- Comment on i'm gonna need directions 9 hours ago:
Hey look, it’s a kürzlich aufgebaute vom Aufbauprinzip verbaute Bau
- Comment on The Periodic Table according to astronomers 1 week ago:
The intended joke is that hypervalent iodine compounds like Dess-Martin periodinane different oxidation states like you often see for transition metals. As an example, the mechanism usually drawn for oxidations by DMP is similar to those drawn for, e.g., PCC/Jones reagent, where the electrons removed from the substrate is “banked” at the metal center. Obviously, redox chemistry is not at all limited to transition metals, but I am often surprised at iodine’s propensity to engage in it. A lot of research over the past decade or two has also developed redox catalysis with these reagents, reactivity which is commonly (though again not always) the purview of transition metals.
- Comment on The Periodic Table according to astronomers 1 week ago:
Iodine is a transition metal I will die on this hill.
- Comment on ocan't 2 weeks ago:
δ 8.52 - 0.9 ppm (m, 56 H). e z
- Comment on Unionized 3 weeks ago:
What about ChemE then? They’re both.
- Comment on USA Question | How much is a dozen large eggs near you? 3 weeks ago:
$6.49 from Giant near Philly today
- Comment on Sadge 3 weeks ago:
And yet the f block is missing entirely. Oh, the sacrifices we make!
- Comment on Sadge 3 weeks ago:
6th period onward looks a little funny…
- Comment on based on a true story 5 weeks ago:
Me last night making weird noises while reading Wikipedia and trying to figure out Tamil pronunciation. It says intervocalic ற is trilled and ர is tapped but that’s definitely not what I heard in the yt video I had just watched…
Also ழ. Also ந ஞ ன ண ங (5 n sounds!?!)
- Comment on Learning a new language is easy! 1 month ago:
I think the biggest difficulty when starting out is that you don’t know common endings and syllable structure, and so it can be hard to parse where the morphological boundaries lie. It’s much easier once you understand those, though you will still find instances where two components are combined in an unintuitive (for the learner) way, particularly if the translation maps to a (apparently) indivisible root in the learner’s language.
- Comment on Learning a new language is easy! 1 month ago:
I’ve played around with changing Windows system languages before and was indeed thrown off by the slew of Gruppenrichtlinienbearbeitungsprogramm-type calques. Glad to know that Germans also find this offputting ;)
- Comment on Learning a new language is easy! 1 month ago:
Löschen can also mean to offload cargo from a ship…
I did not know this one either, and it seems even more different from delete/erase/extinguish. I had to look this up; wiktionary says that the unloading sense is actually from a different root (MND lössen, cognate with “los”), which may have changed due to association with the “erasure” sense, particularly in the context of erasure from ship inventories and logbooks.
Also, thank you for the context. This kind of detail tends to be extremely difficult to search for.
- Comment on Learning a new language is easy! 1 month ago:
TIL that löschen is also used to mean extinguishing fires. Firefighter support vehicle, I guess?
- Comment on What the hell 1 month ago:
GFP is often combined with other genes of interest in biotech to provide an easy way to check whether the genes of interest are successfully incorporated/active. Glowy cells = successful, dark = unsuccessful/inactive. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reporter_gene
- Comment on Precision takes time 2 months ago:
one gets silicosis and the other gets siliconetits
- Comment on Problem? 3 months ago:
Goos rule of thumb: if someone else hasn’t solved the problem yet, it’s more complicated than you’re assuming. If the problem is worth solving, other people smarter than you have almost certainly attempted the easy “solutions” already, and they were inadequate to solve the problem. Heck, even if it’s not worth solving, there’s a non-zero chance that some pre-Reagan weirdos took a crack at it with bonus mercury and thallium compounds for the lulz and published it all in a vague 200-word comm in a now-defunct journal.
- Comment on This feels wrong. I love it. 3 months ago:
Isn’t the squaring actually multiplication by the complex conjugate when working in the complex plane? i.e., √((1 - 0 i) (1 + 0 i) + (0 - i) (0 + i)) = √(1 + - i^2^) = √(1 + 1) = √2. I could be totally off base here and could be confusing with something else…
- Comment on Yep, it's me 3 months ago:
I so badly want to be as smart and articulate as Feynman when ever I grow up.
- Comment on I hate that that happens 3 months ago:
dass das das das dass da ersetzen kann ist falsch
translation: that “das” can replace “dass” there is wrong.
same shit different barbarians
- Comment on Ah yes, regression 3 months ago:
This relation between temperature and resistivity can be shown to be exponential in certain temperature regimes by waving your hands and chanting “to first order.”
for some reason this is the line that got me
- Comment on Half as Hot 3 months ago:
New strategy to prevent global warming: just freeze all of the CO2 out of the air!
- Comment on Drink it, I dare ya 3 months ago:
Alternatively for a full octet on every atom, oxiryne, which does not exist and does not have a wiki page. It’s basically acetylene with its arms chopped off and the stumps dislocated, bent back, and stapled together with an oxygen atom.
- Comment on Publishers Always Innovating 3 months ago:
Fair, but certain corporate-mandated client-side PDF viewers are… bloatier. Though, I do like not having another window to manage when I open in browser, particularly when doing web searches. It pairs well with tab grouping extensions, and I generally don’t use markup, so no loss for me there.
- Comment on Publishers Always Innovating 4 months ago:
https://…/epdf/… -> https://…/pdf/…
- Comment on Synthesize deez nutz 4 months ago:
Synthesis: everything happens except what you want. And then the 26h/day tryhard at <random other institution> in <random other country> publishes the molecule with the exact same route. The problem? Your hands suck. Git gud scrub.
- Comment on Academic writing 4 months ago:
Complex 1a was prepared according to well-known synthetic procedures. The reduction potential of the complex was increased due to the nephelauxetic expansion of the occupied FMOs induced by photolytic epimerization of the auxiliary tetrahydrophosphazolidine sulfide ligand to enable a strongly σ-donating dihaptic coordination mode.
translation: we made molecule 1a, we shouldn’t need to tell you how, it’s obvious, lmao, git gud. the molecule became less likely to gain extra electrons because shining light on it made one of its weird-ass totally-not-bullshit parts wiggle around a bit so that it could bind more strongly to the metal atom through two of its own adjacent atoms, making the metal atom’s relevant electrons floofier.
- Comment on Ooops 5 months ago:
It happens in industry, too, and often it’s even the stakeholders’ fault :) I’ve still got so many reports to write…
- Comment on Me et al. 5 months ago:
(jk my company mandates it after unilaterally deciding to stop paying for endnote and forbids other software im miserable send help)
- Comment on Bread 5 months ago:
In grocery stores in many parts of the US at least, it is extremely hard not to find bread in plastic bags. Even the one of 3 near me that has its own bakery puts the bread in a plastic bag, and then in another bag that is paper with a plastic “window”, and the paper part has a PE wax lining for god knows what reason.
- Comment on "Now everyone will have an easy reference table at hand!" 5 months ago:
But… but… muh thulium…
jk all lanthanides are the same don’t @ me physicists
also Ce(IV) catalyst stans also also total synthesis tryhards who think SmI2 is ever the right call