnes or 9*10^14kg.
If I’m right (which I’m likely not). g=(GM)/r² or g=(6.66710^-119*10^13)/75².
That’s a gravity of 1.086x10^-5m/s² or if I round with pure disrespect for physics, 100,000 times weaker than earth’s gravity. Essentially it’s totally negligible compared to their artificial gravity. Hell, I don’t even think a marble on the floor would overcome it’s own grip and roll towards the center of the space station.
My maths is almost certainly wrong somewhere here, I failed it badly.
- Comment on Oh god, that can't be good... 8 months ago:
I don’t even think the back legs look too weird. One of the things I’ve found when trying to spot AI is that often actual images look weird like this just because of the angle / compression etc.
- Comment on we don't talk about powerpoint 9 months ago:
Yeah I don’t like Microsoft but like Office, I just run offline pirated version of their main programs. It’s like how I avoid Google for 70% of options but absolutely love Google Maps and Google Translate.
- Comment on Is lemmy now what reddit used to be 10+ years ago? 9 months ago:
I started regularly using Reddit in 2013 and r/funny was general low quality spam from there sites, with A LOT of reposts, basically all content was the same content on loop. r/adviceanimals was huge and was basically a mashup of shower thoughts, jokes, off my chest and general opinionated statements, and it was huge. r/f7u12 was big but already seen as declining and cringe.
The humour here isn’t just Reddit style, the enormous amount of shitpost humour here is reflected in basically all “taking to chronically online strangers” community on the internet, from twitter to discord etc. I’d say shitpost humour outweighs all the other humour in this site.
What Lemmy absolutely does have in common with old Reddit is the userbase being a bunch of trekie programmers. It used to be tech support on their office computers and now it’s software developers on their home Linux machines but the way people talk and act is really similar. In old Reddit days, it was so easy to assume that whoever you spoke to was in work that it was the normal assumption, and you’d see a massive uptick in porn on r/all when evening hit in America. Summer Reddit was a name given to the school kids who’d suddenly swarm the sites in the summer holidays during office hours, and the average age and humour had a noticeable shift.
Lemmy now feels like a site of similar in their 30s but they don’t have 9-5 desk jobs where they browse Lemmy all day, so the hourly and daily trends don’t really align like they used to, now it’s all the classic trends at once as teenagers use Lemmy on their phones in school and work from home means people are shitposting and jerking off all day and night.
- Comment on Every base is base 10 10 months ago:
Bold of you to assume I’d ever remember this counting technique. Hell I’m shocked I remember counting my fingers for base 10…
- Comment on Every base is base 10 10 months ago:
Some people argue that it would be harder to count on your fingers but we could just surgically give everyone more?
- Comment on Think Tobey planned this? 10 months ago:
I think the compression has made the lighting feel unnaturally soft. It reminds me of shitty HDR or mid 2010s video game cutscene.
- Comment on Valve’s hero shooter Deadlock leaks with screenshots, gameplay details - Polygon 10 months ago:
Oh noooo, I hate this art and design style:(
- Comment on ‘Furiosa’ First Reactions Say It’s a Stunning Powerhouse (But No ‘Fury Road’) 10 months ago:
I wrote an essay on this exact thing back in college. Basically every backdrop, including every mountain range the action actually took place in was totally digitally created, furthermore many of the explosions were beefed up in post production. Some obvious stuff like the sandstorm were of course CGI too. Sometimes the ground would just be reshaped a little for the aesthetics of the final shot when it’s basically just changing desert to desert.
The thing is, practically every vehicle and person you saw was real, and most of the special effects like the explosions were real and looked incredible on the day, with things like shrapnel and the like being added in post.
Fury Road barely used CGI for the content people care about, the stuff that’s exciting to know was done for real on location. But beyond that, it was used liberally.
I’m happy with this approach and I’m curious to see how much the new film adheres to this choice.
- Comment on Which is the best Lemmy app for mobile? 10 months ago:
I love sync and it’s been my go to app for a decade across reddit and Lemmy, but I find it’s advertising and pro features far more frustrating now than ever before.
The dev also takes long breaks but I don’t mind this as his work while he’s active is really really good and fast.
If you already use revanced manager for YouTube or other apps, there is an ad free patch for an older version of sync which has an easy APK to seek out, which is recommend.
- Comment on Take-Two Interactive shuts down the Studios behind Kerbal Space Program and Rollerdrome 10 months ago:
Yeah I absolutely adored the concept and would see it picked up. I discovered it after pitching to a friend Tony Hawk’s Borderlands 4 and gradually realising the proof of concept existed.
