- Comment on If a mysterious force secretly changed EVERY clock worldwide one minute forward, how long would it take until people notice, and how would people/governments react? 1 week ago:
I still come across DCs where time drift happens because of poorly configured VMs
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
In our company I’m friends with one of the lead devs. He once told me “no matter what way you look at it, excel is never the answer” lll I’m sure he was a bit biased, but I’ve seen my fair share of macro-ridden abominations over the years
- Comment on Smart methodology 5 weeks ago:
I used to ask customers to unplug their modem, tell me were the pins on the plug all brass or did it have black tips so I knew which model they had.
In reality I just wanted them to turn the damn thing off and on again
- Comment on Want a Heat Pump? Ask Your Employer | With the rise of remote working, some companies are offering benefits that will help their UK employees cut heating emissions at home. 5 weeks ago:
This link should let you read :)
- Comment on This seat reservation doesn't reserve any seats 2 months ago:
My money is on it being part of the ticketing computer’s programming.
- Comment on I am about to board a flight. What sequence of events would occur if (by chance) for no apparent reason a window got completely smashed out? 2 months ago:
That’s exactly what I want in a situation like that, the crew to respond like it’s any other Tuesday.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
There was an incident involving it on April 14th 1912 that took over 1500 lives.
- Comment on Science fact 4 months ago:
This joke doesn’t work on tatooine
- Comment on Anon drives a bus 6 months ago:
Oh yeah sorry that what I was implying. Somebody is checking the the public service vehicle. Nobody’s checking the private battery bought on eBay
- Comment on Anon drives a bus 6 months ago:…/ebike-fire-regulation-escoote…
It does happen. Not like the bus driver has time to check the battery has all its relevant safety certs.
- Comment on Dutch toilets 6 months ago:
Origami toilet brush made from toilet paper. Yikes
- Comment on Take a gander at this 8 months ago:
You could always follow in the footsteps of these bus drivers:
- Comment on coo coo cachoo 8 months ago:
I dunno man, having holes in your hands gives you a whole new repertoire of handjob techniques
- Comment on Windows just changed the desktop wallpaper and re-added the search bar without my permission after an update 8 months ago:
The PC might be yours, but that virtual machine is Microsoft’s little bitch
- Comment on Warner Bros. has a Lord of the Rings fan film, The Hunt for Gollum, taken off of YouTube 9 months ago:
Thanks Warner, had you not made a big deal about this I wouldn’t have known it exists!
- Comment on Gender-specific toilets to be required in non-residential buildings in England 9 months ago:
I’m confused. Aren’t disabled toilets gender neutral?
- Comment on So close. Once again missed the mark by a mere 1%. I was at 68% at this time last year. 10 months ago:
Thank you for putting in so much effort!
- Comment on So close. Once again missed the mark by a mere 1%. I was at 68% at this time last year. 10 months ago:
If at first you don’t succeed, change your time zone!
Also can I please have a link to the voyager wallpaper?
- Comment on Windows 10 is the last version of Windows 10 months ago:
If I wanted an operating that could break from a regular update I’d just install Arch!
- Comment on How fatal and painful is it if my belly gets stabbed/ripped open? 11 months ago:
Glad to hear, stay safe out there :-)
- Comment on How fatal and painful is it if my belly gets stabbed/ripped open? 11 months ago:
You OK buddy? I saw a reply further down this thread that gives me the impression this is more than a shower thought and more of a genuine fear
- Comment on I don't like what I've seen, man 11 months ago:
Or my personal blood boiler: doing 50 in a 60 zone. Drops to a 40 zone, they continue to do 50
- Comment on Milking machine 1 year ago:
Height’s irrelevant. You need to measure the dick to floor ratio.
- Comment on Electrician job 1 year ago:
Please remember to wear safety goggles when touching the spicy cable
- Comment on Youtube is allowing Youtubers to advertise their merch even for premium users 1 year ago:
Sponsorblock has been incredible.
- Comment on How well do Swedish fish keep past their best by date? 1 year ago:
HAHA! That makes way more sense! I need to get some sleep!
- Comment on How well do Swedish fish keep past their best by date? 1 year ago:
I’m expecting an update similar to the sugar free gummy bear reviews on Amazon.
Also, 2014 is almost a decade out of date. If it doesn’t kill OP it’ll definitely make them a super hero
- Comment on How can we see the Milky Way if we are inside of it? 1 year ago:
Over 26000 years ago if the mirror was placed at the very edge of the milky way. I wonder how many light years away the mirror would have to be to fit the whole image of the galaxy inside it.
I just can’t even begin to get my head around those numbers, I am a tiny insignificant ant.
- Comment on Is it possible to influence your dreams the next night? 1 year ago:
When my kids have trouble falling asleep, we play a game where I’ll ask them what they want to dream about. I then whisper the words in their ear and place their hand on their ear.
I tell them if they sit up, the dream will fall out of their ear.
Anyway, they’ve never once told me it doesn’t work, so if you want to come round tonight I’ll tuck you in!
- Comment on When Y2K happened were there people burning their passports and walking barefoot to Jerusalem or something along those lines? 1 year ago:
I feel personally attacked, but only because you’re right…