Food workers are about two and a half times more likely to be food insecure than workers in other sectors of the economy
I’m a mechanic and I can’t afford it.
Affording that trash isn’t even your problem. If it isn’t economical, it’s theirs for not pricing it correctly.
Let it Mcfail so Mcbetter restaurant can be Mcbuilt there. 3 months ago
"It’s supposed to be a low earning job for kids. If you can’t find a better job, you deserve to starve." 3 months ago
Or my favorite. EMTs only get $15/hr. You think fast food workers should make as much as them?
No you asshole. EMTs should make more than that. Why aren’t you fighting for everyone to make more? 3 months ago
Low EMT pay boils my blood. I have a friend who is a career EMT and the fact that he doesn’t get paid enough for what is a back-breaking and emotionally-tolling job is enraging. He works harder than any CEO, that’s for sure. 3 months ago
Despite the upvotes and the BS second sentence I am going to agree with “It’s supposed to be a low earning job for kids.” Just like caddy at a golf course, and many others. The fact that our society is so broken people are forced to take these jobs and try to make a living underlines hundreds of other problems. I would rather see us fix all the others issues limiting the number of living wage jobs than worry about the pay of one sector. If that happened the fast food jobs would either be filled by “kids” or have to up wages to get any employees solving the fast food pay issue as well. just like says below things like “EMTs only get $15/hr” being fixed along with unemployment rates would go a long way. 3 months ago
Here’s the problem with “it’s supposed to be a low wage job for kids”, the vast majority of operating hours for fast food is either when kids are at school, or when they’re sleeping / studying.
Fast food jobs were actual living wage jobs before chucklefucks tried to manipulate society into thinking it’s only a shit wage, kids-only job.