- Comment on Job related: Am I being stupid? 3 days ago:
Have you looked into becoming a nurse practitioner? You sound like you might feel more fulfilled with more medical knowledge and a job in more of an expert role.
- Comment on Framework (2nd Gen) Event is live on February 25th - Framework holding new product launch in 2 weeks 1 week ago:
Oh I could likely see the difference. But if there’s a significant impact on battery life, I would probably be just fine with the lower resolution.
It would suck if the touchscreen option were only available with a 4K resolution because of that.
- Comment on Framework (2nd Gen) Event is live on February 25th - Framework holding new product launch in 2 weeks 1 week ago:
Touchscreen? Great!
UHD though? In such a small form factor, it sounds like a needless battery drain. Or are there use cases I’m missing?
- Comment on eggs in japan 1 week ago:
Probably not. They contained a lot of air at that point. But yeah … If it doesn’t look, taste or smell rotten, I’m usually not worried by food.
But then again, I’m vegetarian, so I avoid most non-obvious risks by that alone.
- Comment on Anon has a busy day 1 week ago:
Frickin’ mobile games. Got sucked into giving KonoSuba: Fantastic Days nearly an hour of my time every day for a few months. I even gave them nearly a hundred dollars. And it felt like WORK, because I didn’t want to be inefficient and miss quest rewards.
Never again.
- Comment on eggs in japan 1 week ago:
Btw I took a look at your comment and if it helps, washed eggs are good basically forever too. I never throw them away. I’ve eaten eggs that had been expired for 6 months, and while they were a little dried up (kinda dense; the white had shrunk), they were otherwise totally fine.
You know how they say you know there’s a methane or propane leak because of the smell of rotten eggs… I’ve never smelled rotten eggs. Only propane. Eggs refuse to rot.
- Comment on eggs in japan 1 week ago:
I’m not American, but in a lot of American cooking videos I watch, the host will go like “NEVER eat raw egg” or “I’m tasting a small amount here but it’s a calculated risk I’m taking and you may not want to”.
- Comment on eggs in japan 1 week ago:
You’re missing something!
- Comment on eggs in japan 1 week ago:
I was convinced Japan also washed their eggs. I’m confused.
Also I’m curious about why Americans are really squeamish about people eating any egg products that haven’t been fully sterilized by cooking, while others generally aren’t scared of it, even if they’re in a country that washes eggs just like the US.
In the US, people don’t even taste their cake batter to check the amount of sugar before cooking it; in Canada, a summer isn’t whole until you’ve made strawberry mousse (ingredients: strawberry, egg whites, sugar; eaten raw). Perplexing. Is it riskier in the US, or is the risk equally low everywhere but Americans are really paranoid?
- Comment on BREAKING: New Scientific Discovery May Be The Future 3 weeks ago:
Can someone help me understand the baldness and potash memes?
- Comment on Dell is making everyone return to office, too 3 weeks ago:
Hate them almost as much as in-person meetings lol
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
What the fuck
- Comment on Snap, Crackle, Transubstantiate 3 weeks ago:
They’re pretty addictive, but solely because of the texture. Crispy yet melty. The taste is almost non-existent though.
You can buy bags of communion wafer scraps for cheap here. Well, they used to be actual scraps, but nowadays you get full uncut wafer rectangles in the bag so I think they just produce them on purpose.
- Comment on Dell is making everyone return to office, too 3 weeks ago:
Have they ever heard of Teams calls. I swear managers are so out of touch it’s not funny
- Comment on Dell is making everyone return to office, too 3 weeks ago:
My company is a horrible work environment. Anytime I go in person, I work half as fast and get tired faster.
Noise, distractions, bad ergonomics, meh hardware…
- Comment on Anon is going to get a call from HR 3 weeks ago:
Oof, one more really bad word I now know about, I guess.
- Comment on The amount of ads cycling on Fextralife 3 weeks ago:
Those game wikis are basically the only ones I use an adblocker on. They’re basically unusable on mobile.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
That’s not mileage infuriating, that’s fucking abuse.
- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 5 weeks ago:
That would surprise me. It just doesn’t sound like their flavour of bullshit.
- Comment on Anon is a gamer 5 weeks ago:
Very little of what you mention was obvious to me. From the courtyard forward was the only place I wasn’t completely lost all the time.
Before that, the multi-level section around where you get locked in with a knight, the labyrinthine rooms around the kitchen, the rampart tops and rooftops, the outside sections… Everything was pure confusion. Kept coming back to the same places, entering one of the million nearly identical looking doors, going round and round without ever reaching the place I was trying to reach…
Subtle hints don’t really suffice for people without a sense of direction.
- Comment on Anon is a gamer 5 weeks ago:
You know Stormveil is a nightmare in which people get lost and confused for hours, right?
Not quite as bad as Leyndell, but I’ve had very bad times getting lost in those places. Almost dropped and game over it.
- Comment on It's absolutely true. 1 month ago:
The location of this comma, really annoys me.
- Comment on Technically correct 1 month ago:
Physicist Albert Einstein did not commit suicide. That statement is true.
It’s only technically correct because it’s an obvious truth not worth shouting from the rooftops.
The author likely meant to say that Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself. His death was ruled as a suicide but is thought by many to have been a murder to silence him because of all the secrets he knew.
- Comment on J IS LORD 1 month ago:
Oh thanks. I’d have never guessed
- Comment on J IS LORD 1 month ago:
What is this supposed to be?
- Comment on Which game has your favourite dodges? 2 months ago:
I don’t know what’s best, but I know FF7 Remake’s annoys me because I always expect it to have i-frames, but it doesn’t.
- Comment on flouride 2 months ago:
That’s good. My first instinct would’ve been that what’s in toothpaste is plenty.
- Comment on flouride 2 months ago:
Before even wondering about the health effects, we should ask ourselves whether it actually achieves the desired goal. I doubt that.
If it doesn’t, we don’t even need to wonder about safety; we’ll just stop burning money.
- Comment on Why isn't Putin receiving the same level of hate than people like Trump and Elon are? 2 months ago:
People don’t expect a country that’s supposed to be a close ally to do actual pure evil.
Russia has always been in a different category. It’s oscillated between being an outright enemy and being a distant, somewhat-ally the West is suspicious of. Either way, Putin was never someone you trust.
When someone betrays your expectations, you have a stronger emotional response.
When you feel like your country is actually helping with evil acts, that’s another layer of emotional response.
But if someone you feel like you can’t do anything about and has always been bad anyway is being evil, again… Well it’s a bit of a “no shit, Sherlock” moment. Doesn’t spark anger in quite the same way.
- Comment on Anon needs cooking advice 2 months ago:
Once i completely forgot the salt in my bread. It was disgustingly bland; like, I couldn’t believe a teaspoon of salt would have such a massive effect.
But I actually salvaged it by putting salt on every slice of toast I made with that loaf.
It worked out okay!