- Comment on "You should probably just throw it away" 1 week ago:
I have a computer in the basement that I pretty much only use for Zwift (an online cycling game). For whatever reason it doesn’t have that TPM chip, despite the fact that I bought it in 2021 or so. So it won’t upgrade to Win 11.
But…it turns out Zwift runs great under WINE…so now it runs Debian with WINE. (Which probably wasn’t my best choice - should have gone with something a little more up to date - but it does work.)
- Comment on Erasure 5 weeks ago:
I tried that with someone on facebook. They retreated back to “we have to get federal spending under control.” Maybe so, but this group isn’t doing that.
- Comment on Erasure 5 weeks ago:
I can’t wait to talk to my parents. Lifelong republicans (though not specifically trump fans, just voting R), so it’s extremely likely they voted for this.
I’m a federal employee. They voted to put my job (and my wife’s job) in jeopardy. They voted for this. They voted to hurt us.
- Comment on Might be fun idk 1 month ago:
I used to be huge into college football, planning my weekends around when my teams were playing. I drifted away for a few years after they instituted the “targeting” penalty; in particular, there was a game where it was called twice on one drive, one was outright wrong (and overturned upon review*), and the other was borderline. It wasn’t a decision to protest; it was more of a “this isn’t important to me any more” kind of thing.
*It was overturned, but in that first year of the rule, the 15 yard penalty still counted. The player that committed the potential foul was simply allowed to remain in the game. (They have changed this rule since then.)
To be clear, I’m not in favor of people being injured. It was just that targeting penalty that made me realize that football was never going to be a safe game. No sport is completely safe, obviously; there’s always a risk of serious injury. But football seems especially designed to inflict injury, as opposed to other sports where the injuries are more incidental. And that scandal where the New Orleans (I think) NFL team was giving bounties for hits on specific players did not improve my opinion at all.
These days, we’ll watch football games if we don’t have anything else going on or whatever, but it’s not a high priority. We did watch some of the super bowl - in that it was on TV while we were reading or working on paying bills, etc. - but we definitely didn’t stay up late or anything like that for it. There’s not much else on TV during the super bowl anyway.
- Comment on Electoral politics doesn't get the job done 1 month ago:
I’m blocking you, per your request.
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 2 months ago:
I always thought it was just me, but maybe not. In the push to make everything smaller to cram more in, maybe the weight they use to generate the vibrations is just too small.
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 2 months ago:
Yeah, there are times when I’m like, “Aha! It’s definitely vibrating now!” Pull it out of my pocket and look, no notifications or anything.
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 2 months ago:
I don’t know about other people, but I often miss vibration notifications. If I’m doing basically anything at all, even just walking, it’s a good bet I’ll miss it. The pattern of vibration, etc., doesn’t seem to make much difference, either. I basically to be doing nothing before I’ll detect it. This has been true of every phone I’ve had - flip phones, iPhones, and Androids. I keep it in a front pocket, too, so it seems like that should work.
I still use vibrate all the time. If there’s something I’m specifically waiting for that I don’t want to miss, I’ll turn on the sound.
- Comment on I am unobservant 2 months ago:
This is common. I drive and ride a bicycle a lot, so I know the area really well and rarely need a GPS for day-to-day navigation. I’ll use it during rides to make sure I stay on the route for the ride, and for unusual situations (like confirming the most direct route home after a major mechanical problem). But, in general, the GPS is the backup to my knowledge.
There have been many times when a route change was proposed for some reason, and the change was laid out clearly with road names, on roads we’re familiar with, and people are in agreement. But it turns out most of them have zero idea where we’re talking about, and when the turn comes, they’re all confused - “I thought the route went straight here!” Uh, it did, until we decided to change it at the last rest stop, as we discussed…
These are people that have been riding these roads for years or even decades. We’re generally older people, too, that grew up without GPSes, so you’d think that navigation would be built in. At 49, I’m usually the youngest of the group. There’s one guy - older than me - that has been riding in the area for two decades, and he does truly know every road and every port-a-pot in the area. He also doesn’t use a GPS bike computer and just memorizes the routes. But most people seem to have little idea of road names or how it all fits together.
After a few incidents where confusion reigned after a course change mid-ride, I’ve banned “day of” route changes from rides I lead, for anything other than a serious problem - unexpected bad weather, mechanical or medical issues, road construction, etc. People just don’t know what change we’re making, and it causes all kinds of confusion.
- Comment on I am unobservant 2 months ago:
I live in the suburbs outside Washington, DC. One evening, we were in Bowie, MD (east of DC) at a shopping center, and a woman asked us for directions to the Mormon Temple.
For those who are not familiar, the Mormon Temple is off the beltway north of DC. It’s 25 miles away, and right now - nearing midday - it’s showing a 34 minute drive. However, when this happened, it was the evening rush hour, so it was at least an hour away, probably closer to an hour and a half, honestly. It was a drive I wouldn’t want to make, if I could avoid it.
She didn’t believe us. My wife just headed into the store we’d been heading for. I tried to convince her some more, but eventually she just drove off to ask someone else. I wonder how that adventure ended for her.
The only thing I can figure for how she got so far off course: I think she started typing the address of the Mormon Temple (which is on Stoneybrook Drive in Kensington) into whatever map app she was using, and the app gave her a result on Stonybrook Drive in Bowie, and she went with it - the shopping center we were at is just off Stonybrook. Note they aren’t spelled the same, but I can understand overlooking that. Who knows where she started and how long she’d been driving already.
