- Comment on From now on, I wish to be addressed as Lt. Commodre Squid 1 week ago:
I’ve never encountered “Engr” before and don’t know where it comes from but “Eur Ing” is for Engineers in the European Federation of National Engineering Associations. You can have this title on a UK passport - well, until very recently you could. May have changed.
- Comment on Why do so many UK electrical sockets have an on/off switch next to them? 2 weeks ago:
I was mainly referring to almost all of the American continent(s), lots of Africa, China and a few other places too. I didn’t think I’d mentioned Europe.
- Comment on Should I avoid communities on 2 weeks ago:
Personally, I don’t think so. Like you point out if the Marxist Leninist instance has content you enjoy then why would you avoid it? - perhaps just don’t get into overtly political discussions / arguments.
You don’t have to be trans to visit or use a trans instance, non-anarchists can be on the anarchist instances, but do remember where you are and, most importantly, that you’re a guest/visitor and try to act accordingly. The same advice goes for .world
I’ve had no problems wherever I’ve gone - so far.
- Comment on Why do so many UK electrical sockets have an on/off switch next to them? 2 weeks ago:
UK household electricity is pretty spicy compared to many other places - it has more safety features as a result. (3 pinned fused plug, socket switches etc)
- Comment on How much of my body language should signal I'm actually a Ninja? 2 weeks ago:
As the river flow
I hide Ninja deep below
When man sinks… he know.
- Comment on Apple Intelligence rolled back after doing dumb stuff... | Fireship [4:57] 3 weeks ago:
But is this not a great step forward for A.I. ?
Jumping to incorrect conclusions after scanning the internet quickly. It’s getting more like humans day by day…
- Comment on fight fire with napalm 3 weeks ago:
You can sell the house - it’s just not so straight forward for the buyer to get a mortgage.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I have zero training in this field but once read a paper on this. I think it essentially said that ganja was ok (?) on its on but for people with “brewing psychosis” it could trigger/enable that breakdown.
The other problem might be that simply thinking about the possibility of an episode will freak you out - the existential dread would be very draining.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Me too - I can live happily with the fact that not everyone thinks like me; but I still want to know what the other people are thinking.
- Comment on downloaded rednote and this a frequent emote in the comments 3 weeks ago:
It’s called a Comb Over and somebody actually patented it.
- Comment on Believe and be saved! 4 weeks ago:
He’ll always remind me of this: McDonald’s rap
- Comment on *cough cough* GOLLUM *cough cough* 5 weeks ago:
There’s a guy, a South African, who, in my opinion has too much of a say in another country’s (the US’) politics. He bought Twitter, works with electric cars, space rockets, brain chips etc.
His name escapes me. Sorry to offend you.
- Comment on *cough cough* GOLLUM *cough cough* 5 weeks ago:
I can’t say for sure, but I have no reason to doubt that.
- Comment on *cough cough* GOLLUM *cough cough* 5 weeks ago:
Him, his brother, Canadian benzo king, that uppity African-American with several baby mommas, orange deity, Yaxley-Fucking-Lennon et al. almost make me want to be anti cis white male… but then I realise that would make me more, not less, like them.
Kids, if you’re reading this, trust me when I say that if these guys are your heroes then you’ve fucked up already - but it’s never too late to save yourself. Good luck.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 5 weeks ago:
I think you’re correct that (some / many) people see the tiniest chink in your armour and go for the juggler (jugular vein - clown 🤡 joke) to compound your misery to make themselves feel/look “strong”.
And, yes, in abusive relationships I believe a husband is more likely to hurt and damage his wife with his fists whereas a wife would be more likely to hurt and damage her husband with words - generally speaking. It’s tragic either way…
- Comment on If me and a bunch of my lemmy friends got on a yacht. Went into international waters what could we get away with legally and what would still be illegal? 5 weeks ago:
I remember trying to listen to Radio Caroline under my duvet on an am portable radio as a kid. This film is loosely based on their story. Great cast. Absolute junk film - one of only four films (in any language) I’ve ever switched off before the end… but that’s just my opinion. I hope you enjoy it.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 5 weeks ago:
I’ve thought about this a lot myself. I’m 12-15 friends/acquaintances down due to them deciding to step out of life in their twenties or thirties. On paper none of them seemed to be in too bad a way and yet…
There’s obviously the problem that having and discussing emotions is for girls and gays only (/s), but there must be more to it than that.
