- Comment on Technically correct, the best kind of correct 2 weeks ago:
What’s 9 in base pi?
- Comment on fck yea 3 weeks ago:
(Intro) This speech is my recital, I think it’s very vital To get it right, the endpoint’s white— Titrate! Titrate! Here we go!
(Chorus) It’s tricky to turn it white, to turn it white would be real tight Let’s titrate! Titrate! Titrate! Titrate! It’s tricky to turn it white, to turn it white would be real tight Titrate! T-t-t-titrate! Titrate!
(Verse 1) I set up in the lab, a burette in my hand A flask of acid, now add the base, it’s goin’ just as planned But if I go too far, then I will lose my star So I drop it slow, watch it flow, ‘til the pink is out that doh’!
(Chorus) It’s tricky to turn it white, to turn it white would be real tight Lets titrate! Titrate! Titrate! Titrate! It’s tricky to turn it white, to turn it white would be real tight Titrate! T-t-t-titrate! Titrate!
(Verse 2) In the lab, we gotta grab some phenolphthalein One drop too much, the shade will clutch, and wreck the whole routine! The pH curve is steeper when you’re near that equivalence point So add it slow—just one more drop mo’, and then we’re out this joint!
(Chorus) It’s tricky to turn it white, to turn it white would be real tight Let’s titrate! Titrate! Titrate! Titrate! It’s tricky to turn it white, to turn it white would be real tight Titrate! T-t-t-titrate! Titrate! Titrate!
(Outro) We don’t quit, y’all, keep that pipette Keep on drop-drop-drippin’ 'Cause this is it!
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 5 weeks ago:
Great read, thanks for thoughtful content
- Comment on Does the US really have no instruments in case a newly elected president immediatelly and openly exposes he's a nazi? 5 weeks ago:
Capitalism is defederating power, otherwise youll end up centralizing power and end up under some form of authoritarianism. We have all these elites because of privaleges granted by the state, not capitalism. We need less state if we want more equality.
- Comment on Fan-made PC port of Star Fox 64 is out now 2 months ago:
Sometimes you’re just passionate about something and want to share it. Maybe they were passionate aboutthat specific setting. Ever hear of fan fiction? Luckily, you can’t really take things down once they’re online. They can always be found, the more popular the easier it is to find.
- Comment on Anon hates smartphones 2 months ago:
none of those items listed are impossible communism. Its smartphones that suck
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 2 months ago:
I’d like to see this redone using energy instead of power. E.g is 2,400 watts during the initial heatup or when the oven reaches stable temperature? They’re not taking into account the time change either.
- Comment on Anon doesn't tip 3 months ago:
I hate that argument though. “You shouldn’t enjoy things because you should pay more than the advertised, because that’s just how things are”. Change doesn’t happen unless change happens. Basically, if you want tipping culture to change, you actually have to start changing tipping culture.
- Comment on Realistically... How fucked is the US? 3 months ago:
Air pollution is about protecting an individuals property, not the air itself: lungs, orchards, fields, etc. Air is simply how the property damage was delivered. So, no one owns the air, but property damage dealt through the air should be pursued in court, like any other property damage.
And let’s not kid ourselves that the government has real incentive to reduce pollution. Overnight, someone like Trump gets put in charge and happily encourages the poisoning of the environment and individuals can’t sue in court, because the government said it was ok to pollute.
- Comment on Realistically... How fucked is the US? 3 months ago:
Pollution is a property rights issue, don’t need anything beyond private property rights and a court system to cover that. Price fixing is caused by government created barriers to entry, artificially restricting competition. In other words, price fixing is a problem caused by government overreach, so obviously government isn’t the solution.
- Comment on Realistically... How fucked is the US? 3 months ago:
I don’t disagree, I just hope people of different views can come together and see that decentralizing the power structure might be worth considering if you don’t like the amount of power we handed one man. That means cutting the federal government and moving those programs to local government, private charities, or the bin.
