How is it more “spicy” than anywhere else in Europe?
Comment on Why do so many UK electrical sockets have an on/off switch next to them? 2 months ago
UK household electricity is pretty spicy compared to many other places - it has more safety features as a result. (3 pinned fused plug, socket switches etc) 2 months ago 2 months ago
A lot of dodgey wiring. 2 months ago
Do they have the wiring on the outside of the houses so it’s easier to repair.
I’ve heard in UK they tend to do such 2 months ago
No, it’s usually buried in the wall behind the plasterboard. Although it’s possible to use surface trunking.Image 2 months ago
In our defence, most of that is legacy from the post war rebuild (copper shortages etc). The modern regs are comparable or better than a lot of places.
There’s enough of the dodgy stuff around that it needs to be accounted for, but it’s being phased out as new stuff it built or renovated. 2 months ago
The many other places is the US 2 months ago
And Japan, and Canada, and Mexico, and the majority of South America, and a handful of countries in Africa and the Middle East. 2 months ago
I was mainly referring to almost all of the American continent(s), lots of Africa, China and a few other places too. I didn’t think I’d mentioned Europe. 2 months ago
The rest of Europe has 220V as well and they don’t have switches on their outlets. 2 months ago
I have been with 110v plenty of times used to wire houses in my youth. Been hit once with 220v knocked me on my ass for 3 days. I stopped being so cavalier after that I wish they had those outlets vs the midevil outlets the US has. 2 months ago
Isn’t it just 230v 50 Hz like most of the world?
Apparently around 65-70 % of the world population (with access to electricity) has 230v 50 Hz.