- Comment on Good evening I choose being well informed. 2 weeks ago:
I’d also assume it’s referring to TPE-based toys? All that “jelly” stuff is garbage and shouldn’t be allowed to be sold.
- Comment on Did sites end up making money from API restrictions? 2 weeks ago:
I don’t know all the numbers, but the point isn’t to make money from people paying for API access, but to force people to use their official applications – which meets their goals of farming more data/advertising money/engagement/whatever.
- Comment on eggs in japan 1 month ago:
That probably wouldn’t pass the float test though, right? I wouldn’t risk it after that long, but I’m glad you didn’t get sick.
- Comment on eggs in japan 1 month ago:
The USDA’s website says that eggs are “washed and refrigerated in Canada, Japan, and Scandinavia”, but that’s a lie regarding Scandinavia in any case (I’m an egg enthusiast btw)… so I wouldn’t be surprised they’re lying about Japan as well.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 1 month ago:
It was already difficult enough to undo bra hooks, but now you can watch 6 unskipable ads instead and it’ll release itself automatically. Much profit indeed.
- Comment on China’s DeepSeek AI poses formidable cyber, data privacy threats 1 month ago:
Freely learn about many subjects, just as long as you aren’t wondering what happened on the 4th of June 1989.
- Comment on Heels 2 months ago:
- Comment on Guess I'll starve 2 months ago:
So the business still got your money? I guess it’s a difficult decision when one’s hungry.
- Comment on guys... :( 2 months ago:
If I was your boss, I’d be more angry that you have the calendar set to September!
- Comment on Good afternoon I'm here to make a parches of a slic. 2 months ago:
Why did someone photoshop in that black guy behind the guy with the signs?
- Comment on Ordering coffee in the USA triggers me 2 months ago:
So you mean they have an entirely different “base” coffee when making a normal latte vs an ice latte? A latte should just be espresso and milk, and an iced latte is just that + ice…?
- Comment on Ordering coffee in the USA triggers me 2 months ago:
Is there a big difference in price and/or size if you’d order a normal latte? If not, yes, I’d 100% expect similar sizes.
- Comment on typical future ER visitor 2 months ago:
But how much radiation will it cause? A banana gives you like 0.1 μSv when eaten, but can it be more/less when it’s up there?
- Comment on Why is daisychaining multiple extension cords considered unsafe, even if only done to the length of a standard cable? 2 months ago:
Not so awful, but it’s disappointing when you open the drawer expecting a Bible, but there’s only OneNote there.
- Comment on Broccoli, cheese, and MILFs 3 months ago:
Are you saying that I might stop hating coriander when I retire? But I really like broccoli, so maybe it’s a different kind of soap gene…
- Comment on Anyone notice how Brian Thompson dies and suddenly aliens start attacking? 3 months ago:
But when people take out their phones and the object gets focused/close enough to see, it morphs into an airplane or such. Like, these aliens have such good technology to be able to morph, but they only do it whenever someone is able to document the sighting?! Crazy stuff!!! 😱
- Comment on ugh i wish 3 months ago:
I think my girlfriend would be weirded out if I asked her to take domperidone…
- Comment on Well THAT fucking sucks! 🤬 3 months ago:
Do you have any recommendations? Most things I’ve seen are tailored to “you’re physically here for a couple weeks” or expensive global plans.
- Comment on Well THAT fucking sucks! 🤬 3 months ago:
Where? And wouldn’t it be some expensive plans, as you’d be roaming in a different country?
- Comment on Little dude ATP 4 months ago:
And if you get poisoned with 2,4-DNP, your ATP will make you into a thermal power plant before you die of uncontrolled hyperthermia!
- Comment on I miss Adam West... 5 months ago:
I thought that’s where that guy from Pokémon came from?
- Comment on Meatspin 6 months ago:
Back in my day, we walked for miles uphill in the snow to school, we rode the unprotected meatspin, broke all of our bones, and then we walked for miles uphill back home. Kids these days are so spoiled and pampered!!!
- Comment on Exquisite 6 months ago:
What have you done with the Vulkanpizza???
- Comment on Whoever wrote this headline has never encountered a passenger train before in their lives 6 months ago:
I’m not a rail expert, but I thought for some reason that rails without electricity would be too old/unmaintained to be allowed to serve passenger traffic, lol.
40 minutes? I would have imagined that everyone would hop off at the station, they’d then drive out to a parking junction, and then drive back the electric train to the station for people to load in again. Isn’t it also very expensive to take the train (you’re from the US I assume)? Not weird that no one wants to take it when it’s in such bad situations :/
- Comment on Whoever wrote this headline has never encountered a passenger train before in their lives 6 months ago:
If you’re already laying tracks, why not lay electricity as well?
- Comment on Pavlov 6 months ago:
Frankenstein is the monster?
- Comment on Anon pregames 6 months ago:
And the old “I cheated on you because I was drunk”. It’s not so heartwarming that people here are belittling rape with what would be considered negligent sexual assault at the worst.
- Comment on Why are doctors so hands off and unhelpful in the USA? 6 months ago:
you’re only getting part of what an endoscopy can do.
But it’s much less intrusive, no? So should it not be considered to see if a good diagnosis can be made via it?
- Comment on Blood Meal 6 months ago:
Uhm, hello, it says blood MEAL, so of course it’s made to be eaten.
- Comment on Well THAT'S super helpful! 🤦 6 months ago:
I can’t think of many examples where a postal letter will be so time-critical that it will make a big difference if it’s delayed 1 day (or until Monday if delivery was on Thursday)?
But I agree, it shouldn’t have to be like that. And how much paper-profit they make would probably be nothing compared to the benefits society gets (and thus benefits the country’s economy regardless).