- Comment on I am required to pay taxes to the US government, not elon musk running a fraudulent government agency, why should I pay? 2 weeks ago:
You don’t pay all at once, you need to pay quarterly tax estimates or you will be constantly paying penalties.
I really wish people would stop giving bad tax advice to strangers.
- Comment on I am required to pay taxes to the US government, not elon musk running a fraudulent government agency, why should I pay? 2 weeks ago:
Just so you know, you will likely face underpayment penalties doing this.
I suggest you avoid giving 16 year olds tax advice.
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 2 weeks ago:
If the lesser evil were consistently voted in year over year, the evilness would slowly decline.
The problem is that doesn’t happen. The lesser evil is often not selected, that’s the part that shifts the scale.
- Comment on Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit 3 weeks ago:
A company taking excess revenue and reinvesting it isn’t profit.
There may be phrases with the word profit in them that include that value, but the general accepted definition is profit is the money that gets distributed to the stakeholders after expenses are covered. This is things like dividends for publicly traded companies, or for private companies, it’s just straight up paying out the cash to stakeholders.
- Comment on Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit 3 weeks ago:
So a service company that only pays salaries has 100% profit?
This is splitting hairs and if all the people arguing about this took an actual class in uni a out this they would know that.
Gross profit typically includes cost of goods sold, COGS doesn’t have an explicit legal definition, it’s up to the business to decide what they include, they can include employee salaries or not, this is called abortion costing, a business which puts salaries, rent utilities, etc, under abortion cost would have a gross profit equal to their net profit.
When dealing with accounting, you can call things whatever you want, net profit isn’t something that has a legal definition.
For example, I just decided that my business doesn’t follow your definition of profit, and instead defines profit as only money I find in my pockets. There isn’t a legal definition of how I need to define profit, so it’s just as valid as all the other definitions.
And regardless of all that, I don’t understand how anything you said proves me wrong. Profit is net profit, just the same as profit is gross profit, you can put an arbitrary boundary at any point in a financial metric and it makes sense to do so, but it doesn’t change what the word profit means. But the claims that ‘if you don’t profit you have to go in debt’ is just silly and only makes since if you cherry pick a very narrow definition of profit that is used as one part of a general financial metric for a business.
A company that has revenue - all expenses = 0 does not need to be in debt, this is also how a non profit will look, 1 million in revenue, 500k in general expenses, 500k reinvestment into the company final result 0 dollars left over. The effective meaning and understanding of profit for practical purposes and lay people (not book keepers within a company that needs more refined and specific metrics) is the amount of money that gets distributed to stakeholders after a company has covered its expenses.
Your block about non profits is exactly my point. A non profit does not pay out the left over money to stakeholders but people who work for a non profit still make money.
- Comment on Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit 3 weeks ago:
Non profit means no profit. Salaries, rent, etc are not profit.
That is fundamentally what profit is, revenue less expenses.
- Comment on Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit 3 weeks ago:
I mean, non profits exist. Of course it’s not the case for Amazon, but you don’t need to profit in order to exist as a company, and people still get to make money.
- Comment on Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit 3 weeks ago:
Yes, but revenue pays for things like salaries, advertising, etc.
- Comment on Steam has the best UI 5 weeks ago:
I disagree, I like that the menus, icons, and buttons are visually distinct.
I absolutely hate websites where every button looks the exact same and I can only tell the difference by analyzing the page Terminator style.
Death to ui frameworks, death to bootstrap, long live custom UIs with a design language.
- Comment on The Last Of Us Part II will require a PSN account to play on PC, making it unplayable in over 100 countries 1 month ago:
They pulled the game from all the markets that don’t have it, so the concern brought up by the article still stands.
- Comment on The Last Of Us Part II will require a PSN account to play on PC, making it unplayable in over 100 countries 1 month ago:
I think a lot of people here on social media need a reality check about who is actually participating in the market.
Most people simply do not care about this stuff, they don’t need to learn, because the outcry of an infinitely small minority doesn’t mean anything to them.
- Comment on Privacy: Breached 2 months ago:
Media literacy goes brrrrrr
- Comment on PEGI gives Balatro an 18+ rating for gambling imagery 2 months ago:
This is all well and true, but it’s important to note that these organizations exist as a sidestep to regulation, they are formed by industry outsiders as a promise to the regulators that they will be honest about how they rate games (or movies or music) so that the government doesn’t actually get involved and do it’s job.
It’s a form of regulatory capture that allows the industry itself to decide what is harmful to us.
It’s basically the definition of conflict of interest.
- Comment on PEGI gives Balatro an 18+ rating for gambling imagery 2 months ago:
Using chips is even a stretch honestly. There are some chip imagery here and there but otherwise ‘chips’ are just how points are called.
