Yes it can! Depending on how isolated one gets, it can severely harm mental health, social development and overall wellbeing.
Just being isolated, or rejected from a group activates the same brain networks as physical pain. You might as well be punched in the face.
Isolate someone enough, and you may just drive them insane. Bonus points if they start to hallucinate. We are social animals. Without social contact, our health goes down rather quickly. 2 months ago
Physical growth? Not likely. Other kinds of growth, I would believe so. 2 months ago
I would argue that under the right conditions it could negatively impact physical growth. As social creatures, humans can experience a lot of stress from isolation. I think it well understood that intense prolonged stress can have many negative impacts on the body. It could negatively impact physical development in that way. 2 months ago
I think an argument could also be made that isolation might result in poorer nutrition than having a stable support system of friends, relatives, etc., which could then potentially stunt physical growth.