- Comment on This job description for a job posting by Amazon 1 day ago:
I know I sorted by feed by Top 6 Hours but that doesn’t mean I expect six hours worth of text in a single image. Did they copy and paste three different job postings together? Did they use a LLM that had its stop token configured incorrectly? Is it an attempt at weeding out people who object to having their time wasted by corporate bullshit?
We may never know. What we do know is that this wall of text has more red flags than a Chinese military parade.
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 5 days ago:
Run a fairly large LLM on your CPU so you can get the finest of questionable problem solving at a speed fast enough to be workable but slow enough to be highly annoying.
This has the added benefit of filling dozens of gigabytes of storage that you probably didn’t know what to do with anyway.
- Comment on Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act Re-Introduced 1 week ago:
I do but my condo’s HOA is more concerned with building maintenance than with telling people what to do. Or regulations fit on a single A4 page with a fairly large font size.
Now, a neighborhood HOA would probably be a different beast altogether.
- Comment on Can we all agree on THIS 4 weeks ago:
It depends on how busy the day is, I guess. Today I arrived 5 minutes early and waited for less than a minute. But my GP is pretty good at scheduling anyway; I don’t think I’ve ever waited for more than 15 minutes.
- Comment on Anon fixes Super Mario Bros 4 weeks ago:
The real problem with the “improved” SMB from the post is not that it has ways of making the game easier, it’s that the “fixes” amount to a microtransaction hellhole, complete with intrusive prompts.
I’m all for games with configurable difficulty. Nobody thinks less of Doom for having difficulty settings. But everybody does think less of games that pair frustrating mechanics (like difficulty spikes or countdown timers) with bypass MTX.
To use the default controversial genre, I think that a soulslike with difficulty settings would work just fine. But a soulslike where your healing flask only restores one charge every ten minutes unless you buy more charges from the store (but store-bought ones can exceed the normal maximum) or where game-breakingly OP equipment is available as MTX would not go over well.
- Comment on Sure. Whatev's 5 weeks ago:
Vita + amine, actually. Amines are compounds with an NH₂ group; amino acids are a subset of that.
The person who coined the term though he had isolated an amine that was effective against a certain disease. What he had actually isolated was neither an amine nor effective against that disease but was actually a different essential compound. (He was looking for what we now know as thiamine but had actually discovered niacin.)
The name “vitamin” stuck around despite the fact that most vitamins aren’t amines.
- Comment on Learning a new language is easy! 1 month ago:
Full disclosure to avoid claiming false valor: I’m not a firefighter; my girlfriend used to work for a special purpose vehicle company.
- Comment on Learning a new language is easy! 1 month ago:
No, that’s actually the official term for a very specific type of vehicle. It’s a hybrid between a Löschgruppenfahrzeug (a multipurpose firefighting vehicle) and a Rüstwagen (which carries equipment for light non-firefighting purposes).
People who actually deal with them just say “HLF”.
- Comment on Banner year 1 month ago:
Depends on what you’re wearing. If there’s a crotch zipper that’s where the fart will usually go because those things often aren’t gas tight. Otherwise the fart will bubble up until it finds an opening.
Latex clothing has a lot of not-quite-sexy sides to it. For instance, they tend to be rather sweaty and that sweat has to go somewhere. Prepare for wet feet.
- Comment on What MMORPG are you playing, and why? 2 months ago:
I’m not really a fan of MMORPGs, both due to the gameplay (MMOs are grindy by nature and the hotkey-driven autocombat of most MMORPGs isn’t interesting enough to sustain that for me) and because of often aggressive monetization.
I do like some MMOs in other genres, though. Path of Exile is an action RPG with drop-in multiplayer and a rudimentary built-in trading system. It’s basically Diablo 3 in good. Plus, its monetization system is one of the fairest I’ve seen so far, with the only MTXes that offer gameplay benefits being on sale literally every other weekend.
Path of Exile 2 (currently in closed beta) is basically the same with a tweaked skill system and a soulslike dodge roll mechanic that you’re expected to use. Pretty decent, a bit slower-paced than the first one.
I should also pick up Warframe again one of these days. The repetitive nature of MMOs isn’t as bad when it’s a mobility-focused third-person shooter. And IIRC, there’s not much you can get with MTX that you can’t also get through gameplay somehow. Plus, it’s also a game that you can just play singleplayer if you want.