- Comment on Bad Ports 2 months ago:
Shit comes from the old English word scitte which then became middle English schyt. Be
It goes back to proto info Europeans and has cognates with many other euro languages, notably Scheiße.
- Comment on Sniper Elite Resistance dev defends asset reuse - “if they’re there to use, why not use them?” 2 months ago:
They are all over the place, they just don’t get promoted much and get buried in steam releases.
- Comment on 8 yr old me after my parents did my woodworking assignment 2 months ago:
Yes people have to prove themselves, what the fuck are you talking about about? You can’t just engineer a skyscraper because you say you are really good at it. The FE exists for a reason.
- Comment on 8 yr old me after my parents did my woodworking assignment 2 months ago:
This is like when Papa John would come shoot a commercial at one of his franchisee’s stores.
- Comment on 8 yr old me after my parents did my woodworking assignment 2 months ago:
I would say the fact that he isn’t a P.E. is enough for me.
If he was some mastermind engineer like he claims, he could easily pass the FE without even needing to study.
Everyone else in the world needs to prove their credentials, why doesn’t he?
- Comment on MUSSTTTARRRRRRD 2 months ago:
This is pretty rude to be honest and I can’t believe rhetoric like this gets voted up.
This trivializes all parties, steers people in wrong directions and generally is just actual unwarranted or wanted fake medical advice.
- Comment on If Open Source is so great... 2 months ago:
For real open source projects, it’s a lot of the time not nerds working for free.
All your favorite frameworks and libraries are often developed in house at big companies (angular, react, vue, tensorflow, Kafka, pytorch, k8s, Jenkins, and many many more).
And even then, much of the development on them is done by people who are getting paid to use the frameworks at smaller companies.
There are tons of examples the other way too of course, but even the Linux kernel is mostly corporate commits, Google, Huawei, Oracle, and others.
This isn’t inherently bad, but it’s not as cut and dry as people make it out to be.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 2 months ago:
Yea, I would wonder why hobby engineering isn’t on the list, or something like ‘maker’ I think 3d printing as a stand alone is more of a support, it would be like, instead of woodworking, the hobby is ‘sawing’ it’s part of it, but engineering is what the hobby is actually.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 2 months ago:
Funny how nuclear power plants are taboo, but building thousands of nuclear warheads all over the globe is no issue.
- Comment on Is it really possible to tax the rich? 3 months ago:
Well, a lot of stock trading isn’t as simple as just stock picking, buying and selling individual stocks.
Much of the market is made up of derivatives trading, such as options, where you aren’t trading the stock itself, instead you are trading the option to buy the stock.
The value of the option is derived from the value of the underlying asset, but it is not absolutely coupled to it (this is how a lot of the money is made, by finding market inefficiencies and capitalizing on things like slippage, where there is a mismatch in the value of the derivative and it’s underlying)
What the person above is saying is that, when it becomes no longer profitable to trade underlying assets directly, new derivative markets will be invented that trade around other underlying assets.
Think about unregulated Bitcoin trading for example, while contrived, imagine a crypto currency that is coupled with the price of another asset (these exist, like USDcoin) such as a stock, future, option, or something else.
- Comment on Is it really possible to tax the rich? 3 months ago:
You know, you can just do things. Like, laws don’t need to be applied unilaterally. You can, at the same time, tax a 100,000,000 dollar loan, and not tax a 1,000,000 dollar loan.
Kind of like how generally, low income people do not pay much or any income taxes, or how certain products are subject to additional sales taxes.
- Comment on Nintendo sues streamer for playing pre-release, emulated Switch games 3 months ago:
I mean I think the guy is stupid, but let’s honestly reflect here, who gives a fuck about some leaked Nintendo game getting played a week or two early. Like honestly, it might not technically be victimless (though even that can be argued), but the ‘damage’ is so small it’s like being upset that someone stepped on your grass.
- Comment on If the EU uses online signature for European Citizen's Initiative, why isn't voting online for elections or policies not allowed? 3 months ago:
Don’t mail in voting concepts kind of contradict a lot of these points?
- Comment on Anyone know of any good cheap/free trivia party games? 3 months ago:
What? I’ve never heard of this. What are those questions?
- Comment on [Même] Which movie was this for you? 3 months ago:
Yes it’s odds that you will like the movie going in.
Besides, aggregate scores are hard to work with.
The best thing you can do, when dealing with critics imo, is to find a critic with similar sensibilities to you, and then figure out the things they like.
If a critic hates car chases and you love them, it doesn’t matter what the score is, because you can see them score it low for car chases and use that information. What matters more than score with critics is consistency.
- Comment on Haters will say it’s fake 3 months ago:
That’s a valid email 🤷