Theres also a Lutris:
Don’t tell Nintendo I played Star Fox today at 120fps.
Submitted 2 months ago by to
Theres also a Lutris:
Don’t tell Nintendo I played Star Fox today at 120fps.
Nintendo lawsuit incoming in 3…2…1…
I have no idea why people do this.
I mean, I like a number of old Nintendo games too. But I just cannot imagine putting this kind of work into something like this, where it’s almost certainly going to get taken down.
The worst is when people do things like create unauthorized sequels to games and that gets taken down. Like, you could have gone and created your own game with your own setting.…/what_are_some_of_the_metroid_fan_gam…
Like, I like the Metroid series too. But if all the people who like the series enough to have created unauthorized sequels in the series had just used a different setting and characters to make their Metroidvania, we could have had a fantastic unencumbered series.
Just cuz Nintendo is a company run by bitch-made cum guzzlers doesn’t mean its fans should bend over like that. It used to be that kids loved Mario and sonic, so they made a shit ton of Mario and sonic flash games. That’s good, creative, harmless, and gets attention because of the brand fandom.
Sometimes you’re just passionate about something and want to share it. Maybe they were passionate aboutthat specific setting. Ever hear of fan fiction? Luckily, you can’t really take things down once they’re online. They can always be found, the more popular the easier it is to find.
Ship of Harkinian, OoT port, has been up for a long while already. and the Mario and OoT decomp have been up on GitHub for years. Nintendo has no legal ground to sue this project since they aren’t breaking any law, unlike many of the fan projects who are using Nintendo’s IP unauthorized.
Man. When I was younger I couldn’t get into Star Fox 64 on my 3DS. Maybe I should give it a try again. Is it the kind of thing where the PC Port is the better way to play it or should I play it on original hardware? 2 months ago
That smoke you see in the distance is actually steam rising from Japan’s numerous nuclear plants as they prepare for the incoming demand from the armada of fax machines about to be turned on at Nintendo’s lawyer’s offices. 2 months ago
I like to play the Ocarina of Time port on my Switch for extra “pissing off Nintendo” points. 2 months ago
The port is legal. The trick is that it doesn’t include any Nintendo IP-- you have to supply your own ROM