- Comment on Fuck every single one of them. 1 week ago:
Funny thing, the internet. -Includes all of humanity. One of the many downsides.
- Comment on Fuck every single one of them. 1 week ago:
As an American myself, I agree. Please kill me.
- Comment on Incoming!! 2 weeks ago:
See that extended lower bit below the doors? That’s a wheelchair van.
You’re not wrong OP, except this time YOU should offer to do it.
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 3 weeks ago:
Idea: Lead-lined underwear with wires inside that when scanned says “Fuck you” on the front and “Eat shit” on the back
- Comment on As a human, here is my human take on unions 2 months ago:
Hey now, yer fancy pants logic ain’t wahlcome round these parts. - Muricuh
- Comment on Carcinisation? 2 months ago:
One could almost say that Trains are good.
- Comment on "The **Most open** Operating System" 2 months ago:
Infection, zero days, and data collection. TOTALLY open to those.
- Comment on US Democracy 3 months ago:
Couch-bound voting was easily possible and easy. They CHOSE to sit it out.
- Comment on US Democracy 3 months ago:
Wisconsin, US here. My county went 70% for Trump this time. That’s versus ~48$ in 2016. The problem isn’t democracy. The problem is the people. Pissed as hell for all the wrong reasons at all the wrong people. Unable to see reality, expecting that the person in charge could make it a utopia with the flick of a switch. The average American is delusional and irreparably stupid.
We constantly joke that it’s Idiocracy, but the truth is…
- Comment on World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store 4 months ago:
Tell me you wanted 90 dollars without telling me you wanted 90 dollars
- Comment on Should I or should I not use/bother with using Linux? (READ THE WHOLE POST) 4 months ago:
In that case, you’ve got some work to do to cripple telemetry on your PC. If you’re on Windows 11 (new 24H2 build) you’d better also disable Recall, because it’s on.
I hate Windows but I don’t hate you- protect yourself
OOSU10 and OFGB should also be run on it.
- Comment on Should I or should I not use/bother with using Linux? (READ THE WHOLE POST) 4 months ago:
I DO NOT want to be forced to use a terminal
I challenge you to fresh install any version of Windows and never use CMD Prompt, Powershell, or Regedit for any reason, ever.
- Comment on World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store 4 months ago:
On the up side, it’s now very, VERY easy to tell who is an idiot in the main hub cities within 10 seconds of the auction house.
- Comment on New tech discovered 6 months ago:
Rubby ducky on desk (Millenials, look up the “Rubber ducky debugging”) or AI chat bot burning 400 million KWh a day as well as pumping out millions of BTUs of heat into the atmosphere so that “line go up”
Who would win
- Comment on Disable windows updates 8 months ago:
Very helpful thank you.
- Comment on Disable windows updates 8 months ago:
Yeah was standard pro I saw it on.
- Comment on Disable windows updates 8 months ago:
Good, it’s been my experience, at least on fully updated 10.
- Comment on Disable windows updates 8 months ago:
Hate to be “that guy”, and maybe OP’s no updates since 2019 exempt them from this, but modern 10/11 both immediately auto-restart the Windows update service when it’s manually stopped.
- Submitted 9 months ago to [deleted] | 10 comments
- Comment on what is my purpose rule 11 months ago:
Wait until millions realize they have Windows home and don’t have group policy editor
- Comment on Not the life Christ wanted for us 11 months ago:
Doesn’t happen in other, unrelated fairy tales either.
- Comment on Call an expert 1 year ago:
Somebody somewhere should change this- sure leave the pathetic screw for laptops but in desktops there’s no reason for it.
- Comment on Call an expert 1 year ago:
NVME screw: phases outside of our dimension before even reaching the floor
- Comment on I got this popup ad on my TV **while watching a DVD** 1 year ago:
Sounds like a “you” problem, like you have a VPN connected.
- Comment on I got this popup ad on my TV **while watching a DVD** 1 year ago:
The SMART thing to do is to buy a DUMB TV. Pay a little more and get a real TV- you know. A display, with speakers and HDMI inputs. Nothing else.
- Comment on I feel this 1 year ago: Enjoy yourself. No bullshit whatsoever, just good reading. Might be the last bastion of goodness on the web.
- Comment on Windows: we noticed that you kept the useless search bar disabled since 2015, so we sent an update that re-enabled it without your permission 1 year ago:
You pirate Windows server at work? We got a badass over here :D
- Comment on Windows: we noticed that you kept the useless search bar disabled since 2015, so we sent an update that re-enabled it without your permission 1 year ago:
When using Microsoft products and accepting their incomprehensible terms and conditions, you have no say and your opinion doesn’t matter.
Group policy doesn’t matter, domain administrator, GPO rules, all of it- none of it matters.
You’ll get dogshit and you will like it. (Friendly reminder that it was extremely overpriced also) That’s the tax you pay for being in their horrible, horrible “ecosystem” from hell. Enjoy! Grease up or take it dry, you’re “taking it” either way.
- Comment on Why are batteries in phones always measured in mAh instead of Wh like for example notebooks? 1 year ago:
For the same reason Audi didn’t sell the Audi “5”, Pontiac never sold a “9LE”. and Saab didn’t try to sell the “9 turbo”. It sounds more impressive with the zeros added.
- Comment on Outlook junk mail 1 year ago:
Get a (decent) PAID mailbox somewhere else. PAY FOR IT. There is NO “good, acceptable policies” free mail host on Earth. I won’t recommend any, people have opinions on all of them and most of them are wrong- I’m not here to have that conversation.
Buy and use your own domain. Example: custom domains are supported by some if not all of of the PAID mail providers. That way if you ever move services again, you can take your WITH you.
Get it operational and set your old mailbox to have an inbox rule that forwards incoming mail ONLY FROM THE STUFF YOU WANT TO SEE to your new mailbox.
Now you’ll have time to switch online services/memberships to the new, proper username/email in your own time.
Once you no longer need that forwarder, destroy the old mail account and let it die forever.