I noticed some people who are well paid like in IT going grey hair. You will say genetics but is it possible that they maxxing out their credits and mortgages and worry all the time? At the same time i noticed a lot old couples where man is absolutely worn out and grey and wrinkly wearing shit clothes and woman all sparkled up and still relatively good looking and buying beauty products and skin care products. Is it possible that women sucking energy from them men? Like succubus? Meaning guy is so obsessed with the woman, give all money to her no matter what - at the same time not giving himself any care because no money left for him? You get the idea hopefully. Do you have any observations?
for IT imagine being hired as a subject matter expert but every piece of advice you give is ignored. Until something goes catastrophically wrong, now you are pulled into 3 different incident response meeting being blamed for it happening despite you raising the alarm for the past 6-12 months(but you can’t say that because it is non constructive and finger pointing), asking what is happening, when will it be fixed, and how to prevent it from happening again.
But here is the kicker, the incident started an hour ago and you have been in the meeting for the past 30 min with everyone pointing fingers at you and expecting answers from you but you haven’t even started proper troubleshooting because you were pulled into the meeting.
Then you ask for a budget to make the systems perform better. You spend 3 months gathering quotes, haggling prices, demoing products but when you lay out your proposal you get ‘That is too expensive or everything is running fine we don’t need that.’ Then next week the sales team say we will start using X software with a cost of 3x what you found and lacks features you must have to maintain your cybersecurity insurance and it gets approved.
This is not just one bad employer, that is across the world. Subject matter experts thought as cost centres and escape goats.
Bad IT couture is like a horse. High risk, low reward and heart attack prone. No wonder we grey in our 30s.
Ok, this turned into more of an IT rant then I expected.
Weslee@lemmy.world 3 days ago
I started to go grey at 20, I am in IT, but I don’t have any credit cards or mortgages, I don’t really stress or worry alot (more than anyone else I’d say).
Tbh your post just makes it sound like you’re bitter about some woman…