- Comment on Caption this. 3 weeks ago:
The Presidential Medal of Freedom OF SCIENCE!
- Comment on Canon Connections: LDS 5x09 - Fissure Quest 1 month ago:
Lt. Kim says, “Everybody gets promoted before OPS.” In addition to Harry never getting promoted on Voyager, Enterprise D / E operations officer Data was a Lieutenant Commander from his first appearance in “Encounter at Farpoint” all the way through his final appearance in “Star Trek Nemesis,” a period of 15 years both in-universe and real world.
- Comment on Cooking advice 2 months ago:
Well, how’s his wife holding up?
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 2 months ago:
Yeah, but it reminded me of the other quote.
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 2 months ago:
“Join the army, they said.”
“See the world, they said.”
“I’d rather be sailing!”
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 2 months ago:
- Comment on Apple Explains Why 256GB Storage Is Better 2 months ago:
And that’s the small keyboard, too. An extended keyboard, with a number pad and the extra cursor movement keys, is $129.
- Comment on Yakuza creator Nagoshi says the era of game size being most important is coming to an end 2 months ago:
Yakuza maps have never been particularly huge. Even in the most recent game, the new map is maybe on the scale of GTA III or Vice City. Still, they manage to pack 15-20 minigames into each game’s word map, some of which involve driving or riding around the map, plus the inevitable scavenger hunts and hidden collectibles.
- Comment on Of course someone has Doom running on Nintendo Alarmo now 2 months ago:
Next up: Skyrim. “Hey, you. You’re finally awake.”
- Comment on Confusion on Trek Eras 2 months ago:
It’s super annoying, but even though they’re all airing at the same time, Picard, Lower Decks, and Prodigy all take place at slightly different times. At least they’re consistent with TNG stardates, where 41000 is 2364, and each 1000 stardates equals one Earth year, so you can get a year from a captain’s log entry. From Memory Alpha:
Lower Decks: 2380-2382
Prodigy: 2383–2385
Picard: 2399-2341 (Ignoring flashbacks)
I miss the TNG / DS9 / VOY era, when shows airing concurrently all take place at the same time.
- Comment on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas release 20 years ago today. 3 months ago:
Such an upgrade over the previous two. Three whole cities to explore, plus the countryside. They managed to stream the world data from the disc as you moved about, so no more loading screens between islands like III and VC had. This was the first GTA where you could swim, so water was no longer a death trap, and the first to introduce skills, so you could swim further and faster as you got better.
- Comment on James Darren, Teen Idol Actor in ‘Gidget,’ Singer and Director, Dies at 88 4 months ago:
Computer, end program. 🫡
- Comment on John Stewart's DNC Recap: 5 months ago:
Colbert is not a conservative, he just played one on TV.
- Comment on Factorio: Space Age Expansion Releases October 21 6 months ago:
Setting the release schedule around vacations and holidays. Sounds like the devs have a respectable work / life balance.
- Comment on After 10 years in early access, 7 Days To Die finally has a release date for version 1.0 7 months ago:
The big thing to differentiate 7D2D is every seventh night you’ll be besieged by a zombie horde. You spend the week reinforcing your defenses, stockpiling ammo, and upgrading your gear, then you’re tested. If you’re interested in this kind of game loop, it’s worth a in-game week or two. Like many of these games, they’re more fun with friends.
- Comment on Jeff Daniels Shocks Kelly Clarkson With Moving Original Song Performance 8 months ago:
“That’s right, you play guitar on the side.”
“I’m a -news anchor- actor on the side.”
- Comment on Star dates – is one day equal to 0,07 SD in TNG? 8 months ago:
It also removes an emphasis on any one particular planet’s day or year.
- Comment on 7 Days to Die is leaving Early Access 9 months ago:
This game has been in Early Access so long it’s lost all meaning. Good for the devs, I guess, to continue to put time and energy into the game for so long.
- Comment on People watching at a mall in 1996 9 months ago:
“I’m in a mall in Tampa in 1996. How did I get here? Well, that’s all thanks to this scientist.”
“I’m Professor Emmet Brown, inventor of the flux capacitor.”
- Comment on The Best Moment in Deep Space Nine's Greatest Episode Is a Punch Left Unthrown 9 months ago:
The last scene is a little heavy handed with its foreshadowing, but it’s one of my favorite bottle episodes.
- Comment on Jump Ship Plays Like a Mix of Sea of Thieves, Left 4 Dead, and FTL 9 months ago:
I thought Notch was employee #1 of Mojang.
- Comment on Due to Falling Enrollments, We Will No Longer Offer Courses in Romulan at Starfleet Academy 10 months ago:
The signature at the bottom of the letter makes it all make sense.
- Comment on Favourite developers 10 months ago:
Coffee Stain Studios. In house, they’ve developed Goat Simulator and Satisfactory. They’ve also published Valhiem and Deep Rock Galactic.
- Comment on What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year ) 1 year ago:
Spider-Man: Miles Morales got its Steam release in November of last year, but I didn’t get to it until after New Years. The Steam Deck handled it really well, which just makes me pissed that Insomniac signed a PlayStation exclusivity agreement for Spider-Man 2.
- Comment on 8th december, got the enterprise (the second enterprise so far) 1 year ago:
The D’s saucer is an oval, wider than it is long (“the fat one”). Voyager’s saucer is long pointy, kind of shaped like a spoon.
- Comment on TIL that Jordie directed some episodes 1 year ago:
He directed and guest stared in the 100th episode of Voyager, “Timeless,” where Geordi had been promoted to captain of the USS Challenger 15 years in the future. 100 is an important milestone episode, so you know the show runners has confidence in him as a director to assign him that episode.
- Comment on The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria™ - Launch Trailer 1 year ago:
Epic store only is a dealbreaker, especially in the age of the Steam Deck
- Comment on "We Took a 100+ Hour Greyhound From Boston to Seattle" 1 year ago:
It’s roughly equivalent to maintaining train stations (some of which see less than one train, per direction, per day), FRA oversight, rental fees to the host railroad outside of the limited tracks Amtrak owns, locomotive and car maintenance, etc.
- Comment on "We Took a 100+ Hour Greyhound From Boston to Seattle" 1 year ago:
The slower speed is why it’s so expensive. Instead of employing a pilot, co-pilot, and flight attendants for a few hours, you have to employ engineers, conductors, and car attendants for days. Labor is one of any business’s highest expenses, and when you require 10x as much for the same result…
- Comment on The Treaty of Westphalia 1 year ago:
Fry and Laurie are always a good comedy pairing.