- Comment on Generative AI Game about People Using AI to Solve Crime that Isn't a Cautionary Tale 1 week ago:
ROFL Irony is lost on some, so this is not at all surprising.
- Comment on What does a week of groceries look like to you? 2 weeks ago:
I usually pick up enough stuff to last me a week or even two; mostly frozen pizzas, ingredients for curry, sweets, snacks, pantry staples like pasta sauce and pasta. Caffeinated beverages like soda or energy drinks are typically on my list too. I also get toiletries, cleaning supplies, and toilet paper every few weeks.
- Comment on I love the future. 4 weeks ago:
Ah, the USA is so fucking doomed unless as a people we push these facists and grifters out of office.
- Comment on people who drink, how long do your hangovers last? 1 month ago:
I personally don’t get hangovers because I moderate my alcohol intake…Chasing with small sips of water or nonalcoholic drinks, I only remember feeling really fuzzy after a night of bad choices as a younger man. It lasted hours, but was more like a temporary brain fog and not very difficult to overcome.
- Comment on Could Mass Effect 5 be a live-service title? 1 month ago:
If EA chooses the stupid route and BioWare doesn’t fight back…Yep, it could be and it would be a DOA game. Given that EA C-Suites don’t have more than 3 shared brain cells between them; they’ll fail to notice that Sony axed their live service game ambitions. They’ll pretend to not see the other struggling live service game companies, and think that Mass Effect as a franchise will have the drive behind it to win. It won’t give that Andromeda was such a flop which didn’t excite a lot of Mass Effect fans.
This is a game that cannot fail (lest the Mass Effect franchise fall into ruin), but will if too many bad decisions are made in the development process.
- Comment on The new Hulu Subscriber agreement just dropped - Don't like ads too bad. 1 month ago:
LMAO I’m glad I stopped using Hulu’s service as they are a corpo dumpster fire; streaming was always doomed to become shitty because corporations can’t help but screw up good things. They intentionally waited for the shift in Administration to be as bullshit as possible.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Hopefully your younger brother learns that being a red flag guy isn’t a good thing; It’s going to be a hard lesson, but one that is absolutely important. Trust, honestly, healthy boundaries, and respect are the cornerstones for successful relationships. You can only be an in-demand guy for so long before this type of relationship behavior will push more people away than it attracts. I’m glad that you’re trying to nudge him in the right direction, though.
- Comment on The Sims & The Sims 2 Legacy Collections - Official Reveal Trailer 1 month ago:
As long as we consistently don’t buy their intentionally compromised products…It’s been shown that companies will relent. Like Sony did recently with their PSN requirements for certain games, as the hostile feedback was hurting sales. I will continue to heckle those big corps myself, until they kowtow! It’s a boss battle, but they only have so much HP, Chip Damage is a successful strategy.
- Comment on The Sims & The Sims 2 Legacy Collections - Official Reveal Trailer 1 month ago:
You’re fine, I was just stating my own opinion. As it’s true, if I didn’t have such an intolerance to certain barriers to entry…I could get this game to work easily. As weirdly enough, I will spend more than 10 minutes looking for obscure repositories to add to my distro to make something work (like Vintage Story, I needed an older Fedora 39 repo of .NET 7 to make the game run) even if a Flatpak exists. ROFL
I’m just a silly sausage, I took zero offense…If anything, my initial comment was too speedy and needed more consideration before posting it!
- Comment on The Sims & The Sims 2 Legacy Collections - Official Reveal Trailer 1 month ago:
Of course, EA would release something the community wanted with great desperation but taint it in the worst way possible at the same time. This is likely unplayable on Linux, given their pestilent EA App is required for validation. I’ve never been excited and then so disgusted, all within the space of 5 seconds.
