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we don't talk about powerpoint
Submitted 8 months ago by to
Comments 8 months ago 8 months ago
Does it support BoVeX?
If you don’t get it. YouTube link warning 8 months ago
All I need is Marp. 8 months ago
PowerPoint is somewhat awesome though, yar.
Everything it does can be done better elsewhere, but it does so much that you can use one thing rather than learn several new tools separately.
You just have to get past and ignore the “Microsoft” part, to see that Office is a legit achievement bc of all the work they put into that.
Ofc it doesn’t compare to Latex, but that’s like a different class of tool entirely so it’s okay:-). 8 months ago
I have started learning LaTeX (about to dive back in actually) as I edit my thesis together into something that resembles something more than a ranting tangent. It is scratching my probable undx autism obsession itch hella hard. Overleaf is actually a really great tool when you have purpose. 8 months ago
Overleaf is the shit, I love that site so goddamned much 8 months ago
I like Overleaf but it completely fucked up the LaTeX templates my university provided. 8 months ago
I’ve spend so much time on learning latex instead of writing my thesis haha (in my department no one ever even heard of latex). But yes, same with the autism connection. It’s just so nice to have a certain structure and order in everything :) 8 months ago
PowerPoint is ridiculously capable, like to an unnecessary degree. 8 months ago
I HATE Microsoft, it is evil, and moreover it was evil long before Apple and Google etc. became thus (and before Facebook, Twitter/X, etc. existed).
But ngl, Office is solid. I’ve run Office products on any personal machine I’ve been on - Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux (Wine) - and every time I have tried to switch to an open-source version I keep going back.
If I had to do heavy math then I would invest the time to learn to use Beamer, but for everything else, PowerPoint does so much with ease. 8 months ago
Powerpoint is what made me originally vow to try to never use word or powerpoint again, about 15 years ago. I was making a mathematically-dense presentation and became so frustrated with it that I wanted to throw my computer out the window. I still was somewhat new to latex at the time but figured there had to be some way to make presentations in latex. Found beamer and have never used pp for a real presentation again. 8 months ago
Yeah, PowerPoint is made for “business presentations”, and its auto-alignment makes it useful for layout tasks like e.g. Adobe Illustrator replacement, plus it has some picture editing features though ofc nowhere close to Photoshop (or gimp, or ImageMagic, etc.), plus its presentation mode is good e.g. like Acrobat but far easier to use iirc.
But it’s definitely of the WYSIWYG class, whereas for math I believe you want LaTeX, at which point it’s probably easier to just do the layout from within that than to take pictures of the formulas and present from within PowerPoint.
PowerPoint can be a nice tool for many, but not for that purpose, agreed. 8 months ago
Could use libre office 8 months ago
Nope. LO Impress doesn’t support inline equations, something quite annoying if you’re going to prepare slides for scientific stuff. 8 months ago
Yeah I don’t like Microsoft but like Office, I just run offline pirated version of their main programs. It’s like how I avoid Google for 70% of options but absolutely love Google Maps and Google Translate. 8 months ago
I haven’t used Google translate since I discovered Deepl, and it gets better all the time 8 months ago
There are different teams that work on different products. Devs != Marketing for one I guess. Anyway those are all legit achievements that we can recognize, and still know that the corporation is evil, or even if it was not that we don’t want to rely on a for-profit corp for everything important that we need.:-) 8 months ago
I mean, it’s okay… I feel like I run into inconveniences in MSO every day. Off the top of my head (solutions welcome): 8 months ago
Okay so all true but… genuinely, do you have an alternative to suggest? I have thought about switching to a more LaTeX layout style editing platform even not for mathematical formulas, since part of the issue is simply using WYSIWYG. PowerPoint at least has workarounds for most things - e.g. in the details panel (click click, click click click - it used to be a direct menu item but now it is quite buried, at least in my current version) you can input a numerical value for the x and y position relative to the slide’s upper left corner i.e. its absolute position). That requires a significantly lower barrier to entry than editing source code but if the latter offers superior functionality with less hassle…
As for Word and Excel, the same thought applies: what else even comes close? I spent quite some time learning R and therefore hate it with a burning passion - especially the existing libraries like ggplot (granted I am several years out of date there so there’s a slim possibility that literally everything about it has changed and it is awesome now?). There I believe a solid alternative would be Python libraries e.g. MatPlotLib (+SciPy + NumPy), but even that I would guess depends on what you want to do, like it would replace the plotting part, but if you still wanted that more visual exploration, or a “view” of the data to send to someone, the visual spreadsheet is kinda neat?
More than a decade of effort went into making MSO, and unfortunately even more would need to be done still in order to improve further as you pointed out, but at this point even if FOSS catches up to all of that, I am still going to respect MSO for having done it first to blaze the trail (even while I switch to the FOSS alternative for daily use:-).