- Comment on "You can't have our trash because we don't have a way to charge you for it" 2 months ago:
I remember a friend of mine once ordering a Double Triple Whopper and being annoyed that Burger King’s definition of “double” is “with one extra patty”. So he had to order a Double Double Double Triple Whopper to get the desired result.
They delivered the thing to our table together with a knife and fork. I guess ordering an unholy totem pole of meat like that gets you table service at a BK.
The other thing that was notable about it was that the three "Double"s only added three patties to the burger and nothing else. As a result this caricature of a burger was now 80% overcooked ground beef and extremely dry.
He ate half of it. We took the other half home, put it in the microwave and drowned it in ketchup, which greatly increased it’s edibility. It still sucked, though.
- Comment on Do linux users have wives? 2 months ago:
You have to keep in mind that your wife is her own main maintainer and can decide whether to merge your changes.
You can fork her to obtain someone you have greater influence over but that’s a big responsibility and not everything you want to do with your fork may be advisable from a legal or moral standpoint.
- Comment on Funko, BrandShield speak out about takedown 2 months ago:
Yes, I didn’t know about the fraud allegation when I posted. That definitely shouldn’t have happened. Funko should’ve known better than to pull shit like that and it’ll be interesting to see if Itch sues over this.
My point about AI tools remains, though.
- Comment on Funko, BrandShield speak out about takedown 2 months ago:
Using AI driven software is willful negligence.
Not necessarily. Neural nets are excellent at fuzzy matching tasks and make for great filters – but nothing more. If you hook one up to a crawler you get a fairly effective way of identifying websites that match certain criteria. You can then have people review those matches to see if infringement happened. It’s basically a glorified search tool.
Of course if you skip the review step you’re basically doing the equivalent of running a Google search for your brand name and DMCAing all of the search results. That would be negligent.
There is no indication that Funko/BrandShield did that, however. They say that infringing content was found and there are strong indications that a now-deleted Itch project did contain official screenshots of Funko Fusion so the infringement threshold might have been met. Their takedown request was apparently made in good faith.
Now, why the entire domain was taken down, that is the question. It might be a miscommunication or they might’ve mailed the hosting provider directly. I can imagine everything from human error to faulty processes as the root cause here. What I don’t believe is that they made a high-level decision to nuke Itch.
Who needs to face the consequences depends on who screwed up here. For now we’ll have to make do with both Funko and BrandShield taking a PR hit.
- Comment on That ability is on cooldown 2 months ago:
You need to construct additional outgroups.
- Comment on Anon reads the news 2 months ago:
It speaks to something you believe to be true. There is a difference and it’s rather important.
Populist political campaigns speak to such “truths” all the time but the belief of a lot of people that [insert outgroup here] are responsible for all the bad things and that we can all live a great life if we just let [insert strongman here] have absolute power so he can punish them is still just a belief, not truth. Declaring it to be the truth just devalues the concept of truth.
We’re all biased. We should try not to confuse our biases with reality.
- Comment on Makes more sense than the Imperial system 2 months ago:
An obsolete 10,000 prefix already exits (“myria-”) but Jesse’s prefix is a bit snappier.
- Comment on "The **Most open** Operating System" 2 months ago:
Windows 360¹ will cost 30 bucks a year (adjusted for inflation) and will automatically upgrade you to the latest version of Windows as soon as it comes out. Additional benefits include improved security by blocking non-Store software and having your OS settings managed by Microsoft – Windows 360 will even automatically restore them if they should end up getting changed, e.g. if Recall somehow ends up disabled.
¹ Not to be confused with Windows 365, which is an entirely different thing.
- Comment on Anon is a nostalgic gamer 2 months ago:
I think Rainbow Six 3 might also qualify.
Then again, nothing will ever compare to the Rocket Arena 3 scene where every kill was due to skill. You’re a complete noob who got a few lucky hits with the rocket launcher? Skill. The other guy jumps in front of you just as you happen to pull the trigger? Nice air rail, well played. I never saw anyone ever complain about losing.
That community was just so refreshingly positive and welcoming, probably because there were no stakes. A match was over in maybe thirty seconds and then you’d watch until your next turn. And that was it.
In modern competitive games people have a ranking and they feel stressed when a game goes badly because they might lose precious Elo. This goes to the point where you get yelled at by your own teammates for not knowing the meta because they can’t make it to the next rank if you pay like it’s a game.