- Comment on Warner Bros. President stepping down following poor financial results 1 month ago:
David Zaslav is truly the problem in this situation! I agree they should’ve forced him out instead, as Zaslav’s foolish chasing of trends got Warner the outcome they deserved.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Yeah, your nation isn’t giving giving you a choice in this case. Ultimately, circumventing the ban is the right move as a form of protest.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Hmm, this is a shame, but Saudi Arabia will always be against anything progressive. This game will get my dollars, so I better play the first one! Thankfully, Piracy comes in to save the day, but it would feel terrible to pirate a Warhorse game.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Nah, not enough! I need to know how good the story is, how well combat and stealth works in this game, how well they brought an older version of Japan to life, and performance and bugs. An image can look cool, but the product could be trash, this game has potential to be good like Odyssey was (beautiful but a grindy game).
- Comment on How to wake up during nightmares? 2 months ago:
You’re welcome! Stress, I find, is often the biggest contributing factor to nightmares as the mind is trying to deal with it. Sleep is often the time feelings and experiences are processed. Stress is like a shotgun blast to that processing, that overflow of feeling seems to lead to nightmares more often. When your situation changes, that pre-sleep period will be vital to managing future dreaming, it also allows one to begin to settle in a mental state suitable for Lucid Dreaming. I certainly hope this will help you sleep easier!
- Comment on How to wake up during nightmares? 2 months ago:
The practice of Lucid Dreaming has allowed me to redirect nightmares successfully in most cases, there were only few instances that I could not wake up or change the nightmare’s nature. Lucid Dreaming does take practice, though, but thankfully there are a lot of books on the subject. You’ll be able to sift through the many to find the one which you vibe with the most, as the method is very individual in nature.
Secondly, at least two or three hours before bed, I make sure to only read or watch videos that are lighthearted in nature because horror or grim content can affect the dreams or nightmares you’d face during sleep. Let go of any stress or dark thoughts before going to sleep also helps, I find exorcising these thoughts with writing them down helps the most. It allows reason to smooth these thoughts and feelings over, giving them less power to shape a dreamer’s experience!
- Comment on Did Apple kill iTunes for windows? 2 months ago:
They did kill iTunes as it was too old and the work to modernize it would be too much. However, the functions of iTunes live on in several apps: Apple Music, Apple Devices, and iCloud for Windows. You will just have to grab the apps you need from the Windows Store. Such a fuss was made about this, I’m surprised you didn’t know! The Apple Support updated their page to let people know too.
- Comment on Thief has a new spiritual sequel, built by the Deus Ex and System Shock devs 3 months ago:
I got excited until I found out this was a multiplayer title. This is a great team making a game that I couldn’t possibly care about, makes me sad to say their effort is dead to me.
- Comment on What do people (as in, IRL) actually think of the [alleged] perpetrator involved in the NYC shooting? 3 months ago:
Yep, that’s why killings of this nature might rise…As our justice system favors these rich fuckers, and won’t raise a finger unless it’s truly horrible. I didn’t even know about the Sackler family myself, for good reason, as this family like to keep a low profile whenever possible!
- Comment on What do people (as in, IRL) actually think of the [alleged] perpetrator involved in the NYC shooting? 3 months ago:
The few people I’ve talked to about the matter don’t care about the CEO being murdered as his decision were so ruthless and harmed many. A coworker mentioned it would’ve been better if that CEO was put on trial for his bullshit as so many were being fucked over by callous capitalist choices. That this man needed to be made an example of so those fat cats would be worried as fuck.
I’m also not sad that scumbag is dead; I’m sad that circumstances pushed the accused to the edge that an assassination of a CEO was the right answer. The system is so fucked, this should be an alarm bell ringing event. Knowing the good old USA, it will be swept under the rug until a real violent uprising happens.
- Comment on PlayStation Uses Safety Concerns To Defend Steam PSN Account Requirements 4 months ago:
ROFL They’ve gotten breached so many times and drained of data, it’s cute that they are trying to gaslight consumers into believing this bullshit! It’s all about looking popular and inflating their free accounts, so those freeloaders can become payers at some point in time. Steam is far more secure than Sony, I would prefer that they’d just give up with trying to strong-arm PC gamers into signing up for their PSN Slop.
