Behold, the opposite of a “Trans Exclusionary ‘Radical Feminist’”
The “Trans-Inclusionary Moderate ‘Misogynist’”
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to [deleted]
Behold, the opposite of a “Trans Exclusionary ‘Radical Feminist’”
The “Trans-Inclusionary Moderate ‘Misogynist’”
In Canada, we call them Timmies
He’s not transphobic, he’s “only” misogynistic. Which is only 50% transphobic I suppose
Absolutely. It’s a good sign that he’s joking around, and the misogyny appears to be tongue-in-cheek.
Trans inclusive radical misogyny
Personally I don’t, I can see someone not hating that kind of humour as much as me thinking it’s funny, in which case I guess it would be.
I’d consider dad to be a cheeky little bastard. Take the W
My parents would say this to jole then ask what my preferred name is. It all depends on your type of relationship and what was cut off.
Acceptance in a dumb dad joke way. Not all dad jokes hit, but for a instant reaction that’s pretty accepting, could have been way worse for them.
I’d take a bad taste dad joke over being ostracized by them.
Looks like Trans Inclusive Misogynia unless he’s joking
Perception: Dad confirmed that he understood the message, then said “cool”, then made some weird joke.
Context: assuming this was really the first time when Dad heard the news.
Interpretation: Dad’s reaction is just the beginning of acceptance. More reactions are to come. In order to really accept such a serious news, his emotions must go through all the “stages of grief” (even this isn’t exactly a sad news - but the stages are similar)
More reactions are to come. In order to really accept such a serious news, his emotions must go through all the “stages of grief”
Why? Plenty of people are capable of processing and accepting changes right away
The more serious a change, the stronger the emotional reaction.
Say the beer has run out but hugs are available. Does he then hug you when you come by? 5 weeks ago
That really depends on how the dad usually is. If he’s a joker and it’s a light hearted joke, then yes. If he’s usually misogynyic then he probably means it in all seriousness, and it’s not acceptable. 5 weeks ago
Well he said pretty please 5 weeks ago
True. But to me it reads the way a mean boss would say pretty please to a employee who doesn’t get to choose 5 weeks ago
Well, not acceptable doesn’t necessarily mean it isn’t acceptance.
If he’s a misogynist on the spectrum, then he might have just completely and fully accepted the news that he has a trans daughter and immediately just started treating her the way he would treat any daughter.
Sort of like if they told their boss they were trans and their boss immediately cut their salary by 30%.
It’s unacceptable acceptance.