- Comment on At this rate, why not. 2 weeks ago:
[citation needed]
- Comment on Algae Rock! 3 weeks ago:
I think there are definitely some specific cases where it makes sense. For example garbage dumps (and compost facilities as well, I think) produce tons of methane and other unpleasant flammable gases which often get flared off, it seems only reasonable that if you’re gonna be burning the gas anyway that you might as well use that heat to spin a turbine instead of just fuelling a uselessly burning flame on a pole.
In theory biofuel is perfectly carbon-neutral if you’re growing all the input biomass yourself, since all the carbon released when the fuel is burned is carbon which was captured during the growth stage. But in practice it’s not ideal:
- There’s still plenty of potential sources of emissions, like harvesting and transporting the biomass will likely be burning fossil fuels and also tires and stuff
- Growing biomass is slow, so from what I understand a lot of it ends up coming from newly cut trees and stuff because it’s cheaper than buying tons of land, planting stuff and then waiting years for stuff to grow
- IMO the main problem: there are other more useful things we could be doing with that land, if you can grow crops for biofuel production you could also just grow food there and put some wind turbines or solar panels or something on one of the many places on earth not suitable for agriculture to provide the energy
If the biofuel is being produced from like agricultural byproducts (e.g. the stalks of harvested crops) I don’t think there’s really a problem, but AFAIK most of that stuff gets used for compost or gets left on fields to put nutrients back in the soil (and because it’s cheaper and easier to leave it than having to collect it again).
- Comment on Americans are weird. 4 weeks ago:
Why is the mirror non-reflective and shaped like a fan? Seems like an odd design choice.
- Comment on Anon has casual sex 5 weeks ago:
Its existence also implies the existence of sex which occurs spontaneously and without warning, independently of all preceding events.
- Comment on Buddy baka 2 months ago:
My confusion isn’t why they’re decorated, but why the decoration is always on the downwards facing side so you can’t actually see it once installed.
- Comment on Buddy baka 2 months ago:
I’ve never understood this about GPUs, why are they all designed so that the cool-looking decorated part with the fancy heat spreader and fans and LEDs and stuff are facing downwards?
- Comment on Why is daisychaining multiple extension cords considered unsafe, even if only done to the length of a standard cable? 2 months ago:
iirc British plugs do have a fuse built in to every plug, but they are also the only ones who do that
- Comment on HAIL SATAN 2 months ago:
needs more jpeg
- Comment on Just something to consider 2 months ago:
I’m confused, is this the new version of the “Nobody:” meme format?
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
this is 4chan
- Comment on Anon loves sunny days 4 months ago:
I hate sunscreen, the only thing worse than being sweaty all day is being sweaty and oily and sticky.
- Comment on House Centipedes 4 months ago:
I’ve spent the last year or so trying to get myself to not jump out of my pants every time I see one of these things. Then roughly a month ago, I get up at 2am to take a piss, and as I’m opening the door this little fucker falls down no more than 10cm away from my face, lands right on my foot and would have probably run up my pyjamas if I hadn’t managed to reflexively kick and launch it flying across the room. I think it must have been either sitting on top of the door or been trying to climb through the doorframe just as I opened it. Pretty sure I woke up everyone in the house, and probably the neighbors too.
Anyway, my phobia of these little shits is now 100 times worse than it was.
- Comment on Why do some men dis other men who sit to pee? (& follow-up questions) 4 months ago:
Wow look at mister long dong over here reaching all the way into the water
- Comment on Aah 4 months ago:
Paint.NET is the only Windows-only software I really miss. The closest replacement I’ve found is Pinta, but the interface is a lot clunkier and it hangs/breaks often.
- Comment on Anon is 17 5 months ago:
Be 52 Bomber
- Comment on Anon is a soyboy 6 months ago:
How to grow boobs (in Minecraft)
- Comment on File Storage on YouTube | YouTube 6 months ago:
I don’t recall the name, but I saw something some time ago which got infinite google drive storage by creating a bunch of empty folders and packing the data into the folder names. The storage limit is the sum of the size of all your files, so if there are no files then you don’t have any storage used, even if you have 100Gb of folder names.
- Comment on Mildred 7 months ago:
Ah, that makes a lot more sense.
- Comment on Mildred 7 months ago:
What would be an example of #8? Are there names which gradually morph from one name into another over time? In what way could a name change such that the change doesn’t occur at a specific point in time?
- Comment on Mythbusters 8 months ago:
- Comment on Slander, extortion and doxxing - beneath the surface of TF2’s bot crisis 8 months ago:
As long as it continues being one of the top games on steam by online player count, and/or it continues to make them boatloads of cash?
- Comment on I can't understand why it never caught on... 8 months ago:
In what way is that advertising? And what is the product?
- Comment on New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC 9 months ago:
I would say the vast majority of people (across all generations) either don’t know, or don’t really understand how extensive it (the monitoring) is and what the consequences of that are.
- Comment on God help us. 9 months ago:
that’s an obscure reference, i never see anyone talking about that game
- Comment on Explain yourselves, comp sci. 10 months ago:
Only if one thread modifies it while another one is iterating over it, if two threads try to modify the list at once there isn’t any kind of synchronization and it really could break your list.
- Comment on Explain yourselves, comp sci. 10 months ago:
ArrayList isn’t thread-safe, though…