Do you know how long it took me to figure out I’m stupid? What am I, stupid?
Oh, wait…
Submitted 2 days ago by to [deleted]
Do you know how long it took me to figure out I’m stupid? What am I, stupid?
Oh, wait…
So you’re telling me that I have the psychic power to inflict unending agony upon others by just being myself? I’m going to have such fun with this!
I am of different opinion that these folks know they are wrong, but are too egotistic to admit it.
I was taught at an early age to accept mistakes, learn from it and move on. Now I have grown older, I realised that not many people know this, and society also stigmatises someone making mistakes. I think some people refuse to admit to be wrong because either they are too egotistic to accept and learn, or doubling down assertively on the wrong belief as a defensive mechanism from potential public humiliation.
This should not be upvoted by the Lemmy echo chamber…:)
Most painful comment so far
No… I’m quite positive I am stupid.
be me do awesome work that is well done and makes perfect sense derp shows up “Hey anon, what dipshit did this?” points at my work “This is stupid.” I explain the what and why. derp still thinks it’s wrong and stupid. I finish my work, with time to spare. Later, derp does the work. Takes him twice as long as it took me and it all looks like shit. Derp leaves at the end of his day, the work isn’t actually done and I have to clean up after him. I explain the above to Herp and Gerp, both think that Derp was right and I was wrong. Anons, am I the stupid?
Well, this hurt. So, there’s that.
That’s true, but there’s usually quite a lot of pain when you’re dying.
That’s uplifting. They say ”for many”, which makes me think that it’s not the majority case though.
When you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It’s only painful & difficult for others. The same applies when you are stupid.
Philippe Geluck
So, okay, the former sentence is something that always fascinated me, because I think it’s actually even more complicated. To make it easier to parse and write, consider all of the following with an added “I think” or “I believe” or smth. attached to each sentence: There is no “you” any more that could know or not know, the very core of subjectivity has vanished. “I will be dead”, for example, only exists as a meaningful sentence within language, and the logic of language in reality - there is no “I” that can be dead. I think that foundational contradiction is also at the core of why in psychoanalysis, the idea is, that the unconscious is incapable of forming a reference to your own death. (Related this, the Lacanian thesis, that the unconscious has the structure of language). The result is: Death does not mean a transition into “nothing”, as “nothing” is still “something” - at least as something like a semantic unit. Instead, it is the transition into “Less than Nothing”, where the logic of language which is at the core of our ability to fathom reality ceases to exist. The “you” referenced is only existent within references made by others, but any subjectivity that could “not know”, “not suffer”, “not exist” is gone.
I dunno if I trust this image without at least 10% more jpegification 2 days ago
I know I’m an idiot and I know everyone else is as well, in their own way. So when I call people idiots, I do it as a fellow idiot gently reminding them they are in fact idiots. 2 days ago
Heh, get a load of this idiot. 2 days ago
Same, except they don’t just disagree, they are extremely pissed. For whatever reason idiots tend to assume superior status to me in particular.