- Comment on Why some people go fulk grey hair in their 30s? 3 days ago:
This is so relatable that it hurts, actually.
- Comment on Why is OCR for handwritten content still that bad? 3 weeks ago:
I can read about 80% of the words in this if I’m honest, and had to fill in the rest with a best guess.
- Comment on How rare is it for people to live without anger? 1 month ago:
I was living pretty much entirely anger-free until 2 things happened:
- I started working at my job, where I was hired for my expertise and yet I am frequently interrupted mid-sentence, disrespected, or told to do things in ways that defy the foundations of my entire discipline (before anyone tells me to quit, I can’t, because of immigration-related reasons)
- One of my friends has fallen down the alt-right/X/Musk fanboyism pipeline and just about everything he rants is uninformed, reactionary, and rage-inducing. He spends too much of his time being angry about problems that don’t exist and spreads that anger everywhere Saying that, I am autistic and often struggle to distinguish between anger, frustration, feeling hurt, and even sadness. I can isolate depression as a feeling fairly reliably though, because that is more numb and less passionate.
- Comment on Help me out: which looks better for the Duck - the neck tie or the bow tie? 1 month ago:
Neck tie, if it were a bit bigger.
- Comment on Anon dates a clown 2 months ago:
Ah yes, everybody has that one drawer to keep pies in.
- Comment on Why do Americans always presume that everyone speaks English 2 months ago:
Same reason why people from the United Kingdom are called ‘British’, despite Northern Ireland not being in Britain.
There just aren’t better proper adjectives for these 2 countries.
While you can say ‘North American’ to mean anyone from North America and not specifically the US, I’m not sure there’s a fitting word that refers to anyone from North or South America. Although, at that point, the group of people you are talking about is perhaps too broad to be useful in most cases.
- Comment on Do you actually care about your friend's new baby, vacation abroad or similar life events or are you just being nice? 4 months ago:
I am autistic, and honestly OP, I feel very similar. But based on the comments, I’m starting to think that we’re both narcissists haha
I have this particular issue with a house mate who is self-obsessed and wants to do nothing but brag about his charisma and intelligence to anyone who dares come downstairs for a split second. He’ll go on for hours, and re-tell everything if someone else comes in. He kind of caricature-ises this whole experience for me. He has trapped me in a convo for so long that I’ve had evening plans ruined, even after telling him multiple times that I’ve got to go. No point pretending with him, you literally have to just ignore his existence and leave. Grim.
With friends and family? It depends.
For friends, I care if they’re very close (1 of a handful of people), not because of the topic itself that I am listening out for but more how they have been affected by the experience.
For more distant friends, acquaintances, colleagues… generally no.