- Comment on Not real... *for now* 1 week ago:
I’m definitely not immune but sometimes an ad is annoying enough I decide I’m done with that company for a few years at least.
- Comment on *cough cough* GOLLUM *cough cough* 5 weeks ago:
Dude, no. African Americans, also known as Black Americans and formerly also called Afro-Americans, are an American racial or ethnic group consisting of Americans with partial or total ancestry from any of the Black racial groups of Africa.
- Comment on *cough cough* GOLLUM *cough cough* 1 month ago:
I think they are trying to refer to musk but he is African not African-American. Hrm…
- Comment on Hubris 2 months ago:
Always thought they spent time designing the packaging to cause it to pop as a marketing gimmick. Only fun memories here
- Comment on Not enough people buying Premium, eh? 2 months ago:
I thought it was based around BSSID which cannot be changed on most devices. Changing SSID helps?
- Comment on DnD 3 months ago:
I’ve never played Slugblaster but all the rest were great fun. However, I have had the very best sessions with Apocalypse World 2 and Monsterhearts 2. If you are into either of those genres and have the group for it you’re in luck. A good session feels better than literally taking happy drugs.
(Finding the right group for Monsterhearts is quite the trick though.)
- Comment on DnD 3 months ago:
Amen. With a list like that how could you leave out Apocalypse World?
- Comment on Wait, my body's own heat is enough? Always has been. 3 months ago:
19C during the day, 14C at night, 22C in the office because sitting still and concentrating is no way to keep warm.
I can’t wait until it’s warm enough to just keep windows open 24/7 again.
- Comment on Wise words 6 months ago:
I agree with your post for the most part but “I think” are wasted words. Every statement is a something someone thinks unless they cite a source. Only include “I think” if you’re doubting your opinions.
- Comment on If you’re looking for something to watch tonight… 6 months ago:
It’s real? I thought this was some Gen ai art but
- Comment on What doesn't kill ya 6 months ago:
I see my mistake. I was overly focused on airborne data. Malaria hasn’t really changed for the better has it. Thank you.
- Comment on What doesn't kill ya 6 months ago:
I stand corrected. Let me adjust my comment. Most viruses, the vast majority, are not deadly to humans. Those that are mutate to become less deadly to humans over time.
- Comment on What doesn't kill ya 6 months ago:
Totally 💯
- Comment on What doesn't kill ya 6 months ago:
HIV won’t kill you. It weakens your immune system so other diseases kill you.
- Comment on What doesn't kill ya 6 months ago:
Uh… Cancer is not an organism with its own genes. Cancer is you baby, you’re just just getting out of control. Viruses sometimes start deadly but they almost always get less deadly over time.
- Comment on What doesn't kill ya 6 months ago:
Don’t they usually mutate to less deadly forms? Killing their host isn’t exactly a successful strategy.
- Comment on I'm all of them 7 months ago:
I’m all of these fish. If I’m going to spend my life playing a game I want to immerse myself as much as possible.
- Comment on Alignment Chart Shitpost 7 months ago:
TIL: most cat households are lawful evil.
- Comment on A future sci-fi writers never could've imagined 8 months ago:
Also William Gibson wrote about foiling facial recognition with makeup over thirty years ago.
- Comment on Anon is metal as fuck 8 months ago:
I know at least one dude who’s parents caught him trying to cut off his balls with garden sheers when he was young in the 90s. They stopped him and he went on to play football and marry a woman and all the stuff his folks wanted. I wonder how he’s doing now.
- Comment on Do I Need to Watch Discovery To Enjoy SNW? 9 months ago:
I feel so validated. :). Star Trek Beyond… I tried twice and didn’t last through the ATV action scene either time.
- Comment on Do I Need to Watch Discovery To Enjoy SNW? 9 months ago:
I’ve only watched the first episode of seasons 1 and 3 of Discovery I wanted to like it but I kept falling asleep. I tried a few times.
I watched all of Strange New Worlds and only fell asleep during one episode which I rewatced later without trouble. I highly recommend SNW.
PS: I’m under 50 and yes my metric for judgement when it comes to TV is “would I rather be sleeping?”
- Comment on Morish Morals 10 months ago:
Yes. And The Underminer from Incredibles…/latest?cb=20180627005…
- Comment on The choice is yours 10 months ago:
Yeah, cat poop smells way worse than baby poop.
- Comment on This guy reads minds! (Repost) 10 months ago:
I’ve seen that decal. Can you explain the caption? What does mind reading have to do with anything?
- Comment on I'm not asking to be rich. 1 year ago:
Thanks for agreeing with me. :)
- Comment on I'm not asking to be rich. 1 year ago:
100% true. The absence of pain can feel like pleasure for a time. All senses including our emotional sense work by contrast.
Anyone with rich friends knows that money doesn’t buy happiness. I have two friends who retired with $70 million in the bank 10 years ago. They are miserable. They spend money like mad trying to feel happy and it does not work. Meanwhile I work full time and have a fairly good salary for my area and feel happy more often than not.
- Comment on I'm not asking to be rich. 1 year ago:
Nah. Money buys physical security. Happiness comes from within.
Oh and everyone should have a fair wage and physical security.
- Comment on Piss, you're being filmed. 1 year ago:
I wonder what country this is. The penalty for publishing piss videos without the right paperwork is probably much more severe than the penalty for pissing in an empty alley.
- Comment on How many keurigs would I need to daisy chain together to replace a water heater in an average house? 1 year ago:
If your average house only has one person showering at a time an 18 kW 3.51 GPM Tankless Electric Water Heater would work. It would cost about $500.
To replace that with Keurigs would take some work. They draw 900 to 1500 watts depending on model. So it would take between 20 and 12 Keurigs to match the power draw. I’m not sure what the inlet/outlet tubing diameters are but it seems some replacement parts labeled 1/4" so that’s half a gallon per minute max. You’d need 7 or 8 running in parallel to move enough water. Probably 21 900 watt Keurigs running in groups of 3 would come closest.
I estimate about $2000 in Keurigs plus another few hundred dollars in fittings and a lot of time to reproduce a purpose built $500 water heater.
And of course Keurigs break frequently and you’d definitely void any warranty.
Good luck!