- Comment on It works for anything 6 days ago:
So they empty pitcher represents the emptiness of memes.
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 2 weeks ago:
We are mad but we are also distracted and overwhelmed. You can’t get mad at work because you might get fired. Then there goes your housing and food and healthcare. It’s going to have to get a lot worse before things pop off.
- Comment on Americans Need to Party More 1 month ago:
What’s a local social club?
- Comment on Capricorn Two 1 month ago:
Cement Mixer (Put-Ti, Put-Ti)
- Comment on I can't imagine being paid to act like I enjoy working in the office 2 months ago:
Suicide proof windows
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 3 months ago:
*that are
- Comment on Is "Red Storm Rising" by Tom Clancy considered a good book? 3 months ago:
I read it in my 20s and liked it well enough. It isn’t great literature but it was a fun read.
I read it again in the last few years, I’m now in my fifties, and I had to skip the Iceland parts with the Air Force Lieutenant and the woman. My god, Clancy must have been an insufferable misogynist.
Someone should rewrite the book and remove or change that part.
- Comment on I would personally just treat whatever direction I'm facing at the time as North and go from there. 3 months ago:
Go west. Life is peaceful there. Go west. Lots of open air.
- Comment on US Democracy 3 months ago:
Take me with you. I was so close to being able to claim citizenship through my mother.
- Comment on lemmy.ca user Is this true? 3 months ago:
Why isn’t the first option?
- Comment on lemmy.ca user Is this true? 3 months ago:
Wasn’t she on YCDTOTV?
- Comment on In the era of remakes and remasters, what niche game would you like to see receive the treatment? 3 months ago:
- Comment on Stupid ass star 5 months ago:
Has anyone found that they have become more sensitive to the sun as they’ve gotten older?
- Comment on The OG super graphic ultra modern girl 6 months ago:
And now that song is stuck in my head again.
- Comment on ಠ_ಠ 6 months ago:
Not approved!
- Comment on Dallas Black Dance Theatre fired its entire company of dancers, after they unionized 6 months ago:
What is a dance company without dancers?
- Comment on Feeling cute. Might delete later. 6 months ago:
Why are the owls upside down?
- Comment on I need new glasses. The only insurance-approved place I can shop online will cost $250 with my needs. I went to a "cheap" glasses website that doesn't accept insurance: $250. Yay, America. 6 months ago:
Good luck. Then the front of the store won’t get any business.
- Comment on The workers at Bethesda Game Studios have fully unionized 7 months ago:
Breaking News: Bethesda Game Studios closes down.
- Comment on I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07. 8 months ago:
Sending hugs my airborne cephalopod.
- Comment on For Many Greeks, Six-Day 48-Hour Work Week Now Set to Begin July 1st 8 months ago:
How is there not more protesting about this? Greeks used to be really good at that.
- Comment on Non-binary 9 months ago:
Whatever, just wash your hands.
- Comment on Either way, I'm getting super drunk. 9 months ago:
OMG! The memory you just unlocked. Me as the shitty level 1 magic user with magic missile and a dagger. My first campaign was Keep on the Borderlands.
- Comment on MRIs 9 months ago:
Martyrdom of St. Veit - Meister der Veitslegende - sammlung.belvedere.at/objects/36541/
- Comment on Yep 9 months ago:
Telephone. Brrrriiinnnngggg.
- Comment on My body and I have an adversarial relationship 10 months ago:
You don’t need no makeup
- Comment on Time for a break 10 months ago:
That’s okay, I was done pooping anyway.
- Comment on How are newer cars (gas/hybrid) supposed to sound? 11 months ago:
I just don’t understand looking at your phone when crossing the street. So, you have the right of way. Fat lot of good that is going to do you as you are flying through the air.
- Comment on Okay, but Mötley is a pretty awesome name. 11 months ago:
Was his middle name Mississippi?
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Not likely.