- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Hi, Happy to try and answer, though with the caveat that this is just from my own experience.
Disphoria happens on a social, mental, and physical level. For some the social hits strongest, basically they feel like their true gender internally and would like to act and be treated in a way that matches the social contruct of their true gender rather than their AAB gender, but they may care less or not at all about the physical appearance. Transmedicalism denies that their experience is very much the trans experience. For some, like me, my lifelong dismorohia (e.g. eat disorder, body shame) meant that my physical disphoria only presented after I found queer communities will to accept me as trans while I still looked very cis. To put it in TLDR terms, no woman should have to shave her legs to be a woman (and trans women are women). Which leads me to #2.
Transitioning can take a long time. I am now addressing my physical disphoria, but the time and money required is significant. Transmedicalism (perhaps unintentionally) creates hierarchies: passing > surgeries > hormones etc. Which can be emotionally destroying along the way, and even more for a late-bloomer like me, who may never pass. And so rejecting that helps change the standard for me, makes sure every step I take is for me which leads to the last point.
NB and trans NB people exist. Specifically why what OPs dad said is still troubling, it still forces a binary when gender is more of a 4d spectrum.
TL;DR transmedicalism gatekeeps a lot of people out, when we all have far more in common.
Again, not the gospel, just my take. Thanks for asking. ❤️
- Comment on Putting the die in diet 1 month ago:
Basically yes.
- Comment on This could be the costume for a New Super Hero. What would you name him? 2 months ago:
Pink Eye
- Comment on Hypothetically, if some mysterious force started to jam every radio frequency, how would modern day society adapt to this? 2 months ago:
Pulls out my big box of old CAT5 cables… Who’s the packrat now?!
- Comment on This app requires access to your contacts 3 months ago:
Triple Flush Achievement Unlocked! Share with your friends?
- Comment on AAAAAHHHHH 3 months ago:
Because glitter bombs are so 2019…
- Comment on [Thread] Mental Math 4 months ago:
Beyond that there’s been a considerable amount of research about our ability to estimate room size/material/shape while blindfolded just based on the reverberation of sounds in the space.
Oversimplified conclusion, untrained humans are really good at it.
- Comment on Astrology 5 months ago:
So we ARE living in the Matrix…
- Comment on Gender 5 months ago:
Wrote my own, but I copied most of the code from others.
- Comment on Anon is an example 6 months ago:
- Comment on Nihilist would give him one star 8 months ago:
I worked in craft beer marketing for a while and the running joke about untapped was something like…
“Best lager I’ve ever had… I don’t like lagers. 1 star.”
- Comment on I will not be taking questions. 8 months ago:
Ah, I see the problem. I’m afraid you’ve accidentally adopted a Velociraptor.
- Comment on Make disinformation fun again. 9 months ago:
Fact: This is actually where the phrase “shrimp on the barbie” comes from. It has nothing to do with BBQ.
- Comment on Solve a puzzle for me 10 months ago:
Mine actually got it, draft 2 and 3 were similar to yours, but draft 1 caught it was a trick question and said just go across as long as the boat is big enough.
- Comment on Anon ends racism 10 months ago:
They needed a YT vid to make a quesadilla… Just saying.
- Comment on Stuck 10 months ago:
Like a penguin?
- Comment on The miracle of childbirth 10 months ago:
Well this discussion certainly ruined my love of The Lion King.
- Comment on EPIC personality test. Which personality are you?!? 10 months ago:
Short story. My company brought in a different working-type consulting group. I decided to try my own experiment and answered the 150 survey completely randomly, didn’t read the questions. Then sat through a 4 hour workshop where most of my colleagues told me it made so much sense I was a [whatever my results we’re, I forget]." Found out they paid like $10k for the day session, never told anybody what I did.
- Comment on What animal could you take in a fight? 11 months ago:
NOT a cat… Don’t ask me how I know.
- Comment on MOOSEY 11 months ago:
Yeah, but only because a human license is stupid hard to get. I blame the government.
- Comment on Here I go hate criming again 1 year ago:
Too bad, we know you’re a Cylon!!!
- Comment on This is $87 worth of shopping. Please feel free to use the space below to critique my purchases 1 year ago:
Just wanted to second this. Learning to use a roux as a base saves me so much money and effort. A bit of butter(or any oil) and flour makes any creamy sauce/soup/stew you’d like. Add milk, broth, spices, garlic, cheese… The skies the limit and it’s a lot cheaper than cream or cream cheese, and I always have it in the house.
- Comment on This is $87 worth of shopping. Please feel free to use the space below to critique my purchases 1 year ago:
What do you mean no meat? The cat is right there!
(Kidding, I love my cat.)