- Comment on Ubisoft launches NFT game with figures costing up to $63K 4 months ago:
That was a delayed grift release, no wonder they stealth launched it (given it would’ve tarnished them even more). I hope they get a lot of shit for this scammy ‘game’.
- Comment on Should I or should I not use/bother with using Linux? (READ THE WHOLE POST) 5 months ago:
As a casual user of Linux (no strong inclination or skill in coding), I tend to veer towards distros that minimize the Terminal usage in favor of graphical user interfaces for accomplishing most changes. Modern Linux is a lot friendlier in terms of installing Software from a distro store and graphic drivers via a graphical interface. You won’t ever fully be able to eliminate the terminal usage, as it’s inevitable for certain tasks like adding PPAs on Ubuntu for example. It was honestly word salad for me during my first foray into the Linux world; but now I have a basic understanding of the Linux kernel and how it functions on a very surface level. I know enough to string commands together and understand the reason why it’s necessary to do things in a certain order.
I’m not sure if you’d have a good time with Linux, I’m hesitant to tell you to take the plunge because you will have to faff around with the terminal and use commands at times to accomplish certain things. That requires both focus and patience, which is not something which is naturally difficult for those with ADHD (unless a hyperfixation is quite strong). I’d give it a think for a while, ultimately you might be better sticking with the current OS that you’re using.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
I want quality content and not the slop Ubishit and Evil, Actually are wont to create; there are several ‘AAA’ games studios that belong on the right-hand side but wouldn’t fit in the meme well.
- Comment on A national movement to organize Amazon takes off. 5 months ago:
Good, coordinated strikes and marches in the places that hurt Amazon the most with prepared, concise demands is a great strategy! Corporations need to understand what they are doing to people is wrong and people won’t just take it anymore.
- Comment on how is final fantasy XVI 6 months ago:
Hmm…I just think the direction they took with Lightning and the other characters wasn’t ideal and the moment to moment gameplay was not the best; I said nothing about outright hate for the game. Furthermore, I only feel disdain for real things that could actually cause harm to the world.
- Comment on how is final fantasy XVI 6 months ago:
I feel like the themes of slavery were so poorly handled that it shouldn’t have even been a plot point. The game would’ve been the same without them or with them; as they didn’t handle it with much nuance and doubtfully had the writing chops to do so. While the Boss Battles with summons are spectacles, they can get really dull the more you fight bosses. I would say it’s a mix of infantile oppressive fantasy to occasional brilliant scenes that made me question why this game was overall so-so. Those strong moments of writing never stuck around long enough to make a greater impact; it made me feel like two people were responsible for the writing of this game, and the worse writer won more often.
- Comment on No 'Sims 5' Coming as EA Updates Franchise With Multiplayer 6 months ago:
Yikes, EA is so freaking silly! Why leave money on the table by not presenting a revamped and fresh single-player experience?! They could make it backwards compatible with The Sims 4 letting you import families from The Sims 4 to The Sims 5. If they really want to keep The Sims 4 on life support like this; they need to put in the work with a revamped and much improved engine that can support all the weight which will be put on it. As there are people who will without a doubt buy all the packs and try to run them…To mixed results.
- Comment on 63% of Gen Z Would Rather Play Video Games Than Watch a Movie — GamerBlurb 6 months ago:
While I do like movies, I find myself playing more games than movies. This is due to most of the movies coming out not being to my personal taste; whereas I can always find a game that is just right. It helps that games are interactive and not just static experiences, like films.
- Comment on Palworld faces the difficult choice of whether to become a live-service game or stay buy-to-play, PocketPair’s CEO says 6 months ago:
Wow, this shouldn’t be a hard choice. Keeping the current model of buy to play would be best, I wouldn’t think that Palworld would even benefit from a live-service model, given those games seem to die a lot faster than the standard buy and play.