I think there’s an expectation (where I live) that men should be strong and stoic at all times - but, honestly, many of us are fragile little flowers, some of the time, but it’s seen (erroneously) as weakness.
In my experience most men are happy to talk about: “big screen tv’s, blunts, 40’s and bitches” to NSFW quote
but they can’t open up about emotions and feelings.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Have you written your will?
- Comment on "She Deserves To Be In Prison": Outrage Ensues In UK After Labour Refuses To Investigate 'Rape Gangs' 5 weeks ago:
And I thank you for reading it.
Just to clarify my GBNews comment - they employ current and past Conservative politicians as show anchors so their impartiality is immediately compromised. It’s often seen as Fox News UK in that respect.
- Comment on Stormzy: Rapper gets nine-month driving ban for using phone - BBC News 5 weeks ago:
Many years ago I was on a train with my astronomically wealthy friend. We wanted a smoke but it was banned. Late night train, long journey, no other passengers. When the ticket inspector turned-up my friend tried to pay two fines in cash and then sparked-up a cigarette…
- Comment on "She Deserves To Be In Prison": Outrage Ensues In UK After Labour Refuses To Investigate 'Rape Gangs' 5 weeks ago:
Damn. I never thought I’d click on GBNews (I feel like I need to disinfect my handset now.)
To quote their final paragraph:
“There is a precedent for local authorities delivering successful independent inquiries into the grooming gangs scandal, such as in Rotherham and Telford, where thousands of victims were identified after decades of abuse were ignored by the authorities.”
Whilst, yes, the government should be running the Home Office in reality the Civil Service runs the Home Office.
Another, older, article with a decent précis of what has gone on before:
As always, the whole truth is way too complicated to sum up in headlines and soundbites.
- Comment on Stormzy: Rapper gets nine-month driving ban for using phone - BBC News 5 weeks ago:
In some Nordic countries I believe fines are tied to your annual income so a fine - in theory - should hurt everyone the same.
- Comment on "She Deserves To Be In Prison": Outrage Ensues In UK After Labour Refuses To Investigate 'Rape Gangs' 5 weeks ago:
a.) A political party would not investigate under UK law.
b.) She was of the opinion that the council in question (Oldham?) should lead any investigation.
So Labour Party says local council should conduct (the first?) investigation of the horrific events that have and are going down. Headline makes it sound that Labour are happy to ignore child rape.
Disclaimer: imo both Labour and Conservative parties are packed with career politicians and probably don’t have five statesmen (statespeople?) amongst them. They are both as bad as each other and are a disgrace.
- Comment on "She Deserves To Be In Prison": Outrage Ensues In UK After Labour Refuses To Investigate 'Rape Gangs' 5 weeks ago:
This headline is inaccurate, but I guess you don’t care… plus a certain other party were the ones in power until very recently and (checks notes) instigated zero investigations but now they’re in opposition they’ve changed their tune.
- Comment on Stormzy: Rapper gets nine-month driving ban for using phone - BBC News 5 weeks ago:
As it happens a lot of points (for speeding offences) are added automatically when a speed camera pings your car licence plate so the system is hard to dodge - regardless of the depth of your pocket.
Yeah, the UK does have some problems… but I think they are working on them slowly.
- Comment on Stormzy: Rapper gets nine-month driving ban for using phone - BBC News 5 weeks ago:
You get between 3-6 points on your licence for driving infractions. 12 points equals a ban. I think Stormzy already had six points for speeding and illegal window tints… then he got caught using a phone.
- Comment on Splat 2 months ago:
+1 for consistency.
- Comment on US Democracy 2 months ago:
I killed a lot of my sacred cows in my early twenties… but, yeah, good point all the same. I do understand that when you’ve held a belief for so long it is a trauma to a.) realise you’re wrong and b.) reprogramme your mindset. Nothing but respect for people that can accept this and move on.
- Comment on US Democracy 2 months ago:
It’s wild. No matter how fond you might be of your opinion you’ve got to kick it to the curb when facts unravel it.
- Comment on Am I a bad person if (as left as they come) I invest in American Private Prison contractors on the assumption that Trump will go through with his deportation scheme at least to some extent? 2 months ago:
Needed to be said. I honestly thought I was in Onion territory at first…