- Comment on Absolute slander 2 months ago:
Oh, come on! The second picture shows that the three-packet hypothesis isn’t accurate either. It’s a 2.8 sauce packet cat.
- Comment on Answer very carefully 2 months ago:
Is your meme about oil rig explosions related to reposts you’re making this weekend?
○︎ No, it’s not related to weekend reposts
◉︎ I’ll repost this both on weekend and weekday
○︎ Yes, both for this and future weekends
○︎ Yes, I’ll repost this on every future weekeend
○︎ Yes, I’ll repost this purely on this weekend - Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 2 months ago:
Nah, I’m thinking of sodium-ion batteries. That’s 1990s tech and is currently in use for grid storage. Several manufacturers are currently bringing car-ready Na-ion batteries to market and there seems to be one production car using them in China (a version of the JMEV EV3, which I hav enever heard about before).
Now, Na-ion is still less mature than Li-ion and that Chinese car gets about 17% less range compared do the Li-ion version.
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 2 months ago:
They’re currently bringing sodium batteries to market (as in “the first vendor is selling them right now”). They’re bulky but fairly robust IIRC and they don’t need lithium.
- Comment on l fixed it! 3 months ago:
To be fair, it had its moments. Windows 95 was a pretty big step forwards and the alternative was OS/2 Warp, which has some nice features but was from IBM, who were still dreaming of replacing the PC with a vertically-integrated home computer again.
Windows 2000 (or XP starting with SP2) was also solid. 7 was alright. None of those had too much bullshit bundled with them.
Everything since Windows 8 has been some flavor of shitty, though.
- Comment on There are Minimum Wages, Why Not a Maximum Wage? 3 months ago:
I agree that going for wages in the traditional sense doesn’t catch many of the most relevant income streams. However, I think that a “maximum wage” makes sense as a theoretical construct used to create a sensible income tax scheme.
Essentially, tax brackets and rates could be defined in relation to the median income. Go too far above that (hitting the “maximum wage”) and your tax rate rapidly increases, maybe even going as high as 90%. Of course this would have to cover all sorts of income, not just plain money.
This scheme would effectively box people into a certain band of acceptable wealth and would create an incentive to raise wages – after all, if the average worker makes more, so can the most wealthy.
(Also, full agreement on needing to talk about better labor protections. American labor law is really lax.)
- Comment on There are Minimum Wages, Why Not a Maximum Wage? 3 months ago:
Mind you, people probably don’t think of your standard high earner they they think of an income cap. They think of people who make four (or even five) digits an hour, a rate that maybe high end lawyers can match. Maybe.
CEOs of large companies can easily make that much, often not even tied to performance but contractually guaranteed. The super-rich make that much simply by existing.
Basically, if your labor (or mere existence) isn’t even worth 1000 bucks an hour to your clients you’re a peasant like the rest of us and an income cap is probably never going to be relevant to you.
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 3 months ago:
Especially if you didn’t have a lot of spare time. With an active community you can just dip into discussions when you have the time. With a community you’re trying to establish yourself you absolutely have to provide a steady stream of content until it (hopefully) takes off.
- Comment on The Magic Words 3 months ago:
The software development industry version of this is “we really need to fix that soon but it’s beyond the scope of this PBI”.
“Soon” is a shorthand for “we’ll put this on the backlog and never pull it into a sprint until it blows up in our faces, at which time we will gripe about how nobody bothered to fix it earlier”.
- Comment on Day 104 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 3 months ago:
“You finished a computer game, Atticus.”
*The truth was a burning green crack through my brain.
Credits scrolling by, a reminder of the talent behind a just-finished journey. The feeling of triumph, slowly replaced by the creeping grayness of ordinary life.
I had finished a computer game. Funny as hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of.*
- Comment on why does every single flashlight have multiple settings that you have to scroll through? 4 months ago:
Anduril is way overengineered. I like this UI that some of my lights have:
While off:
- One push: Turn on at the last used brightness.
- Two pushes: Turn on at maximum brightness.
- Three pushes: That strobe mode that you don’t need but seems to be obligatory.
- Hold: Turn on at the lowest brightness (or moonlight mode if the light has one).
While on:
- One push to turn off.
- Two pushes to toggle between maximum brightness and the last used “regular” brightness.
- Three: That strobe mode that someone has to have some use for.
- Hold: Alternately increase or decrease the brightness.
That’s pretty easy to learn and gives you all the functions you’d reasonably need (plus that strobe) without a lot of clutter.