- Comment on What emotion is this? 4 weeks ago:
I remember it felt super difficult
- Comment on Darkest Dungeon: We at Red Hook are heartbroken to confirm the passing of our beloved voice actor, Wayne June. 4 weeks ago:
You say it’s a horrible way to learn that this is a thing, but I actually find it weirdly sweet how when someone dies, people who care about the deceased or their work jump to share stories of how they had been impacted. It reminds me of birthdays; I have friends who I don’t speak to much, but their birthday prompts me to reach out and say “hey! I’m glad you exist”
- Comment on Darkest Dungeon: We at Red Hook are heartbroken to confirm the passing of our beloved voice actor, Wayne June. 4 weeks ago:
Here is a super useful information thread. ……/get-started-voice-acting
There’s also a discord server attached, which feels cool and diverse in terms of what kinds of people are there — both hobbyists and professionals
- Comment on Here as well 1 year ago:
I wish you well for whatever remains of recovering from the illness, it sounds like you’ve had a rough time.
- Comment on Bethesda confirms they are working on releasing new features you asked for, from city maps, to mod support, to all new ways of traveling next year for Starfield 1 year ago:
I think you’ve excellently captured the difference here. I didn’t get heavily into Elite Dangerous, but on one of my longest journeys, I scanned a few things that no-one had ever scanned before. I didn’t discover any awesome looking space phenomena that would be worth sharing (at least, none that hadn’t been discovered before), but the prospect that I could was exciting.
Even just the idea that my name would be on other people’s screens if they came and scanned the same things I did, because we were all sharing the same world.
- Comment on Milk 1 year ago:
Whilst this only applies to a minority of people who use these services, if you’re disabled, having someone else stand in line for you is a godsend.
- Comment on SAG-AFTRA Alleges ‘Bully Tactics’ as Studios Suspend Negotiations 1 year ago:
“I’d kill to get a cut of the pie that every AI server I bring back up generates, on top of my raises.”
The equivalent situation is more like if you had salary + residuals, and the residuals were a significant enough part of your compensation package that your salary was a relatively small impact factor. You take the residuals into account when budgeting household finances.
Then over the course of years, you get less and less income from residuals, which shrink way faster than regular salary bumps can account for - everywhere has new servers you’ve been working on that technically lie outside your existing contract. The new servers are hugely profitable for the companies you work for, but your real world compensation shrinks, despite the new servers requiring just as much work on your part. It’s less about the residuals, more about the fact that you took a lower base salary on the understanding that you’d be getting a certain level of residual payments, and that’s undermined by the continually shrinking pay on technicalities.
But on top of all this, imagine that the total compensation levels were never great, even before residuals shrink. Most people doing work like yours barely make ends meet, and it becomes harder and harder to afford basic living costs.
Basically, there’s two points of contention when it comes to overall pay levels: the base level pay increase, which is a regular, time based bump; and the significant losses in net pay because streaming has led to increasingly unfavourable outcomes for actors and writers. Both of these problems could be solved without residuals, but it would require a base pay way higher than it is now. This would make the upfront costs of movies and TV shows insanely more expensive, and finding funding for projects would get much harder.
- Comment on oppa 1 year ago:
I know, right? I didn’t expect to watch it through to the end, but that was mesmerising