- Comment on Lawyer 10 months ago:
Yeah is bet this is it. Born in 1785 is the right time to easily still live off the inherited wealth of a founded city, and even more than now, law is a particularly favourable career for members of that class to retain their wealth and enter politics.
- Comment on Caption this. 11 months ago:
Surely that would be more of a Image
- Comment on Rizzler 11 months ago:
I suspect this is a partner of some kind considering they have access to nudes?
- Comment on Social acceptability 1 year ago:
Some people have mentioned that some people with foot fetishes have a habit of trying to get people they find attractive to talk about their feet which makes everyone uncomfortable, to the point that it’s kinda of the main reason I think a stigma has formed against it.
If I met someone who for some reason I suspected was into feet, I’d be a little wary until I felt they weren’t gonna be weird about people’s feet, but I think if i met a knee fetish person, I’d be so surprised they exist that i wouldn’t think about this aspect even though it’s just as likely.
- Comment on Lemmy updated to 19.2 1 year ago:
I assumed was down for a couple of days because I hadn’t tried to log out and back in on my app. I wonder who else was in the same boat.
- Comment on Steam will now accept "the vast majority" of games using "AI" generation, but only with disclosures 1 year ago:
I don’t think I agree. Steam is a distribution service and it’s up to the publisher to decide if they’re going to use AI in their design. The use of AI content is so wide and applicable to gaming from the code to art to marketing etc that it’s absolutely unavoidable that large publishers will decide to use it.
in 5 yearstoday, every major game studio will be looking to use AI to cut costs, and if steam blocks this content, they’ll be left behind quickly. What happens when Unreal, Unity and even GameMaker or Godot are utilising AI generation (or aren’t but Adobe already is and their programs are used in many parts of game design already). Do steam block 90% of major and minor developers? What happens when a game is made without AI in an engine that was made with it, or marketed with buzzwords from a language model.Any distributor who blocks AI generated content is embracing rapid obsolescence. Hell, any publisher who makes a lot of money from independent developers such as Sony will be risking becoming obselete by outlawing AI, as many of their developers would likely end up using AI and moving to other publisher’s as contracts ended. P
Sadly these companies are competing with other companies who are willing to do whatever it takes to make the most money. As a distributor, if the publishers is using AI, they need to permit it or die, as the publisher, the same goes for the developers, for the developer, the same goes for them to the game engine developers, or the art software, or the presentation software in their development strategy briefings. If remaining competitive is part of your companies goal, which it probably is, then you basically need to let AI into your production wherever it shows itself as more convenient or die.
- Comment on Modders are gonna have a field day 1 year ago:
I played the story on PS3 back in 2013 then picked up the PAC version and only played online that time around. I did put about 200 hours in to it which is a lot for me, j probably have 4 or so games with that many hours or more.
If you’re looking for story it never got good, particularly because your protagonist is a silent insert with no supporting NPCs to carry it, but if you’re favourite part of story mode was the general exploration and open world stuff, it’s pretty good. I sometimes played with friends but I think 90% of the time I put in was mindless time wasting which it was good at, although I was a teenager and I’m not looking to waste time like that anymore. I also got into modding it in about 2017 and had a really good time with infinite money and cheating benevolently which probably got me an extra 100 hours of enjoyment out of it.
I think it had a golden age which you’ve missed. The first 6 weeks it was out, it was totally broken and then for maybe the first year and a half it was really low on content compared to story mode. Eventually the first wave of heists and tools and resources to support race / minigame makers came out too and that was a great era. Eventually though as players left more and more over time it was becoming more and more targeted at those few “whales” who were probably spending thousands on the game, with all content becoming inflated in cost to sell shark cards. By the time I dropped the game, it was practically impossible to progress without buying the digital currency, and any money exploits or cheater’s were gone, leaving only the destructive cheaters. I have no idea if this has got better I haven’t touched the game since maybe 2019.
- Comment on [Steam] Which lesser known games have you bought or are planning to buy in this sale? 1 year ago:
I wouldn’t call it a soulslike really. Beyond being an over the shoulder melee game, it’s more of a classic PS2 era adventure game.
- Comment on [Steam] Which lesser known games have you bought or are planning to buy in this sale? 1 year ago:
I picked up En Garde recently because I absolutely adore the tone, setting and swashbuckling duelist vibe.
It’s a little flat for me, I don’t feel like it has achieved the character fantasy of being a swashbuckler in the mechanics, instead I’m basically kicking boxes into people and stabbing them again and again.