- Comment on Users from Other Instances 3 months ago:
While I do agree, and more representation is excellent for a healthy debate, it was also quite a rude awakening this morning to read a “fuck you evil people and your abortions” type comment. I think we need to be very careful blocking whole instances, but some people can just fuck off. Maybe more tools for moderation could be beneficial?
It would be interesting to see if we could have admins alerted on early indicators of spam/bots/idiots, e.g. an account made in the past few days has a high downvote ratio, or a dead account suddenly starts high volume comments/posts. Not sure how you’d do it exactly, but it would be interesting to take a look at the application logs and see if it could be fed into a SIEM platform to create these alerts. Then again there’s probably a much better way I don’t know haha.
- Comment on Social media users probably won't read beyond this headline, researchers say 4 months ago:
On places like Bluesky, most articles, videos or news content I’d share would have more to do with how much I trust the person posting or sharing it than with its main body of content. I figure that someone I value has read it, and so I skip it, because reading it would feel like work and I have to deal with enough of that as it is. Not to mention, “You won’t believe this one cool thing!” type headlines (like this one) are classic clickbaiting, and nobody wants to read a 10 page article that’s basically just advertising.
- Comment on have you ever been given a warning or suspension for using profane language at work? 4 months ago:
It’s pretty common in Australia, so long as we’re not swearing at people nobody gives a fuck. I’d say unless your manager has mentioned it to you, it’s not a huge deal.
- Comment on How do I alleviate bitterness due to lack of intimacy? 6 months ago:
I think they mean to ask for honest feedback, it’s quite possible your lack of success is linked to the mindset you have. Expecting to fail us one of the most common reasons to fail, but knowing that success requires a lot of failure is a much healthier approach.
Have you you tried therapy to work through some of these issues? It’s helped me quite a lot
- Comment on Has anyone tried Proton VPN? 6 months ago:
While it’s a pretty good vpn all round that’s super easy to set and forget, I’ve been having issues the last ~6 months in Australia with the CIDR ranges getting blocked by Google, Reddit, and the like. It’s annoying to have it run fine for a few days, then suddenly have every second thing I do needing to solve a captcha for it.
Try the freemium tier for a while and see if it works for you - I may be wrong and you’ll run a whole month with nothing, but never hurts to verify.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 28th 7 months ago:
Yeah I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad game honestly, the worst it gets is when the bots spike again and people start raging
- Comment on Controller help 10 months ago:
Yeah ps4 works a charm, the hard part for me was figuring out why an Xbox controller didn’t. Turns out some of the older models had deprecated Bluetooth that it couldn’t connect to, so went with a ps4 one instead.