Phew! This last day there have been some pretty toxic comments on Aussie Zone from people from other instances.
Is it just me noticing or have there been more than usual today?
Starting to understand beehaws move to a more private setting a while back.
^note: i’m not calling for anything, just venting my spleen^ 2 months ago
I, for one, support more activity and more viewpoints being presented.
Getting pretty sick of every social media platform turning in to an echo chamber as people (or algorithms) filter out everything they don’t agree with. 2 months ago
I agree with More voices is great, but only if they’re actually engaging in good faith. Launching into an argument saying abortion is murder is prima facie bad faith, but I tried engaging with that user multiple times just in case they were just ill-informed, until it became absolutely clear they were not veering away from their predetermined script. 2 months ago
While I do agree, and more representation is excellent for a healthy debate, it was also quite a rude awakening this morning to read a “fuck you evil people and your abortions” type comment. I think we need to be very careful blocking whole instances, but some people can just fuck off. Maybe more tools for moderation could be beneficial?
It would be interesting to see if we could have admins alerted on early indicators of spam/bots/idiots, e.g. an account made in the past few days has a high downvote ratio, or a dead account suddenly starts high volume comments/posts. Not sure how you’d do it exactly, but it would be interesting to take a look at the application logs and see if it could be fed into a SIEM platform to create these alerts. Then again there’s probably a much better way I don’t know haha. 2 months ago
maybe they aren’t even people, maybe they are political bots