- Comment on 5 weeks ago:
For me, it was the lack of support for certain Wi-Fi cards. I had to pull an older Wi-Fi card out of an old Chromebook, because no flavor of Linux supported the card that came with the (Windows 11) laptop. And guess who has two thumbs and no Ethernet port…
Finally got it working, but at one point i was almost willing to have a USB tether to my phone, just so i wouldn’t have to fight with windows anymore.
- Comment on Wonder Woman Game is "Years Away From Release" As Warner Bros. Gaming Division Struggles 1 month ago:
I’m imagining an LA noir style section involving the lasso of truth (?). And i haven’t seen the movies, but watched reviews, and there seems there might need enough upgrade paths to ramp up the combat elements. Maybe she gets with Batman to upgrade her suit?
Hell, even a tomb raider style origin story might work, if they don’t skimp on the writing team.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Ah, yeah I’ve never been “in demand”, unless you count the straight girls that needed the “gay best friend”.
He’s basically got “young and hot” syndrome. Middle age is going to be a bitch…
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Gay guy checking in…
Holy forking shirtballs, who hurt him!?
- Comment on What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game? 2 months ago:
When I beat Grim Fandango.
It was bitter-sweet, because you ::: spoiler spoiler have to leave one of your companions behind, him being a spirit of the land; while you ride off to the land of eternal rest with your new love interest :::
- Comment on What is the origin of aliens looking like humans? Why and when did it become the norm? 2 months ago:
One of my favorite trivia bits from Deep Space Nine;
In order to have a bustling station with weird, exotic, new aliens, the production team took to mixing up alien makeup appliances. A Cardasian neck ridge, with a Klingon forehead, maybe a fish-species mouth, paint it all a different color and baby, you got an alien stew goin’.
- Comment on what floor lamp would you recommend to play a grand piano? 2 months ago:
I like the ones with the multiple, positionable, lamps. You can aim the light.
- Comment on questions about sex toys: would it be a bad idea to fully insert a vibrating egg in my bum? 2 months ago:
The soft silicon eggs just aren’t meant to do what needs to be done to the prostate, in order for you to get where you’re going, as it were…
- Comment on Some Older PC games I have, just wanted to share. 2 months ago:
I remember the levels being copy/paste rooms, but things like bathrooms and break rooms were absent. It didn’t really feel like a real world people live in.
- Comment on Day 148 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 3 months ago:
I always leave at least one free space so i can install a fire pole later. I’m going to do this on my next play through, and use the other side for pneumatic tubes!
- Comment on Day 148 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 3 months ago:
Currently sitting at 3,185.6 hours in this game.
My current map is over 1,600 cycles old, and I’ve only lost two permanently (some dupes are just too stupid to waste a reload on).
Once you get s self powered oxygen machine (SPOM) going, the biggest concerns are heat and food.
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 3 months ago:
"If knowledge is power; then to be unknown, is to be unconquerable.
Intro movie when you select the Romulans in Star Trek: Birth of the Federation
- Comment on "Candyman" Star Tony Todd Has Died 4 months ago:
To Sto’Vo’Kor! RIP Kurn, son of Mogh
- Comment on Has Google Search gotten so much worse in the last couple of weeks? 6 months ago:
Derp, i blame 10 hour shift brain…
- Comment on Has Google Search gotten so much worse in the last couple of weeks? 6 months ago:
We have express (toll) lanes on some highways around me, and the navigation system loses its damn mind every time. “Keep going straight”, “continue going straight”, “proceed in a trajectory perpendicular to your current trajectory”; I fucking get it!
- Comment on 2nd Work Interview Meeting 8 months ago:
I once had the different recruiters contact me within a month for the same job. Client wanted a unicorn, and kept switching recruiting firms. Wasn’t worth the effort I put in between the three recruiters, but your mileage may vary…
- Comment on How does my local Sonic run out of just the small box of chicken? 8 months ago:
Dude, the number of times someone will cancel a 20+ item order, just because we couldn’t find one item, dozens every day.
- Comment on How does my local Sonic run out of just the small box of chicken? 8 months ago:
Hell, when we run out of the 24 pack bottled water, we throw them a 32 count and call it a day… Some people/companies are so rigid, they lose sight of customer first. Not saying they should bend over backwards, but consider the lost sales by not even attempting to make it right.
- Comment on Prodigy Season 2: How do we want to discuss it? 8 months ago:
You go to the season post to get an overview and general feel for the season, plus any and all questions or fan theories are welcome.
Individual pages so you can talk in depth about an episode or post questions as you watch, with spoiler free answers.
I wouldn’t do the four discussion threads, but that’s just me trying to cut out redundancy. If others like breaking it up, hell, I’ll give it a try. But i mostly watch Star Trek with the wiki and/or Reddit page up so i can look up trivia and actors i recognize, so one post per episode and a megathread for the season are right up my ally.
- Comment on Like The Animatrix? Have you watched Robot Carnival? 10 months ago:
I miss this kinda “dirty” animation, like Disney had before going full CG. Even TV animation is just so, overly clean?
I guess i miss the art style where you could tell that a human hand drew, and colored, the animation cell. Now it’s draw on a computer, clean up the lines, make every line the same thickness, color it in with the bucket tool, no artistic flair, yawn… </rant>
- Comment on Please no 1 year ago:
This is a physical representation of what it’s like working in web-dev. Whatever the client wants, you can always charge more later to fix their stupid decisions.
Also, money changed hands. Who would pay for this?
- Comment on That gourmet luxury blend... 1 year ago:
“Based on a true story”…
- Comment on That gourmet luxury blend... 1 year ago:
Ugh, Kraft singles (individually wrapped pieces of “cheese”) are labeled something like “dairy product” because they use vegetable oil.
And make sure you’re buying “ice cream” and not “frozen dairy product”. Ice Cream has a minimum cream/milk requirement that some brands fall below. Might as well call it “ice milk, etc.”.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
“I’ll give you something to cry about!”
Therapy helps, but not enough for me to continue the cycle.
- Comment on How ‘The Creator’ Director Gareth Edwards Used VFX to Make $80M Look Like $200M 1 year ago:
Yeah, by the end my friend group was accurately guessing what would happen next. The sound design was awesome though.
- Comment on How ‘The Creator’ Director Gareth Edwards Used VFX to Make $80M Look Like $200M 1 year ago:
I liked it, wouldn’t see it again…
- Comment on What game fits this? 1 year ago:
I’ve put in over 2,700 hours into Oxygen Not Included, so that’s my vote.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 09-10-2023 1 year ago:
I want a mod that makes it a little easier to get to the logistics robots faster, but without a complete overhaul, the extensive mods are too much for me…m
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 09-10-2023 1 year ago:
Switch: Sudoku Relax (2-7), Kingdoms of Amalur, Minecraft, The Survivalists
PC: Fallout 4, Oxygen Not Included, Factorio