- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 5 hours ago:
Or you’re Swearingen from Deadwood.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 days ago:
6 months ago I would have said it isn’t that bad, but now…just be careful out there, friend.
- Comment on I have a bunch of questions: Whats the best way to get this platform's feed to compete with reddit? 1 week ago:
Making the mission be about taking down Reddit gives Reddit a lot of power and credit. Focusing on making an open future for social media creates a new path forward while treating Reddit like what it is—yesterday’s platform.
There will be people who want to stick with the old platform—just look at boomers and Facebook. That’s ok—if we play our cards right, we will be gaining young users while the older demographic shrinks on Reddit.
- Comment on Nicole seems nice 1 week ago:
Liver alone, cheese mine.
- Comment on Nicole got a new outfit! 2 weeks ago:
Wait…you mean we aren’t soulmates? 😭
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Not saying it’s right, saying it is what it is.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
That’s why it is primarily used by black people in America—the word was used against them and now they are setting the terms for its future use. Just because it makes some people uncomfortable, that doesn’t mean it is ok for a white person to try to control how it is used, just like it wasn’t ok for a white person to make it a slur against blacks. The word is under new management now.
And it sure does add a ring to rap songs.
- Comment on Meow 3 weeks ago:
Here’s a non-paywalled PDF:
- Comment on Meow 3 weeks ago:
Here you go:
- Comment on Meow 3 weeks ago:
Here’s a study from Oklahoma State University specifically talking about the effects of mainland cats in contrast to island cats:
“Our review shows overwhelming evidence that, beyond causing island extinctions, where there were no native predators, and massive numbers of mainland wildlife deaths, cats can exert multiple types of harmful impacts on mainland wildlife species that are reflected at the population level,”
- Comment on Tried to watch The French Connection... 😠 3 weeks ago:
Never underestimate the mechanical eyes.
- Comment on Meow 3 weeks ago:
True, but that article says that over 350 of their prey species are at risk species, and that several of those are suspected to already be extinct.
I love cats—I think most people should have them—just be responsible with your furry murderers.
- Comment on Meow 3 weeks ago:
It does. Travel to a 3rd world country and look at the difference. Dogs and cats everywhere due to no cultural expectation to keep them indoors or neuter them.
Here is an article better clarifying the effect of our cute little killing machines:
- Comment on me too. 5 weeks ago:
Sounds like projection to me.
- Comment on Would you like to finance your hot chocolate with a loan set at 69% apr? 1 month ago:
I think you misunderstood me. A price disparity for the same item and insane financing schemes are both byproducts of capitalism, not byproducts of each other.
- Comment on Would you like to finance your hot chocolate with a loan set at 69% apr? 1 month ago:
What is displayed here is a price disparity for the same item. The top bar of the gif identifies this as a side effect of capitalism. The title is talking about insane financing schemes which are also perceived as a side effect of capitalism. That is how they are related, pretty sure OP is making a joke with the 69% reference. The whole mood says “capitalism bad”.
- Comment on Heartthrob with the flying elbow 1 month ago:
I just mean that Ted doesn’t suddenly have long hair and more chins than usual.
- Comment on Heartthrob with the flying elbow 1 month ago:
It isn’t.
- Comment on If a criminal says a cop planted drugs or whatever on them why don't they ask for a finger print test? And vice versa a cop could also request it to clear up everything? 2 months ago:
Not true. In Japan you are often guilty until proven innocent—they can hold you for almost a month for an accusation alone.
- Comment on If a criminal says a cop planted drugs or whatever on them why don't they ask for a finger print test? And vice versa a cop could also request it to clear up everything? 2 months ago:
America, The United States Of.
- Comment on The cost of college in USA makes no sense anymore 2 months ago:
We clearly went to different kinds of colleges.
- Comment on The cost of college in USA makes no sense anymore 2 months ago:
But if it’s just about conquering an ordeal, then there should be more variety. I’d rather kill Madusa than sit through a 4 year degree.
- Comment on And because you deserve it, here's one from the top shelf 2 months ago:
It’s impossible to understate how much everything hurts.
- Comment on And because you deserve it, here's one from the top shelf 2 months ago:
Well, then, pro tip: take an allergy pill, it will keep you from itching too much on your first go.
- Comment on Capricorn Two 2 months ago:
If Mythbusters taught me anything, the right answer is to blow it up.
- Comment on And because you deserve it, here's one from the top shelf 2 months ago:
I see now, I missed that qualifier.
If anyone out there is considering heroin, I’d highly recommend giving it a pass. It makes you feel fearless (William Burroughs called it being the “de-anxietized man”), but it also removes all feelings of remorse and regret, until you inevitably become an insufferable asshole. The addiction creeps in slowly, so you don’t feel it for weeks or months, and then one day, you can’t wake up without it.
If you think this story won’t be you, think again. I once thought the same. I’ve been clean now for 15 years, but it still lurks in my mind sometimes.
- Comment on And because you deserve it, here's one from the top shelf 2 months ago:
You sound like you’ve never experienced heroin withdrawal before. Sick is an understatement. It’s more like legs thrashing, everything hurts, you are simultaneously hungry and not hungry, puking, crying…every negative feeling wrapped into one, and the entire time you have the knowledge that one more fix would take it away instantly. That week feels like a year, and everything gets reduced to a second by second basis.
I’ll take my “being bummed I don’t have weed” psychological addiction any day.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I hear so many opportunities in there. He likes painting, you like woodworking, make wood panels to paint and design the ideas together—you could even paint them while camping and drawing inspiration from what you see. You like gardening, he likes cooking, collaborate on home grown meals together. Hell, you can even design an elaborate garden in the Sims.
There are opportunities to step into each others world and see what fits, but you have to step into his just as much as he steps into yours.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Honestly, from the large list of things you mentioned he likes that you struggle with, and you saying that it would be easy for you to connect with Counter Strike even though other games are on his list, I’m wondering if you are emotionally cut off from your sensitive and creative side. That would definitely make a sensitive and creative kid feel a little lost around you.
Ever been in therapy?
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
You’re telling me you can’t appreciate art, eating food your son has made, or playing a simple game like the Sims or Minecraft? What do you like then?
And if he’s like his mother, how do you get along with her?