Yeah… sounds like your brother is listening to Redpill shit.
Submitted 4 weeks ago by to
Comments 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
[deleted] 4 weeks ago
Deleted by creator 4 weeks ago
The cornerstone of any good relationship is honesty. Without that, everything else is sitting on a bad foundation.
Your little bro is in for a bad time but some people just have to learn the hard way. 4 weeks ago
Is there like a gay Andrew Tate around somewhere? 4 weeks ago
Internalized misandry is a helluva drug. This is some fucboi shit. Works really well for old closeted sugar daddies. Or other fucbois. Hopefully his boyfriend is one of those and not looking for genuine long lasting connection.
We all gotta learn. Hopefully they get to learn with the least amount of harm. 4 weeks ago
younger brother
Some really misandrist shit
What. Is he okay? Like, what the fuck? Is he sure he isn’t actually a transbian, lmao? Not all guys are like that, some want stability and get anxious if you tug on your leash like that. Furthermore, you’re gonna eventually wear out your man if you’re not careful.
…I kinda totally get the thrill of being someone’s prey tho. There may or may not be VRChat groups for that kinda thing. 4 weeks ago
What the fuck 4 weeks ago
Hopefully your younger brother learns that being a red flag guy isn’t a good thing; It’s going to be a hard lesson, but one that is absolutely important. Trust, honestly, healthy boundaries, and respect are the cornerstones for successful relationships. You can only be an in-demand guy for so long before this type of relationship behavior will push more people away than it attracts. I’m glad that you’re trying to nudge him in the right direction, though. 4 weeks ago
🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 4 weeks ago
Only 10 flags? You sure this doesn’t call for 11? I’ve never been fully clear on the guidance for how many to use. 😁 4 weeks ago
Sounds like he wants long-term flings rather than long-term relationships. Which is fine, as long as he understands what he’s getting himself into. 4 weeks ago
That’s probably true for some men, and people tend to assume that other people think like they do. So I would guess the brother is telling on himself a bit there. But also, what kind of relationship is that? Who would want to live like that? Good relationships are built on trust and communication. If you need to play games to keep someone’s eye from wandering, that’s not a relationship at all. 4 weeks ago
Gay guy checking in…
Holy forking shirtballs, who hurt him!? 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
Ah, yeah I’ve never been “in demand”, unless you count the straight girls that needed the “gay best friend”.
He’s basically got “young and hot” syndrome. Middle age is going to be a bitch…