- Comment on Crystals 6 months ago:
People will shit on crystals believers in one breath and tell people to ‘respect other’s religion’ in another or gloat about their MBTI assessment. The cognitive dissonance is unreal.
I don’t believe in either but at least I’m consistent. If you’re not, then you’re just finding an excuse to hate on a hobby that primarily attracts women.
This is the same thing that happens to anything that women likes: pumpkin spice lattes, uggs, horoscopes, tarot cards, rose, etc. It’s seen as trivial and stupid no matter how banal the average person’s interest are regardless of gender.
- Comment on Anon has memory loss 1 year ago:
This greentext is probably fake, but as someone dealing with memory loss and brain fog, I feel that I need to speak up about the line.
It’s jarring to see people comment on how saying ‘forgot two weeks later’ makes everything a lie. ‘Forget’ and ‘permanently forget’ are two different things. With memory loss, some memories can feel like a book that randomly checks out and checks into the library.
- Comment on Excuse me, René 1 year ago:
I’m happy for you, but real question: would you recommend this degree to aspiring students? Would you say you’re the exception or do people have the wrong perception about a career in art?
- Comment on Over 14,000 games were released on Steam in 2023 1 year ago:
Quantity =/= Quality
- Comment on Cleavage but no underbust, please: Twitch bans "implied nudity" among streamers 1 year ago:
So you can show your nipples if you are male identifying?
- Comment on Feels good to win boys 1 year ago:
Casual misogyny isn’t meant to hurt anyone either but it still does.
- Comment on Did You Know? 1 year ago:
As a chronic pain sufferer this is too real.
- Comment on this is literally so true 1 year ago:
SkYlAr Is A bItCh!!
- 14 year olds who can’t see women as people and glorifies drug lords and crime
- Comment on It’s nice to be alone 1 year ago:
Br***** people. Don’t be so crude please.