- Comment on Too dumb to understand where the gas tank opening is 2 months ago:
There’s a station near me with hoses that are long enough to do that with most vehicles (obviously my pickup wouldn’t fit, but every car I’ve driven is fine). But I don’t think most stations have hoses long enough to do that for anything but the smallest cars.
- Comment on Too dumb to understand where the gas tank opening is 2 months ago:
LOL I was ready to defend the driver, having pulled in on the wrong side of the pump once or twice. I drive different cars, and while most have it on the driver’s side, one vehicle I drive regularly has it on the opposite side, so I have occasionally made the mistake.
But then I corrected it by turning the car around and pulling into the pump on the correct side…
- Comment on A landlord special. 2 months ago:
Could also be a GFCI circuit breaker protecting the entire circuit.
- Comment on GET REKT 2 months ago:
This is great! I had no idea.
I don’t want to be the guy on the internet that says “they should have done x” as though the scientists aren’t experts in their field, but I do wonder why they didn’t use a bright orange flag or something. The white flag worked well enough, though.
- Comment on "Images of 'Saint Luigi Mangione, The patron saint of health care justice' have been making rounds on social media" 2 months ago:
Huh. I think it has a transparent background. It’s fine on dark mode in the web browser.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 2 months ago:
My mother told my wife that if my father passes away first, she wants to go live in a home, not with us or my brothers (great, because I do not think her living with us would go very well). But of course the unspoken question was, “Is there money for that?” Given we just gave them money to fix their HVAC, I doubt it. So is the plan that my siblings and I are going to pay for it? It’d be nice to know so that we could plan…
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 2 months ago:
Yeah, I know of plenty of boomers that have had to delay retirement because they simply didn’t have enough money. I’ve known several that finally retired, late, then passed away a few months later. Never got the chance to enjoy retirement at all.
My parents were working part time jobs, instead of relaxing and enjoying retirement, until a few years ago. Those jobs were having obvious effects on their health and well-being, too; I was convinced at least one of them was going to pass away before long. Fortunately, they’re now in a position now where at least they don’t have to work - but my brothers and I sent them money to replace their HVAC system when it died a few months ago, so it’s not like they’re rolling in dough or will leave us some huge inheritance.
How much would it suck to get to 70 and realize you still have to keep working? I mean, if you enjoy it and want to keep working, great, go for it. But to be forced to do it? That would suck. It doesn’t matter what generation you are.
- Comment on Any relations experts? 2 months ago:
I make the bed, at least my side of it, every day. If I don’t, my wife, along with the cats and dog, won’t give me any covers when I get in.
- Comment on "Images of 'Saint Luigi Mangione, The patron saint of health care justice' have been making rounds on social media" 2 months ago:
Asclepius’ staff
Here’s a link for anyone else trying to remember the correct image.
- Comment on conditional probability 3 months ago:
Well there was that one time the vending machine decided to attack, but in general, it’s a human causing it to fall over.
- Comment on Thanks for the warning I guess?? 3 months ago:
I agree with the concern you’re raising, but most of the time I ran into it, I was using bluetooth to a radio that had its own volume control. The phone was just reacting to the volume setting, not listening and knowing it was too loud.
I haven’t seen that happen in a long time, though. I saw elsewhere in the thread there was a way to disable it, so I might have done that, but I don’t recall seeing it at all on the newer Samsung S24 I got early this year.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 months ago:
I think my wife was mildly amused by it at first (I was playing with X10 automation long before she came into the picture), but quickly started to like it because it meant that we always came home to the lights on, stuff like that.
And there’s one button to shut off the outside lights and “evening” lights in the house when we’re going to bed.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 months ago:
RTLSDR feeding into Home Assistant. That’s the money shot.
- Comment on Nuclear Demonology 4 months ago:
Yeah. Some of them are dumb. But all of them have been fed decades of bullshit “news” and are indoctrinated.
- Comment on Nuclear Demonology 4 months ago:
He knows better. It’s an act to make money. It’s all about the real god, Money.
- Comment on Many TV stations put a banner ad in the picture these days 4 months ago:
Yeah they started putting ads on the dasher boards a few years ago. There are also ads digitally inserted on the ice.
The tech is pretty cool. When they first started doing it, it would sometimes cut off players, but they seemed to get it settled down within a few months.
I know the /r/hockey sub was really upset about it when it was first implemented, and I was annoyed at first because of the glitches. But now, it’s like…well, now I see these ads instead of those ads…what’s the difference?
- Comment on Linux hits exactly 2% user share on the October 2024 Steam Survey 4 months ago:
Oh, that was me. I installed it on my desktop Linux computer the other day.
You’re welcome.
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 4 months ago:
Lemmy Explorer will do it…I think. “Newest publish time” sort is what you’re looking for, I think.
- Comment on I just need to keep it steady 4 months ago:
I always loved this Penny Arcade comic about the first iPods and CD players.
- Comment on "And now for some golden oldies!" 4 months ago:
Oh yeah. Last year, a local garden center had a sign up that said, “Thanks for 50 great years! Founded 1973”, and I thought, “Wait, that can’t be right - because then I’d be getting close to 50…ahh fuck.”
We were getting supplies for my sister-in-law’s 50th birthday a few weeks ago, and my wife kept saying, “Well, if we don’t use it, we’ll need it again in a few months!” Thanks, dear.