- Comment on Realistically... How fucked is the US? 3 months ago:
Open your eyes. Corporations already heavily influence policy. Stop making that possible by decentralizing the power!
- Comment on Realistically... How fucked is the US? 3 months ago:
Read the comments and note the downvotes, sir. I’m definitely in the minority here. Therefore I would dare suggest it is in fact you who are the thoughtless parrot here. Governments are corrupt and incompetant organizations, and the bigger they become, the more corrupt and incompetant they are. If you truly are concerned that a single man can wreck such damage, you need to understand that is only possible because people like you have built up an organization that holds far too much power. The obvious solution is to shrink the scope of that organization so that a single maniac can’t do so much damage.
Big government is to blame for Trump having so much power. Learn, or be doomed to see history repeat itself.
- Comment on Realistically... How fucked is the US? 3 months ago:
- Comment on Could Joe Biden use his remaining time as president of the US to do away with presidential pardons? 3 months ago:
This is why executive orders are dumb.
- Comment on Realistically... How fucked is the US? 3 months ago:
How does deregulation cause economic damage? Its literally the opposite.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 3 months ago:
vote against this and save us all from this idiocy.
Nope. There was just more people lined up to vote for more idiocy. We failed the world. I’d say I’m sorry, but I don’t think that’ll help. This is America.
America needs to focus on decentralizing power. That way, when the other side wins, they can’t do much damage. Biggest problem America faces is too much centralized control.
- Comment on 🍃 🐑 3 months ago:
Lol, grass types live in the forest.
- Comment on 🍃 🐑 3 months ago:
Pass. Charmader would wreck this guy.
- Comment on If you eat nothing but smoothies, do you still poop? 3 months ago:
I mean. Babies drink just milk and they still poop.
- Comment on Cognitive Biases 4 months ago:
As long as the paper has the experiment well documented and it’s double blind, you don’t need to appeal to authority.
- Comment on Cognitive Biases 4 months ago:
How to develop the mental discipline to jump to naming the bias in emotional situations like that though??
- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 4 months ago:
My understanding is that they consider it ok to kill someone who committed a heinous crime but not ok to kill someone who is completely innocent.
- Comment on This has been playing on an endless loop in hell since 1958. 4 months ago:
It’s not too bad actually
- Comment on Aussie Government announces Loot Box and Gambling content classification changes - Vooks 5 months ago:
Government governing = censor fake gambling and allow loot boxes? Does everyone in Australia agree with you? I know at least dozens who don’t. Dozens!
- Comment on Aussie Government announces Loot Box and Gambling content classification changes - Vooks 5 months ago:
Plan on coming back, mate!
- Comment on Aussie Government announces Loot Box and Gambling content classification changes - Vooks 5 months ago:
I lived in Melbourne for many years.
- Comment on Aussie Government announces Loot Box and Gambling content classification changes - Vooks 5 months ago:
Thank you government for protecting our children from Pokémon slots. I for one, can trace back my life going downhill to the exact moment I played slots in Pokémon red to get a Porygon. I often wonder what my life would be like if I hadn’t been introduced to such contemptible content at such a young age. Thanks to strong government oversight, our children won’t have to suffer these horrors.
- Comment on Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons 5 months ago:
AI can allow non artist to output art that’s somewhere between terrible and mediocre.
AI can allow a great artist to dramatically increase their output and therefore revenue.
AI can’t really help mediocre artists much.
Luddites going to luddite basically. This exact same fear occurs everything there’s a dramatic technology leap. Luddites like yourself will eventually quiet themselves.
- Comment on Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons 5 months ago:
Only art where you gather natural pigments with human hands, mix them yourself on a surface you made yourself out of fibers you gathered yourself shall be acceptable. Everything else isn’t actual art and is costing millions their jobs.
You know what’s funny? Professional artists probably use AI more than anyone. If not, they’re dumb. Why wouldn’t you use a tool that can 10x your output?