- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
There is no continuity. We don’t have bodies, we are bodies. There is no independent ‘self’ to be moved around seperately from the physical stuff.
- Comment on Will Mission: Impossible, Jurassic World, Superman Save the Box Office? 1 week ago:
Uh, what year is it?
- Comment on Pick the best description of your parents and see if you turned out as predicted 2 weeks ago:
Where’s Workaholic Dad who only comes around when your Mom who doesn’t really care if you lived or died unless you’re making her look good/bad to her friends asks him to beat you.
- Comment on This is in a small convenience store where you can buy food things and heat them up while in the store 1 month ago:
Drug tests. A lot of cups have a temperature sensor to foil would be fakers bringing someone else’s pee with them.
- Comment on Fan-made PC port of Star Fox 64 is out now 2 months ago:
That smoke you see in the distance is actually steam rising from Japan’s numerous nuclear plants as they prepare for the incoming demand from the armada of fax machines about to be turned on at Nintendo’s lawyer’s offices.
- Comment on 7 days to die is no longer Early Access, but still looks like this 4 months ago:
How is this even a real complaint?
It’s like people have completely forgotten the sheer volume of great games made before graphics like this would have been the best ever. Some of the all time classics use ASCII art for christs sake.
If this is your lead out, the biggest, baddest, most serious complaint you could come up with, must be a pretty solid game at worst.
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape 4 months ago:
You do realize you’re the probelm right? The only vote that matters is the one you make with your wallet, and you voted the subscription hikes are ok.
- Comment on $250 Analogue 3D will play all your N64 cartridges in 4K early next year 4 months ago:
If there is any type of authentication between the cartridge and console that gets bypassed, that would technically be a violation of the circumvention portion DMCA. They have used this exact tactic before and that kind of authentication has been used as long ago as the og NES.
- Comment on $250 Analogue 3D will play all your N64 cartridges in 4K early next year 4 months ago:
Yeah, just because they haven’t, doesn’t mean they can’t.
- Comment on Google is testing verified checkmarks in search 4 months ago:
Thus forcing everone to wonder why, if they believe some results are fraudelent, they are showing them to us at all.
- Comment on Nintendo filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair, Inc. 5 months ago:
This game was on track to be forgotten
Game is just outside the top 50 on steam and had a major content release at the end of June. This ‘game is dying’-because-it-didn’t-indefinitely sustain-player-counts-in-the-top-10 meme is dumb as hell.
- Comment on Gearbox founder says Epic Games Store hopes were “misplaced or overly optimistic” 6 months ago:
Honestly AAA studios don’t even exist anymore. Is there any gaming studio making multipe $60 games per year you can name where you would vouch for the quality of their games solely on the basis of who made it?
Maybe some first party console games(and even then only some series), but nothing for PC.
- Comment on Jesus take the wheel 7 months ago:
Must be in New Jersey