- Comment on Nice try guy 5 weeks ago:
In the same post you’re both telling people to politely answer the phone on their days off and to quit the job over minor annoyances. So which is it? Gaslighting bullshit
- Comment on How alarmed should I be to see stool in my blood? 1 month ago:
Reminds me of this m.youtube.com/watch?v=Kw2WsXIgO6A&t=1s&pp=2AEBkAI…
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 2 months ago:
Yep, my main has around 400 and I don’t even want to think about adding up all the many alts and dead HC characters at this point … They don’t call it world of warcrack for no reason. I will say I have had a ton of fun with it over the last 15 years. I’ve only played casually witha few very brief stints of raiding a little more seriously.
- Comment on How come LED Light Bulbs only last for about 2-3 Years? 5 months ago:
This sounds like an interesting hobby? Care to share more about how/why you are into dumpster diving for lightbulbs?
- Comment on Bumble 6 months ago:
It’s almost like they could have also said something more than just “hey”
- Comment on Remember when 15% was the expected, not the minimum? 7 months ago:
I tip and tip well when I patronize these businesses. You seem to defend the business owners while placing all the blame on this fictional group of people that are gleefully “fucking over wait staff.” Also your tone is really hostile and confrontational.
- Comment on Remember when 15% was the expected, not the minimum? 7 months ago:
You’re assuming that it’s my responsibility to directly pay these people’s wages. I do but it’s a dumb argument that I disagree with. “let the businesses close and new ones open with better practices” is tantamount to saying “let these people find better jobs that don’t rely on tips to make a somewhat livable wage.”
- Comment on Remember when 15% was the expected, not the minimum? 7 months ago:
I get what you’re saying and I still begrudgingly tip every time unless the service is terrible which is rare. But if people boycott these businesses instead of going and not tipping wouldn’t that be just as bad if not worse for service workers than not tipping at all?
For example, if 80 percent of the people who regularly patronize restaurants stopped going, wouldn’t a lot of these businesses close resulting in these people losing their jobs entirely? It’s not a likely scenario but it’s an interesting thought experiment.
- Comment on Day 18 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 7 months ago:
About 90 percent of my nostalgia is reserved for Halo. GD I miss those days.
- Comment on The ring of fire 7 months ago:
Doesn’t matter had sex
- Comment on Anon has a question 7 months ago:
Have you every heard of the method of cooking called frying?
- Comment on Hors d'oeuvres 8 months ago:
White asparagus actually is a thing
- Comment on Why is homebrewing so middle-class, straight, white, male? 8 months ago:
God bless you please keep this up
- Comment on Live your best life 8 months ago:
It really pretty good if you cook and season it well
- Comment on Bethesda Is Charging $7 For A New Starfield Mission, And Players Are Upset 9 months ago:
Ok boomer let’s get you to bed
- Comment on And it went Gold 9 months ago:
And yet it’s a million times better than songs like “Gucci Gang”